This allows using functions that generate CreateProcess and passing the result to processTranscript', which is more flexible, and also simpler than the old interface. This commit was sponsored by Riku Voipio.
160 lines
4.5 KiB
160 lines
4.5 KiB
{- Allows linking haskell programs too big for all the files to fit in a
- command line.
- See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8596
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Main where
import Data.List.Utils
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Process hiding (env)
import qualified Utility.Process
import Utility.Env
import Utility.Directory
data CmdParams = CmdParams
{ cmd :: String
, opts :: String
, env :: Maybe [(String, String)]
} deriving (Show)
{- Find where ghc calls gcc to link the executable. -}
parseGhcLink :: Parser CmdParams
parseGhcLink = do
void $ many prelinkline
void linkheaderline
void $ char '"'
gcccmd <- many1 (noneOf "\"")
void $ string "\" "
gccparams <- restOfLine
return $ CmdParams gcccmd (manglepaths gccparams) Nothing
linkheaderline = do
void $ string "*** Linker"
prelinkline = do
void $ notFollowedBy linkheaderline
manglepaths = replace "\\" "/"
{- Find where gcc calls collect2. -}
parseGccLink :: Parser CmdParams
parseGccLink = do
cenv <- collectenv
void $ try $ char ' '
path <- manyTill anyChar (try $ string collectcmd)
void $ char ' '
collect2params <- restOfLine
return $ CmdParams (path ++ collectcmd) (escapeDosPaths collect2params) cenv
collectcmd = "collect2.exe"
collectgccenv = "COLLECT_GCC"
collectltoenv = "COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER"
pathenv = "COMPILER_PATH"
libpathenv = "LIBRARY_PATH"
collectenv = do
void $ many1 $ do
notFollowedBy $ string collectgccenv
void $ string collectgccenv
void $ char '='
g <- restOfLine
void $ string collectltoenv
void $ char '='
lt <- restOfLine
void $ many1 $ do
notFollowedBy $ string pathenv
void $ string pathenv
void $ char '='
p <- restOfLine
void $ string libpathenv
void $ char '='
lp <- restOfLine
void $ string optenv
void $ char '='
o <- restOfLine
return $ Just [(collectgccenv, g), (collectltoenv, lt), (pathenv, p), (libpathenv, lp), (optenv, o)]
{- Find where collect2 calls ld. -}
parseCollect2 :: Parser CmdParams
parseCollect2 = do
void $ manyTill restOfLine (try versionline)
path <- manyTill anyChar (try $ string ldcmd)
void $ char ' '
params <- restOfLine
return $ CmdParams (path ++ ldcmd) (escapeDosPaths params) Nothing
ldcmd = "ld.exe"
versionline = do
void $ string "collect2 version"
{- Input contains something like
- c:/program files/haskell platform/foo -LC:/Program Files/Haskell Platform/ -L...
- and the *right* spaces must be escaped with \
- Argh.
escapeDosPaths :: String -> String
escapeDosPaths = replace "Program Files" "Program\\ Files"
. replace "program files" "program\\ files"
. replace "Haskell Platform" "Haskell\\ Platform"
. replace "haskell platform" "haskell\\ platform"
. replace "Application Data" "Application\\ Data"
. replace "Documents and Settings" "Documents\\ and\\ Settings"
. replace "Files (x86)" "Files\\ (x86)"
. replace "files (x86)" "files\\ (x86)"
restOfLine :: Parser String
restOfLine = newline `after` many (noneOf "\n")
getOutput :: String -> [String] -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> IO (String, Bool)
getOutput c ps environ = do
putStrLn $ unwords [c, show ps]
systemenviron <- getEnvironment
let environ' = fromMaybe [] environ ++ systemenviron
out@(_, ok) <- processTranscript' ((proc c ps) { Utility.Process.env = Just environ' }) Nothing
putStrLn $ unwords [c, "finished", show ok]
return out
atFile :: FilePath -> String
atFile f = '@':f
runAtFile :: Parser CmdParams -> String -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (String, Bool)
runAtFile p s f extraparams = do
when (null $ opts c) $
error $ "failed to find any options for " ++ f ++ " in >>>" ++ s ++ "<<<"
writeFile f (opts c)
out <- getOutput (cmd c) (atFile f:extraparams) (env c)
removeFile f
return out
c = case parse p "" s of
Left e -> error $
(show e) ++
"\n<<<\n" ++ s ++ "\n>>>"
Right r -> r
main :: IO ()
main = do
ghcout <- fst <$> getOutput "cabal"
["build", "--ghc-options=-v -keep-tmp-files"] Nothing
gccout <- fst <$> runAtFile parseGhcLink ghcout "gcc.opt" ["-v"]
collect2out <- fst <$> runAtFile parseGccLink gccout "collect2.opt" ["-v"]
(out, ok) <- runAtFile parseCollect2 collect2out "ld.opt" []
unless ok $
error $ "ld failed:\n" ++ out