This removes versionedExport, which was only used by the S3 special remote. Instead, versionedexport=yes is a common way for remotes to indicate that they are versioned.
624 lines
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624 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2017-2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.Export where
import Command
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.DiffTree
import qualified Git.LsTree
import qualified Git.Tree
import qualified Git.Ref
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Git.Sha
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Types.Remote
import Types.Export
import Annex.Export
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Transfer
import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.RemoteTrackingBranch
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Export
import Logs.PreferredContent
import Database.Export
import Config
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Matcher
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Concurrent
cmd :: Command
cmd = withAnnexOptions [jobsOption, jsonOptions, jsonProgressOption] $
command "export" SectionCommon
"export a tree of files to a special remote"
paramTreeish (seek <$$> optParser)
data ExportOptions = ExportOptions
{ exportTreeish :: Git.Ref
-- ^ can be a tree, a branch, a commit, or a tag
, exportRemote :: DeferredParse Remote
, sourceRemote :: [DeferredParse Remote]
, exportTracking :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ExportOptions
optParser _ = ExportOptions
<$> (Git.Ref <$> parsetreeish)
<*> (mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseToOption)
<*> many (mkParseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption)
<*> parsetracking
parsetreeish = argument str
( metavar paramTreeish
parsetracking = switch
( long "tracking"
<> help ("track changes to the " ++ paramTreeish ++ " (deprecated)")
-- To handle renames which swap files, the exported file is first renamed
-- to a stable temporary name based on the key.
exportTempName :: Key -> ExportLocation
exportTempName ek = mkExportLocation $ toRawFilePath $
".git-annex-tmp-content-" ++ serializeKey ek
seek :: ExportOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
r <- getParsed (exportRemote o)
unlessM (isExportSupported r) $
giveup "That remote does not support exports."
srcrs <- concat . Remote.byCost
<$> mapM getParsed (sourceRemote o)
-- handle deprecated option
when (exportTracking o) $
setConfig (remoteAnnexConfig r "tracking-branch")
(fromRef $ exportTreeish o)
tree <- filterExport r =<<
fromMaybe (giveup "unknown tree") <$>
inRepo (Git.Ref.tree (exportTreeish o))
mtbcommitsha <- getExportCommit r (exportTreeish o)
seekExport r tree mtbcommitsha srcrs
seekExport :: Remote -> ExportFiltered Git.Ref -> Maybe (RemoteTrackingBranch, Sha) -> [Remote] -> CommandSeek
seekExport r tree mtbcommitsha srcrs = do
db <- openDb (uuid r)
writeLockDbWhile db $ do
changeExport r db tree
unlessM (Annex.getRead Annex.fast) $ do
void $ fillExport r db tree mtbcommitsha srcrs
closeDb db
-- | When the treeish is a branch like master or refs/heads/master
-- (but not refs/remotes/...), find the commit it points to
-- and the corresponding remote tracking branch.
-- The treeish may also be a subdir within a branch, like master:subdir,
-- that results in this returning the same thing it does for the master
-- branch.
getExportCommit :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex (Maybe (RemoteTrackingBranch, Sha))
getExportCommit r treeish
| '/' `notElem` fromRef baseref = do
let tb = mkRemoteTrackingBranch r baseref
commitsha <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha $ Git.Ref.underBase refsheads baseref
return (fmap (tb, ) commitsha)
| otherwise = return Nothing
baseref = Ref $ S8.takeWhile (/= ':') $ fromRef' $
Git.Ref.removeBase refsheads treeish
refsheads = "refs/heads"
-- | Changes what's exported to the remote. Does not upload any new
-- files, but does delete and rename files already exported to the remote.
changeExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportFiltered Git.Ref -> CommandSeek
changeExport r db (ExportFiltered new) = do
old <- getExport (uuid r)
recordExportBeginning (uuid r) new
-- Clean up after incomplete export of a tree, in which
-- the next block of code below may have renamed some files to
-- temp files. Diff from the incomplete tree to the new tree,
-- and delete any temp files that the new tree can't use.
let recover diff = commandAction $
startRecoverIncomplete r db
(Git.DiffTree.srcsha diff)
(Git.DiffTree.file diff)
forM_ (incompleteExportedTreeishes old) $ \incomplete ->
mapdiff recover incomplete new
-- Diff the old and new trees, and delete or rename to new name all
-- changed files in the export. After this, every file that remains
-- in the export will have the content from the new treeish.
