And vice-versa, but it's better to use '/' for portability. Notably, standardPreferredContent contains "archive/*" and that might not match if the filename ends up coming in with the slashes the other way around.
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{- git-annex metadata
- Copyright 2014-2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.MetaData (
module X
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Types.MetaData as X
import Annex.MetaData.StandardFields as X
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.CatFile
import Utility.Glob
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
{- Adds metadata for a file that has just been ingested into the
- annex, but has not yet been committed to git.
- When the file has been modified, the metadata is copied over
- from the old key to the new key. Note that it looks at the old key as
- committed to HEAD -- the new key may or may not have already been staged
- in the index.
- Also, can generate new metadata, if configured to do so.
genMetaData :: Key -> RawFilePath -> FileStatus -> Annex ()
genMetaData key file status = do
catKeyFileHEAD file >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just oldkey ->
-- Have to copy first, before adding any
-- more metadata, because copyMetaData does not
-- preserve any metadata already on key.
whenM (copyMetaData oldkey key <&&> (not <$> onlydatemeta oldkey)) $
whenM (annexGenMetaData <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ do
old <- getCurrentMetaData key
addMetaData key (dateMetaData mtime old)
mtime = posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac $ modificationTime status
warncopied = warning $
"Copied metadata from old version of " ++ fromRawFilePath file ++ " to new version. " ++
"If you don't want this copied metadata, run: git annex metadata --remove-all " ++ fromRawFilePath file
-- If the only fields copied were date metadata, and they'll
-- be overwritten with the current mtime, no need to warn about
-- copying.
onlydatemeta oldkey = ifM (annexGenMetaData <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( null . filter (not . isDateMetaField . fst) . fromMetaData
<$> getCurrentMetaData oldkey
, return False
{- Generates metadata for a file's date stamp.
- Any date fields in the old metadata will be overwritten.
- Note that the returned MetaData does not contain all the input MetaData,
- only changes to add the date fields. -}
dateMetaData :: UTCTime -> MetaData -> MetaData
dateMetaData mtime old = modMeta old $
(SetMeta yearMetaField $ S.singleton $ toMetaValue $ encodeBS' $ show y)
(SetMeta monthMetaField $ S.singleton $ toMetaValue $ encodeBS' $ show m)
(SetMeta dayMetaField $ S.singleton $ toMetaValue $ encodeBS' $ show d)
(y, m, d) = toGregorian $ utctDay mtime
{- Parses field=value, field+=value, field-=value, field?=value -}
parseModMeta :: String -> Either String ModMeta
parseModMeta p = case lastMaybe f of
Just '+' -> AddMeta <$> mkMetaField (T.pack f') <*> v
Just '-' -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField (T.pack f') <*> (Just <$> v)
Just '?' -> MaybeSetMeta <$> mkMetaField (T.pack f') <*> v
_ -> SetMeta <$> mkMetaField (T.pack f) <*> (S.singleton <$> v)
(f, sv) = separate (== '=') p
f' = beginning f
v = pure (toMetaValue (encodeBS sv))
{- Parses field=value, field<value, field<=value, field>value, field>=value -}
parseMetaDataMatcher :: String -> Either String (MetaField, MetaValue -> Bool)
parseMetaDataMatcher p = (,)
<$> mkMetaField (T.pack f)
<*> pure matcher
(f, op_v) = break (`elem` "=<>") p
matcher = case op_v of
('=':v) -> checkglob v
('<':'=':v) -> checkcmp (<=) v
('<':v) -> checkcmp (<) v
('>':'=':v) -> checkcmp (>=) v
('>':v) -> checkcmp (>) v
_ -> checkglob ""
checkglob v =
let cglob = compileGlob v CaseInsensative (GlobFilePath False)
in matchGlob cglob . decodeBS . fromMetaValue
checkcmp cmp v v' = case (doubleval v, doubleval (decodeBS (fromMetaValue v'))) of
(Just d, Just d') -> d' `cmp` d
_ -> False
doubleval v = readish v :: Maybe Double