Running git-annex linux builds in termux seems to work well enough that the only reason to keep the Android app would be to support Android 4-5, which the old Android app supported, and which I don't know if the termux method works on (although I see no reason why it would not). According to [1], Android 4-5 remains on around 29% of devices, down from 51% one year ago. [1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/271774/share-of-android-platforms-on-mobile-devices-with-android-os/ This is a rather large commit, but mostly very straightfoward removal of android ifdefs and patches and associated cruft. Also, removed support for building with very old ghc < 8.0.1, and with yesod < 1.4.3, and without concurrent-output, which were only being used by the cross build. Some documentation specific to the Android app (screenshots etc) needs to be updated still. This commit was sponsored by Brett Eisenberg on Patreon.
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{- Assistant installation
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.Install where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Install.AutoStart
import Config.Files
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.Shell
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Env
import Utility.SshConfig
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
import Utility.OSX
import Utility.FreeDesktop
import Assistant.Install.Menu
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Android
standaloneAppBase :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
standaloneAppBase = getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_APP_BASE"
{- The standalone app does not have an installation process.
- So when it's run, it needs to set up autostarting of the assistant
- daemon, as well as writing the programFile, and putting the
- git-annex-shell and git-annex-wrapper wrapper scripts into ~/.ssh
- Note that this is done every time it's started, so if the user moves
- it around, the paths this sets up won't break.
- File manager hook script installation is done even for
- packaged apps, since it has to go into the user's home directory.
ensureInstalled :: IO ()
ensureInstalled = ifM (isJust <$> getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL")
( go Nothing
, go =<< standaloneAppBase
go Nothing = installFileManagerHooks "git-annex"
go (Just base) = do
let program = base </> "git-annex"
programfile <- programFile
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir programfile)
writeFile programfile program
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
autostartfile <- userAutoStart osxAutoStartLabel
installAutoStart program autostartfile
ifM osAndroid
( do
-- Integration with the Termux:Boot app.
home <- myHomeDir
let bootfile = home </> ".termux" </> "boot" </> "git-annex"
unlessM (doesFileExist bootfile) $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory bootfile)
writeFile bootfile "git-annex assistant --autostart"
, do
menufile <- desktopMenuFilePath "git-annex" <$> userDataDir
icondir <- iconDir <$> userDataDir
installMenu program menufile base icondir
autostartfile <- autoStartPath "git-annex" <$> userConfigDir
installAutoStart program autostartfile
sshdir <- sshDir
let runshell var = "exec " ++ base </> "runshell " ++ var
let rungitannexshell var = runshell $ "git-annex-shell -c \"" ++ var ++ "\""
installWrapper (sshdir </> "git-annex-shell") $ unlines
[ shebang
, "set -e"
, "if [ \"x$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
, rungitannexshell "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
, "else"
, rungitannexshell "$@"
, "fi"
installWrapper (sshdir </> "git-annex-wrapper") $ unlines
[ shebang
, "set -e"
, runshell "\"$@\""
installFileManagerHooks program
installWrapper :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
installWrapper file content = do
curr <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readFileStrict file
when (curr /= content) $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
viaTmp writeFile file content
modifyFileMode file $ addModes [ownerExecuteMode]
installFileManagerHooks :: FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef linux_HOST_OS
installFileManagerHooks program = unlessM osAndroid $ do
let actions = ["get", "drop", "undo"]
-- Gnome
nautilusScriptdir <- (\d -> d </> "nautilus" </> "scripts") <$> userDataDir
createDirectoryIfMissing True nautilusScriptdir
forM_ actions $
genNautilusScript nautilusScriptdir
-- KDE
userdata <- userDataDir
let kdeServiceMenusdir = userdata </> "kservices5" </> "ServiceMenus"
createDirectoryIfMissing True kdeServiceMenusdir
writeFile (kdeServiceMenusdir </> "git-annex.desktop")
(kdeDesktopFile actions)
genNautilusScript scriptdir action =
installscript (scriptdir </> scriptname action) $ unlines
[ shebang
, autoaddedcomment
, "exec " ++ program ++ " " ++ action ++ " --notify-start --notify-finish -- \"$@\""
scriptname action = "git-annex " ++ action
installscript f c = whenM (safetoinstallscript f) $ do
writeFile f c
modifyFileMode f $ addModes [ownerExecuteMode]
safetoinstallscript f = catchDefaultIO True $
elem autoaddedcomment . lines <$> readFileStrict f
autoaddedcomment = "# " ++ autoaddedmsg ++ " (To disable, chmod 600 this file.)"
autoaddedmsg = "Automatically added by git-annex, do not edit."
kdeDesktopFile actions = unlines $ concat $
kdeDesktopHeader actions : map kdeDesktopAction actions
kdeDesktopHeader actions =
[ "# " ++ autoaddedmsg
, "[Desktop Entry]"
, "Type=Service"
, "ServiceTypes=all/allfiles"
, "MimeType=all/all;"
, "Actions=" ++ intercalate ";" (map kdeDesktopSection actions)
, "X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel"
, "X-KDE-Submenu=Git-Annex"
, "X-KDE-Icon=git-annex"
, "X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin"
kdeDesktopSection command = "GitAnnex" ++ command
kdeDesktopAction command =
[ ""
, "[Desktop Action " ++ kdeDesktopSection command ++ "]"
, "Name=" ++ command
, "Icon=git-annex"
, unwords
[ "Exec=sh -c 'cd \"$(dirname \"$1\")\" &&"
, program
, command
, "--notify-start --notify-finish -- \"$1\"'"
, "false" -- this becomes $0 in sh, so unused
, "%f"
installFileManagerHooks _ = noop
{- Returns a cleaned up environment that lacks settings used to make the
- standalone builds use their bundled libraries and programs.
- Useful when calling programs not included in the standalone builds.
- For a non-standalone build, returns Nothing.
cleanEnvironment :: IO (Maybe [(String, String)])
cleanEnvironment = clean <$> getEnvironment
clean environ
| null vars = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ catMaybes $ map (restoreorig environ) environ
| otherwise = Nothing
vars = words $ fromMaybe "" $
lookup "GIT_ANNEX_STANDLONE_ENV" environ
restoreorig oldenviron p@(k, _v)
| k `elem` vars = case lookup ("ORIG_" ++ k) oldenviron of
(Just v')
| not (null v') -> Just (k, v')
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Just p