-- When there was an export conflict, this resolves it.
-- The ExportTree is also updated here to reflect the new tree.
case exportedTreeishes old of
[] -> updateExportTree db emptyTree new
[oldtreesha] -> do
diffmap <- mkDiffMap oldtreesha new db
let seekdiffmap a = mapM_ a (M.toList diffmap)
let disposeoldf = \ek oldf -> commandAction $
startDispose r db oldf ek
seekdiffmap $ \case
(ek, (oldf:oldfs, _newf:_)) -> do
commandAction $
startMoveToTempName r db oldf ek
forM_ oldfs (disposeoldf ek)
(ek, (oldfs, [])) ->
forM_ oldfs (disposeoldf ek)
(_ek, ([], _)) -> noop
-- Rename from temp to new files.
seekdiffmap $ \case
(ek, (_oldf:_, newf:_)) -> commandAction $
startMoveFromTempName r db ek newf
_ -> noop
ts -> do
warning "Resolving export conflict.."
forM_ ts $ \oldtreesha -> do
-- Unexport both the srcsha and the dstsha,
-- because the wrong content may have
-- been renamed to the dstsha due to the
-- export conflict.
let unexportboth d =
[ Git.DiffTree.srcsha d
, Git.DiffTree.dstsha d
-- Don't rename to temp, because the
-- content is unknown; delete instead.
(\diff -> commandAction $ startUnexport r db (Git.DiffTree.file diff) (unexportboth diff))
oldtreesha new
updateExportTree db emptyTree new
liftIO $ recordExportTreeCurrent db new
-- Waiting until now to record the export guarantees that,
-- if this export is interrupted, there are no files left over
-- from a previous export, that are not part of this export.
c <- Annex.getState Annex.errcounter
when (c == 0) $ do
recordExportUnderway (uuid r) $ ExportChange
{ oldTreeish = exportedTreeishes old
, newTreeish = new
mapdiff a oldtreesha newtreesha = do
(diff, cleanup) <- inRepo $
Git.DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive oldtreesha newtreesha
sequence_ $ map a diff
void $ liftIO cleanup
-- Map of old and new filenames for each changed Key in a diff.
type DiffMap = M.Map Key ([TopFilePath], [TopFilePath])
mkDiffMap :: Git.Ref -> Git.Ref -> ExportHandle -> Annex DiffMap
mkDiffMap old new db = do
(diff, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive old new
diffmap <- M.fromListWith combinedm . concat <$> forM diff mkdm
void $ liftIO cleanup
return diffmap
combinedm (srca, dsta) (srcb, dstb) = (srca ++ srcb, dsta ++ dstb)
mkdm i = do
srcek <- getek (Git.DiffTree.srcsha i)
dstek <- getek (Git.DiffTree.dstsha i)
updateExportTree' db srcek dstek i
return $ catMaybes
[ (, ([Git.DiffTree.file i], [])) <$> srcek
, (, ([], [Git.DiffTree.file i])) <$> dstek
getek sha
| sha `elem` nullShas = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> exportKey sha
newtype FileUploaded = FileUploaded { fromFileUploaded :: Bool }
newtype AllFilled = AllFilled { fromAllFilled :: Bool }
-- | Upload all exported files that are not yet in the remote.
-- Returns True when some files were uploaded (perhaps not all of them).
