Leveraged the existing verification code by making it also check the retrievalSecurityPolicy. Also, prevented getViaTmp from running the download action at all when the retrievalSecurityPolicy is going to prevent verifying and so storing it. Added annex.security.allow-unverified-downloads. A per-remote version would be nice to have too, but would need more plumbing, so KISS. (Bill the Cat reference not too over the top I hope. The point is to make this something the user reads the documentation for before using.) A few calls to verifyKeyContent and getViaTmp, that don't involve downloads from remotes, have RetrievalAllKeysSecure hard-coded. It was also hard-coded for P2P.Annex and Command.RecvKey, to match the values of the corresponding remotes. A few things use retrieveKeyFile/retrieveKeyFileCheap without going through getViaTmp. * Command.Fsck when downloading content from a remote to verify it. That content does not get into the annex, so this is ok. * Command.AddUrl when using a remote to download an url; this is new content being added, so this is ok. This commit was sponsored by Fernando Jimenez on Patreon.
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{- P2P protocol, Annex implementation
- Copyright 2016-2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
module P2P.Annex
( RunState(..)
, mkRunState
, P2PConnection(..)
, runFullProto
) where
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Transfer
import Annex.ChangedRefs
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import Logs.Location
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.Remote (RetrievalSecurityPolicy(..))
import Utility.Metered
import Control.Monad.Free
-- Full interpreter for Proto, that can receive and send objects.
runFullProto :: RunState -> P2PConnection -> Proto a -> Annex (Either String a)
runFullProto runst conn = go
go :: RunProto Annex
go (Pure v) = return (Right v)
go (Free (Net n)) = runNet runst conn go n
go (Free (Local l)) = runLocal runst go l
runLocal :: RunState -> RunProto Annex -> LocalF (Proto a) -> Annex (Either String a)
runLocal runst runner a = case a of
TmpContentSize k next -> do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation k
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize tmp
runner (next (Len size))
FileSize f next -> do
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
runner (next (Len size))
ContentSize k next -> do
let getsize = liftIO . catchMaybeIO . getFileSize
size <- inAnnex' isJust Nothing getsize k
runner (next (Len <$> size))
ReadContent k af o sender next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ prepSendAnnex k
case v of
Right (Just (f, checkchanged)) -> do
v' <- tryNonAsync $
transfer upload k af $
sinkfile f o checkchanged sender
case v' of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right (Left e) -> return (Left (show e))
Right (Right ok) -> runner (next ok)
-- content not available
Right Nothing -> runner (next False)
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
StoreContent k af o l getb validitycheck next -> do
-- This is the same as the retrievalSecurityPolicy of
-- Remote.P2P and Remote.Git.
let rsp = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
transfer download k af $ \p ->
getViaTmp rsp DefaultVerify k $ \tmp -> do
storefile tmp o l getb validitycheck p
runner (next ok)
StoreContentTo dest o l getb validitycheck next -> do
res <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return (False, UnVerified)) $
storefile dest o l getb validitycheck nullMeterUpdate
runner (next res)
SetPresent k u next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ logChange k u InfoPresent
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right () -> runner next
CheckContentPresent k next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ inAnnex k
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right result -> runner (next result)
RemoveContent k next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $
ifM (Annex.Content.inAnnex k)
( lockContentForRemoval k $ \contentlock -> do
removeAnnex contentlock
logStatus k InfoMissing
return True
, return True
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right result -> runner (next result)
TryLockContent k protoaction next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ lockContentShared k $ \verifiedcopy ->
case verifiedcopy of
LockedCopy _ -> runner (protoaction True)
_ -> runner (protoaction False)
-- If locking fails, lockContentShared throws an exception.
-- Let the peer know it failed.
case v of
Left _ -> runner $ do
protoaction False
Right _ -> runner next
WaitRefChange next -> case runst of
Serving _ (Just h) _ -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ liftIO $ waitChangedRefs h
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right changedrefs -> runner (next changedrefs)
_ -> return $ Left "change notification not available"
UpdateMeterTotalSize m sz next -> do
liftIO $ setMeterTotalSize m sz
runner next
RunValidityCheck check next -> runner . next =<< check
transfer mk k af ta = case runst of
-- Update transfer logs when serving.
-- Using noRetry because we're the sender.
Serving theiruuid _ _ ->
mk theiruuid k af noRetry ta noNotification
-- Transfer logs are updated higher in the stack when
-- a client.
Client _ -> ta nullMeterUpdate
storefile dest (Offset o) (Len l) getb validitycheck p = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
v <- runner getb
case v of
Right b -> do
liftIO $ withBinaryFile dest ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
when (o /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
meteredWrite p' h b
rightsize <- do
sz <- liftIO $ getFileSize dest
return (toInteger sz == l + o)
runner validitycheck >>= \case
Right (Just Valid) ->
return (rightsize, UnVerified)
_ -> do
-- Invalid, or old protocol
-- version. Validity is not
-- known. Force content
-- verification.
return (rightsize, MustVerify)
Left e -> error e
sinkfile f (Offset o) checkchanged sender p = bracket setup cleanup go
setup = liftIO $ openBinaryFile f ReadMode
cleanup = liftIO . hClose
go h = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
when (o /= 0) $
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
b <- liftIO $ hGetContentsMetered h p'
let validitycheck = local $ runValidityCheck $
checkchanged >>= return . \case
False -> Invalid
True -> Valid
runner (sender b validitycheck)