230 lines
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230 lines
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{- git-annex special remote configuration
- Copyright 2019-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Annex.SpecialRemote.Config where
import Common
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfigField, RemoteConfig)
import Types.UUID
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import Types.RemoteConfig
import Config
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Stack
newtype Sameas t = Sameas t
deriving (Show)
newtype ConfigFrom t = ConfigFrom t
deriving (Show)
{- The name of a configured remote is stored in its config using this key. -}
nameField :: RemoteConfigField
nameField = Accepted "name"
{- The name of a sameas remote is stored using this key instead.
- This prevents old versions of git-annex getting confused. -}
sameasNameField :: RemoteConfigField
sameasNameField = Accepted "sameas-name"
lookupName :: RemoteConfig -> Maybe String
lookupName c = fmap fromProposedAccepted $
M.lookup nameField c <|> M.lookup sameasNameField c
instance RemoteNameable RemoteConfig where
getRemoteName c = fromMaybe "" (lookupName c)
{- The uuid that a sameas remote is the same as is stored in this key. -}
sameasUUIDField :: RemoteConfigField
sameasUUIDField = Accepted "sameas-uuid"
{- The type of a remote is stored in its config using this key. -}
typeField :: RemoteConfigField
typeField = Accepted "type"
autoEnableField :: RemoteConfigField
autoEnableField = Accepted "autoenable"
encryptionField :: RemoteConfigField
encryptionField = Accepted "encryption"
macField :: RemoteConfigField
macField = Accepted "mac"
cipherField :: RemoteConfigField
cipherField = Accepted "cipher"
cipherkeysField :: RemoteConfigField
cipherkeysField = Accepted "cipherkeys"
pubkeysField :: RemoteConfigField
pubkeysField = Accepted "pubkeys"
chunkField :: RemoteConfigField
chunkField = Accepted "chunk"
chunksizeField :: RemoteConfigField
chunksizeField = Accepted "chunksize"
embedCredsField :: RemoteConfigField
embedCredsField = Accepted "embedcreds"
exportTreeField :: RemoteConfigField
exportTreeField = Accepted "exporttree"
importTreeField :: RemoteConfigField
importTreeField = Accepted "importtree"
exportTree :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> Bool
exportTree = fromMaybe False . getRemoteConfigValue exportTreeField
importTree :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> Bool
importTree = fromMaybe False . getRemoteConfigValue importTreeField
{- Parsers for fields that are common to all special remotes. -}
commonFieldParsers :: [RemoteConfigFieldParser]
commonFieldParsers =
[ optionalStringParser nameField
, optionalStringParser sameasNameField
, optionalStringParser sameasUUIDField
, optionalStringParser typeField
, trueFalseParser autoEnableField False
{- A remote with sameas-uuid set will inherit these values from the config
- of that uuid. These values cannot be overridden in the remote's config. -}
sameasInherits :: S.Set RemoteConfigField
sameasInherits = S.fromList
-- encryption configuration is necessarily the same for two
-- remotes that access the same data store
[ encryptionField
, macField
, cipherField
, cipherkeysField
, pubkeysField
-- legacy chunking was either enabled or not, so has to be the same
-- across configs for remotes that access the same data
-- (new-style chunking does not have that limitation)
, chunksizeField
{- Each RemoteConfig that has a sameas-uuid inherits some fields
- from it. Such fields can only be set by inheritance; the RemoteConfig
- cannot provide values from them. -}
addSameasInherited :: M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteConfig
addSameasInherited m c = case findSameasUUID c of
Nothing -> c
Just (Sameas sameasuuid) -> case M.lookup sameasuuid m of
Nothing -> c
Just parentc ->
M.withoutKeys c sameasInherits
M.restrictKeys parentc sameasInherits
findSameasUUID :: RemoteConfig -> Maybe (Sameas UUID)
findSameasUUID c = Sameas . toUUID . fromProposedAccepted
<$> M.lookup sameasUUIDField c
{- Remove any fields inherited from a sameas-uuid. When storing a
- RemoteConfig, those fields don't get stored, since they were already
- inherited. -}
removeSameasInherited :: RemoteConfig -> RemoteConfig
removeSameasInherited c = case M.lookup sameasUUIDField c of
Nothing -> c
Just _ -> M.withoutKeys c sameasInherits
{- Finds remote uuids with matching RemoteConfig. -}
findByRemoteConfig :: (RemoteConfig -> Bool) -> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> [(UUID, RemoteConfig, Maybe (ConfigFrom UUID))]
findByRemoteConfig matching = map sameasuuid . filter (matching . snd) . M.toList
sameasuuid (u, c) = case M.lookup sameasUUIDField c of
Nothing -> (u, c, Nothing)
Just u' -> (toUUID (fromProposedAccepted u'), c, Just (ConfigFrom u))
{- Extracts a value from ParsedRemoteConfig. -}
getRemoteConfigValue :: HasCallStack => Typeable v => RemoteConfigField -> ParsedRemoteConfig -> Maybe v
getRemoteConfigValue f m = case M.lookup f m of
Just (RemoteConfigValue v) -> case cast v of
Just v' -> Just v'
Nothing -> error $ unwords
[ "getRemoteConfigValue"
, fromProposedAccepted f
, "found value of unexpected type"
, show (typeOf v) ++ "."
, "This is a bug in git-annex!"
Nothing -> Nothing
{- Gets all fields that remoteConfigRestPassthrough matched. -}
getRemoteConfigPassedThrough :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> M.Map RemoteConfigField String
getRemoteConfigPassedThrough = M.mapMaybe $ \v ->
case cast v of
Just (PassedThrough s) -> Just s
Nothing -> Nothing
newtype PassedThrough = PassedThrough String
parseRemoteConfig :: RemoteConfig -> RemoteConfigParser -> Either String ParsedRemoteConfig
parseRemoteConfig c rpc =
go [] (M.filterWithKey notaccepted c) (remoteConfigFieldParsers rpc ++ commonFieldParsers)
go l c' [] =
let (passover, leftovers) = partition
(remoteConfigRestPassthrough rpc . fst)
(M.toList c')
in if not (null leftovers)
then Left $ "Unexpected fields: " ++
unwords (map (fromProposedAccepted . fst) leftovers)
else Right $ M.fromList $
l ++ map (uncurry passthrough) passover
go l c' ((f, p):rest) = do
v <- p (M.lookup f c) c
case v of
Just v' -> go ((f,v'):l) (M.delete f c') rest
Nothing -> go l (M.delete f c') rest
passthrough f v = (f, RemoteConfigValue (PassedThrough (fromProposedAccepted v)))
notaccepted (Proposed _) _ = True
notaccepted (Accepted _) _ = False
optionalStringParser :: RemoteConfigField -> RemoteConfigFieldParser
optionalStringParser f = (f, p)
p (Just v) _c = Right (Just (RemoteConfigValue (fromProposedAccepted v)))
p Nothing _c = Right Nothing
yesNoParser :: RemoteConfigField -> Bool -> RemoteConfigFieldParser
yesNoParser = genParser yesNo "yes or no"
trueFalseParser :: RemoteConfigField -> Bool -> RemoteConfigFieldParser
trueFalseParser = genParser Git.Config.isTrueFalse "true or false"
:: Typeable t
=> (String -> Maybe t)
-> String -- ^ description of the value
-> RemoteConfigField
-> t -- ^ fallback value
-> RemoteConfigFieldParser
genParser parse desc f fallback = (f, p)
p Nothing _c = Right (Just (RemoteConfigValue fallback))
p (Just v) _c = case parse (fromProposedAccepted v) of
Just b -> Right (Just (RemoteConfigValue b))
Nothing -> case v of
Accepted _ -> Right (Just (RemoteConfigValue fallback))
Proposed _ -> Left $
"Bad value for " ++ fromProposedAccepted f ++
" (expected " ++ desc ++ ")"