-- Once all exported files have reached the remote, updates the
-- remote tracking branch.
fillExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportFiltered Git.Ref -> Maybe (RemoteTrackingBranch, Sha) -> [Remote] -> Annex Bool
fillExport r db (ExportFiltered newtree) mtbcommitsha srcrs = do
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTree
(Git.LsTree.LsTreeLong False)
cvar <- liftIO $ newMVar (FileUploaded False)
allfilledvar <- liftIO $ newMVar (AllFilled True)
commandActions $
map (startExport r srcrs db cvar allfilledvar) l
void $ liftIO $ cleanup
case mtbcommitsha of
Nothing -> noop
Just (tb, commitsha) ->
whenM (liftIO $ fromAllFilled <$> takeMVar allfilledvar) $
makeRemoteTrackingBranchMergeCommit tb commitsha
>>= setRemoteTrackingBranch tb
liftIO $ fromFileUploaded <$> takeMVar cvar
startExport :: Remote -> [Remote] -> ExportHandle -> MVar FileUploaded -> MVar AllFilled -> Git.LsTree.TreeItem -> CommandStart
startExport r srcrs db cvar allfilledvar ti = do
ek <- exportKey (Git.LsTree.sha ti)
stopUnless (notrecordedpresent ek) $
starting ("export " ++ name r) ai si $
ifM (either (const False) id <$> tryNonAsync (checkPresentExport (exportActions r) ek loc))
( next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc False
, do
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ cvar (pure . const (FileUploaded True))
performExport r srcrs db ek af (Git.LsTree.sha ti) loc allfilledvar
loc = mkExportLocation f
f = getTopFilePath (Git.LsTree.file ti)
af = AssociatedFile (Just f)
ai = ActionItemTreeFile f
si = SeekInput []
notrecordedpresent ek =
ifM (liftIO $ notElem loc <$> getExportedLocation db ek)
( return True
-- When content was lost from the remote and
-- a fsck noticed that, the export db will still
-- list it as present in the remote. So also check
-- location tracking.
-- However, git sha keys do not have their locations
-- tracked, and fsck doesn't check them, so not
-- for those.
, if isGitShaKey ek
then return False
else notElem (uuid r) <$> loggedLocations ek
performExport :: Remote -> [Remote] -> ExportHandle -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Sha -> ExportLocation -> MVar AllFilled -> CommandPerform
performExport r srcrs db ek af contentsha loc allfilledvar = do
sent <- tryNonAsync $ if not (isGitShaKey ek)
then tryrenameannexobject $ sendannexobject
-- Sending a non-annexed file.
else withTmpFile "export" $ \tmp h -> do
b <- catObject contentsha
liftIO $ L.hPut h b
liftIO $ hClose h
Remote.action $
storer tmp ek loc nullMeterUpdate
let failedsend = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ allfilledvar (pure . const (AllFilled False))
case sent of
Right True -> next $ cleanupExport r db ek loc True
Right False -> do
Left err -> do
throwM err
storer = storeExport (exportActions r)
sendannexobject = ifM (inAnnex ek)
( sendlocalannexobject
, do
locs <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocations ek
case filter (\sr -> S.member (Remote.uuid sr) locs) srcrs of
[] -> do
showNote "not available"
return False
(srcr:_) -> getsendannexobject srcr
sendlocalannexobject = sendwith $ \p -> do
let rollback = void $
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
sendAnnex ek Nothing rollback $ \f _sz ->
Remote.action $
storer f ek loc p
sendwith a =
notifyTransfer Upload af $
-- alwaysUpload because the same key
-- could be used for more than one export
-- location, and concurrently uploading
-- of the content should still be allowed.
alwaysUpload (uuid r) ek af Nothing stdRetry a
-- Similar to Command.Move.fromToPerform, use a regular download
-- of a local copy, lock early, and drop the local copy after sending.
