This caused git to complain that filter-process failed and kill it with signal 15. Because it wrote an extra flushPkt for an empty file, which git did not expect, and so git saw an unexpected response to the next request. Luckily, filter-process is only used by default in v9 and up, and v8 is still the default. Also, git had to be updating an empty file, followed by another file, which is a fairly unlikely situation. And git restarts filter-process after this happens and uses it to filter the rest of the files. So this isn't a crippling bug. Sponsored-by: Luke Shumaker on Patreon
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170 lines
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{- git long-running filter process
- As documented in git's gitattributes(5) and
- Documentation/technical/long-running-process-protocol.txt
- Copyright 2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.FilterProcess (
) where
import Common
import Git.PktLine
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
{- This is a message like "git-filter-client" or "git-filter-server" -}
data WelcomeMessage = WelcomeMessage PktLine
deriving (Show)
{- Configuration message, eg "foo=bar" -}
data ConfigValue = ConfigValue String String
deriving (Show, Eq)
encodeConfigValue :: ConfigValue -> PktLine
encodeConfigValue (ConfigValue k v) = stringPktLine (k <> "=" <> v)
decodeConfigValue :: PktLine -> Maybe ConfigValue
decodeConfigValue pktline =
let t = pktLineToString pktline
(k, v) = break (== '=') t
in if null v
then Nothing
else Just $ ConfigValue k (drop 1 v)
extractConfigValue :: [ConfigValue] -> String -> Maybe String
extractConfigValue [] _ = Nothing
extractConfigValue (ConfigValue k v:cs) wantk
| k == wantk = Just v
| otherwise = extractConfigValue cs wantk
data Version = Version Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
encodeVersion :: Version -> PktLine
encodeVersion (Version n) = encodeConfigValue $ ConfigValue "version" (show n)
decodeVersion :: PktLine -> Maybe Version
decodeVersion pktline = decodeConfigValue pktline >>= \case
ConfigValue "version" v -> Version <$> readish v
_ -> Nothing
data Capability = Capability String
deriving (Show, Eq)
encodeCapability :: Capability -> PktLine
encodeCapability (Capability c) = encodeConfigValue $
ConfigValue "capability" c
decodeCapability :: PktLine -> Maybe Capability
decodeCapability pktline = decodeConfigValue pktline >>= \case
ConfigValue "capability" c -> Just $ Capability c
_ -> Nothing
:: (WelcomeMessage -> Maybe WelcomeMessage)
-> ([Version] -> [Version])
-> ([Capability] -> [Capability])
-> IO (Either String ())
longRunningProcessHandshake respwelcomemessage filterversions filtercapabilities =
readUntilFlushPkt >>= \case
[] -> protoerr "no welcome message"
(welcomemessage:versions) ->
checkwelcomemessage welcomemessage $
checkversion versions $ do
capabilities <- readUntilFlushPkt
checkcapabilities capabilities success
protoerr msg = return $ Left $ "git protocol error: " ++ msg
success = return (Right ())
checkwelcomemessage welcomemessage cont =
case respwelcomemessage (WelcomeMessage welcomemessage) of
Nothing -> protoerr "unsupported welcome message"
Just (WelcomeMessage welcomemessage') -> do
writePktLine stdout welcomemessage'
checkversion versions cont = do
let versions' = filterversions (mapMaybe decodeVersion versions)
if null versions'
then protoerr "unsupported protocol version"
else do
forM_ versions' $ \v ->
writePktLine stdout $ encodeVersion v
writePktLine stdout flushPkt
checkcapabilities capabilities cont = do
let capabilities' = filtercapabilities (mapMaybe decodeCapability capabilities)
if null capabilities'
then protoerr "unsupported protocol capabilities"
else do
forM_ capabilities' $ \c ->
writePktLine stdout $ encodeCapability c
writePktLine stdout flushPkt
longRunningFilterProcessHandshake :: IO (Either String ())
longRunningFilterProcessHandshake =
longRunningProcessHandshake respwelcomemessage filterversions filtercapabilities
respwelcomemessage (WelcomeMessage w)
| pktLineToString w == "git-filter-client" =
Just $ WelcomeMessage $ stringPktLine "git-filter-server"
| otherwise = Nothing
filterversions = filter (== Version 2)
-- Delay capability is not implemented, so filter it out.
filtercapabilities = filter (`elem` [Capability "smudge", Capability "clean"])
data FilterRequest = Smudge FilePath | Clean FilePath
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- Waits for the next FilterRequest to be received. Does not read
- the content to be filtered, which is what gets sent subsequent to the
- FilterRequest. Use eg readUntilFlushPkt to read it, before calling
- respondFilterRequest. -}
getFilterRequest :: IO (Maybe FilterRequest)
getFilterRequest = do
ps <- readUntilFlushPkt
let cs = mapMaybe decodeConfigValue ps
case (extractConfigValue cs "command", extractConfigValue cs "pathname") of
(Just command, Just pathname)
| command == "smudge" -> return $ Just $ Smudge pathname
| command == "clean" -> return $ Just $ Clean pathname
| otherwise -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
{- Send a response to a FilterRequest, consisting of the filtered content. -}
respondFilterRequest :: B.ByteString -> IO ()
respondFilterRequest b = do
writePktLine stdout $ encodeConfigValue $ ConfigValue "status" "success"
writePktLine stdout flushPkt
send b
-- The protocol allows for another list of ConfigValues to be sent
-- here, but we don't use it. Send another flushPkt to terminate
-- the empty list.
writePktLine stdout flushPkt
send b' =
let (pktline, rest) = encodePktLine b'
in do
if isFlushPkt pktline
then return ()
else writePktLine stdout pktline
case rest of
Just b'' -> send b''
Nothing -> writePktLine stdout flushPkt