getsendannexobject srcr = do
showAction $ UnquotedString $ "from " ++ Remote.name srcr
ifM (notifyTransfer Download af $ download srcr ek af stdRetry)
( lockContentForRemoval ek (return False) $ \contentlock -> do
showAction $ UnquotedString $ "to " ++ Remote.name r
`finally` removeAnnex contentlock
, return False
tryrenameannexobject fallback
| annexObjects (Remote.config r) = do
case renameExport (exportActions r) of
Just renameaction -> do
locs <- loggedLocations ek
gc <- Annex.getGitConfig
let objloc = exportAnnexObjectLocation gc ek
if Remote.uuid r `elem` locs
then tryNonAsync (renameaction ek objloc loc) >>= \case
Right (Just ()) -> do
liftIO $ addExportedLocation db ek loc
liftIO $ flushDbQueue db
return True
Left _err -> fallback
Right Nothing -> fallback
else fallback
Nothing -> fallback
| otherwise = fallback
cleanupExport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanupExport r db ek loc sent = do
liftIO $ addExportedLocation db ek loc
when (sent && not (isGitShaKey ek)) $
logChange ek (uuid r) InfoPresent
return True
startUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> [Git.Sha] -> CommandStart
startUnexport r db f shas = do
eks <- forM (filter (`notElem` nullShas) shas) exportKey
if null eks
then stop
else starting ("unexport " ++ name r) ai si $
performUnexport r db eks loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
ai = ActionItemTreeFile f'
si = SeekInput []
-- Unlike a usual drop from a repository, this does not check that
-- numcopies is satisfied before removing the content. Typically an export
-- remote is untrusted, so would not count as a copy anyway.
-- Or, an export may be appendonly, and removing a file from it does
-- not really remove the content, which must be accessible later on.
performUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [Key] -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performUnexport r db eks loc = do
ifM (allM rm eks)
( next $ cleanupUnexport r db eks loc
, stop
rm ek = Remote.action $ removeExport (exportActions r) ek loc
cleanupUnexport :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> [Key] -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupUnexport r db eks loc = do
liftIO $ do
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
removeExportedLocation db ek loc
flushDbQueue db
-- A versioned remote supports removeExportLocation to remove
-- the file from the exported tree, but still retains the content
-- and allows retrieving it.
unless (isVersioning (Remote.config r)) $ do
remaininglocs <- liftIO $
concat <$> forM eks (getExportedLocation db)
when (null remaininglocs) $
forM_ eks $ \ek ->
-- When annexobject=true, a key that
-- was unexported may still be present
-- on the remote.
if annexObjects (Remote.config r)
then tryNonAsync (checkPresent r ek) >>= \case
Right False ->
logChange ek (uuid r) InfoMissing
_ -> noop
else logChange ek (uuid r) InfoMissing
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc eks
-- Dispose of an old exported file by either unexporting it, or by moving
-- it to the annexobjects location.
startDispose :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
startDispose r db f ek =
starting ("unexport " ++ name r) ai si $
if annexObjects (Remote.config r) && not (isGitShaKey ek)
then do
gc <- Annex.getGitConfig
performRename False r db ek loc
(exportAnnexObjectLocation gc ek)
else performUnexport r db [ek] loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
ai = ActionItemTreeFile f'
si = SeekInput []
startRecoverIncomplete :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Git.Sha -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startRecoverIncomplete r db sha oldf
| sha `elem` nullShas = stop
| otherwise = do
ek <- exportKey sha
let loc = exportTempName ek
let ai = ActionItemTreeFile (fromExportLocation loc)
let si = SeekInput []
starting ("unexport " ++ name r) ai si $ do
liftIO $ removeExportedLocation db ek oldloc
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
oldloc = mkExportLocation $ getTopFilePath oldf
startMoveToTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> TopFilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
startMoveToTempName r db f ek = case renameExport (exportActions r) of
Just _ -> starting ("rename " ++ name r) ai si $
performRename True r db ek loc tmploc
Nothing -> starting ("unexport " ++ name r) ai' si $
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
tmploc = exportTempName ek
ai = ActionItemOther $ Just $
QuotedPath f' <> " -> " <> QuotedPath (fromExportLocation tmploc)
ai' = ActionItemTreeFile (fromExportLocation loc)
si = SeekInput []
startMoveFromTempName :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Key -> TopFilePath -> CommandStart
startMoveFromTempName r db ek f = case renameExport (exportActions r) of
Just _ -> stopUnless (liftIO $ elem tmploc <$> getExportedLocation db ek) $
starting ("rename " ++ name r) ai si $
performRename True r db ek tmploc loc
Nothing -> starting ("unexport " ++ name r) ai' si $
performUnexport r db [ek] tmploc
loc = mkExportLocation f'
f' = getTopFilePath f
tmploc = exportTempName ek
ai = ActionItemOther $ Just $
QuotedPath (fromExportLocation tmploc) <> " -> " <> QuotedPath f'
ai' = ActionItemTreeFile (fromExportLocation tmploc)
si = SeekInput []
performRename :: Bool -> Remote -> ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandPerform
performRename warnonfail r db ek src dest = case renameExport (exportActions r) of
Just renameaction -> tryNonAsync (renameaction ek src dest) >>= \case
Right (Just ()) -> next $ cleanupRename r db ek src dest
Left err -> do
when warnonfail $
warning $ UnquotedString $
"rename failed (" ++ show err ++ "); deleting instead"
Right Nothing -> fallbackdelete
-- remote does not support renaming
Nothing -> fallbackdelete
fallbackdelete = performUnexport r db [ek] src
cleanupRename :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> CommandCleanup
cleanupRename r db ek src dest = do
liftIO $ do
removeExportedLocation db ek src
addExportedLocation db ek dest
flushDbQueue db
if exportDirectories src /= exportDirectories dest
then removeEmptyDirectories r db src [ek]
else return True
-- | Remove empty directories from the export. Call after removing an
-- exported file, and after calling removeExportLocation and flushing the
-- database.
removeEmptyDirectories :: Remote -> ExportHandle -> ExportLocation -> [Key] -> Annex Bool
removeEmptyDirectories r db loc ks
| null (exportDirectories loc) = return True
| otherwise = case removeExportDirectory (exportActions r) of
Nothing -> return True
Just removeexportdirectory -> do
ok <- allM (go removeexportdirectory)
(reverse (exportDirectories loc))
unless ok $ liftIO $ do
-- Add location back to export database,
-- so this is tried again next time.
forM_ ks $ \k ->
addExportedLocation db k loc
flushDbQueue db
return ok
go removeexportdirectory d =
ifM (liftIO $ isExportDirectoryEmpty db d)
( Remote.action $ removeexportdirectory d
, return True
-- | A value that has been filtered through the remote's preferred content
-- expression.
newtype ExportFiltered t = ExportFiltered t
-- | Filters the tree to annexed files that are preferred content of the
-- remote, and also including non-annexed files, but not submodules or
-- non-annexed symlinks.
-- A log is written with tree items that were filtered out, so they can
-- be added back in when importing from the remote.
filterExport :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex (ExportFiltered Git.Ref)
filterExport r tree = logExportExcluded (uuid r) $ \logwriter -> do
m <- preferredContentMap
case M.lookup (uuid r) m of
Just (matcher, matcherdesc) | not (isEmpty matcher) ->
ExportFiltered <$> go (Just (matcher, matcherdesc)) logwriter
_ -> ExportFiltered <$> go Nothing logwriter
go mmatcher logwriter = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
(check mmatcher logwriter)
(\_old new -> new)
check mmatcher logwriter ti@(Git.Tree.TreeItem topf mode sha) =
case toTreeItemType mode of
-- Don't export submodule entries.
Just TreeSubmodule -> excluded
Just TreeSymlink -> checkkey True
_ -> checkkey False
excluded = do
() <- liftIO $ logwriter ti
return Nothing
checkkey issymlink =
case mmatcher of
| issymlink -> catKey sha >>= \case
Just _ -> return (Just ti)
Nothing -> excluded
| otherwise -> return (Just ti)
Just matcher -> catKey sha >>= \case
Just k -> checkmatcher matcher k
| issymlink -> excluded
| otherwise -> return (Just ti)
checkmatcher matcher k = do
let mi = MatchingInfo $ ProvidedInfo
{ providedFilePath = Just $
-- Match filename relative
-- to the top of the tree.
getTopFilePath topf
, providedKey = Just k
, providedFileSize = Nothing
, providedMimeType = Nothing
, providedMimeEncoding = Nothing
, providedLinkType = Nothing
ifM (checkMatcher' matcher mi mempty)
( return (Just ti)
, excluded