{- git-annex external backend - - Copyright 2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Backend.External (makeBackend) where import Annex.Common import Annex.ExternalAddonProcess import Backend.Utilities import Types.Key import Types.Backend import Types.KeySource import Utility.Metered import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as S (toShort, fromShort) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Char import Control.Concurrent import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) newtype ExternalBackendName = ExternalBackendName S.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- Makes Backend representing an external backend of any type. -- If the program is not available or doesn't work, makes a Backend -- that cannot generate or verify keys, but that still lets the keys be -- basically used. makeBackend :: S.ByteString -> HasExt -> Annex Backend makeBackend bname hasext = withExternalState ebname hasext (return . externalBackend) where ebname = ExternalBackendName bname makeBackend' :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess -> Annex Backend makeBackend' ebname@(ExternalBackendName bname) hasext (Right p) = do let st = ExternalState { externalAddonProcess = Right p , externalBackend = unavailBackend ebname hasext } canverify <- handleRequest st CANVERIFY (pure False) $ \case CANVERIFY_YES -> result True CANVERIFY_NO -> result False _ -> Nothing isstable <- handleRequest st ISSTABLE (pure False) $ \case ISSTABLE_YES -> result True ISSTABLE_NO -> result False _ -> Nothing iscryptographicallysecure <- handleRequest st ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE (pure False) $ \case ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_YES -> result True ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_NO -> result False _ -> Nothing return $ Backend { backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext , genKey = Just $ genKeyExternal ebname hasext , verifyKeyContent = if canverify then Just $ verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext -- The protocol supports PROGRESS here, -- but it's not actually used. It was put -- in to avoid needing a protocol version -- bump if progress handling is later added. nullMeterUpdate else Nothing , verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing , canUpgradeKey = Nothing , fastMigrate = Nothing , isStableKey = const isstable , isCryptographicallySecure = const iscryptographicallysecure } makeBackend' ebname hasext (Left _) = return $ unavailBackend ebname hasext unavailBackend :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Backend unavailBackend (ExternalBackendName bname) hasext = Backend { backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext , genKey = Nothing , verifyKeyContent = Nothing , verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing , canUpgradeKey = Nothing , fastMigrate = Nothing , isStableKey = const False , isCryptographicallySecure = const False } genKeyExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key genKeyExternal ebname hasext ks meterupdate = withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st -> handleRequest st req notavail go where req = GENKEY (fromRawFilePath (contentLocation ks)) notavail = giveup $ "Cannot generate a key, since " ++ externalBackendProgram ebname ++ " is not available." go (GENKEY_SUCCESS pk) = Just $ Result <$> fromProtoKey pk hasext ks go (GENKEY_FAILURE msg) = Just $ giveup $ "External backend program failed to generate a key: " ++ msg go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed return $ GetNextMessage go go _ = Nothing verifyKeyContentExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> MeterUpdate -> Key -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext meterupdate k f = withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st -> handleRequest st req notavail go where req = VERIFYKEYCONTENT (toProtoKey k) (fromRawFilePath f) -- This should not be able to happen, because CANVERIFY is checked -- before this function is enable, and so the external program -- is available. But if it does, fail the verification. notavail = return False go VERIFYKEYCONTENT_SUCCESS = result True go VERIFYKEYCONTENT_FAILURE = result False go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed return $ GetNextMessage go go _ = Nothing -- State about a running external backend program. data ExternalState = ExternalState { externalAddonProcess :: Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess , externalBackend :: Backend } handleRequest :: ExternalState -> Request -> Annex a -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a handleRequest st req whenunavail responsehandler = withExternalAddon st whenunavail $ \p -> do sendMessage p req let loop = receiveResponse p responsehandler (Just . handleExceptionalMessage loop) loop where handleExceptionalMessage _ (ERROR err) = do warning ("external special remote error: " ++ err) whenunavail handleExceptionalMessage loop (DEBUG msg) = do fastDebug "Backend.External" msg loop withExternalAddon :: ExternalState -> a -> (ExternalAddonProcess -> a) -> a withExternalAddon st whenunavail a = case externalAddonProcess st of Right addon -> a addon Left _ -> whenunavail sendMessage :: Proto.Sendable m => ExternalAddonProcess -> m -> Annex () sendMessage p m = liftIO $ do protocolDebug p True line hPutStrLn (externalSend p) line hFlush (externalSend p) where line = unwords $ Proto.formatMessage m {- A response handler can yeild a result, or it can request that another - message be consumed from the external. -} data ResponseHandlerResult a = Result a | GetNextMessage (ResponseHandler a) type ResponseHandler a = Response -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a)) result :: a -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a)) result = Just . return . Result {- Waits for a message from the external backend, and passes it to the - apppropriate handler. - - If the handler returns Nothing, this is a protocol error. -} receiveResponse :: ExternalAddonProcess -> ResponseHandler a -> (ExceptionalMessage -> Maybe (Annex a)) -> Annex a receiveResponse p handleresponse handleexceptional = go =<< liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ hGetLine $ externalReceive p) where go Nothing = protocolError False "" go (Just s) = do liftIO $ protocolDebug p False s case Proto.parseMessage s :: Maybe Response of Just resp -> case handleresponse resp of Nothing -> protocolError True s Just callback -> callback >>= \case Result a -> return a GetNextMessage handleresponse' -> receiveResponse p handleresponse' handleexceptional Nothing -> case Proto.parseMessage s :: Maybe ExceptionalMessage of Just msg -> maybe (protocolError True s) id (handleexceptional msg) Nothing -> protocolError False s protocolError parsed s = giveup $ "external backend protocol error, unexpectedly received \"" ++ s ++ "\" " ++ if parsed then "(message not allowed at this time)" else "(unable to parse message)" -- Information about pools of of running external backends that are -- available to use is stored in this global. {-# NOINLINE poolVar #-} poolVar :: MVar (M.Map ExternalBackendName (ExternalAddonPID, [ExternalState])) poolVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar M.empty -- Starts a new instance of an external backend. -- Does not add it to the poolVar; caller should add it once it's done -- using it. newExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> ExternalAddonPID -> Annex ExternalState newExternalState ebname hasext pid = do st <- startExternalAddonProcess basecmd pid st' <- case st of Left (ProgramNotInstalled msg) -> warnonce msg >> return st Left (ProgramFailure msg) -> warnonce msg >> return st Right p -> do sendMessage p GETVERSION v <- receiveResponse p (\resp -> case resp of VERSION v -> result v _ -> Nothing ) (const Nothing) if v `notElem` supportedProtocolVersions then do warnonce (basecmd ++ " uses an unsupported version of the external backend protocol") return $ Left (ProgramFailure "bad protocol version") else return (Right p) backend <- makeBackend' ebname hasext st' return $ ExternalState { externalAddonProcess = st' , externalBackend = backend } where basecmd = externalBackendProgram ebname warnonce msg = when (pid == 1) $ warning msg externalBackendProgram :: ExternalBackendName -> String externalBackendProgram (ExternalBackendName bname) = "git-annex-backend-X" ++ decodeBS bname -- Runs an action with an ExternalState, starting a new external backend -- process if necessary. It is returned to the pool once the action -- finishes successfully. On exception, it's shut down. withExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> (ExternalState -> Annex a) -> Annex a withExternalState bname hasext a = do st <- get r <- a st `onException` shutdown st put st -- only when no exception is thrown return r where get = do m <- liftIO $ takeMVar poolVar case fromMaybe (1, []) (M.lookup bname m) of (pid, []) -> do let m' = M.insert bname (succ pid, []) m liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m' newExternalState bname hasext pid (pid, (st:rest)) -> do let m' = M.insert bname (pid, rest) m liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m' return st put st = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ poolVar $ pure . M.adjust (\(pid, l) -> (pid, st:l)) bname shutdown st = liftIO $ withExternalAddon st noop (flip externalShutdown False) -- This is a key as seen by the protocol consumer. When the "E" variant -- of the external backend is in use, it does not include an extension. -- And it's assumed not to contain spaces or newlines, or anything besides -- ascii alphanumerics, because the protocol does not allow keys containing -- such things. newtype ProtoKey = ProtoKey Key deriving (Show) fromProtoKey :: ProtoKey -> HasExt -> KeySource -> Annex Key fromProtoKey (ProtoKey k) (HasExt False) _ = pure k fromProtoKey (ProtoKey k) hasext@(HasExt True) source = addE source (setHasExt hasext) k toProtoKey :: Key -> ProtoKey toProtoKey k = ProtoKey $ alterKey k $ \d -> d -- The extension can be easily removed, because the protocol -- documentation does not allow '.' to be used in the keyName, -- so the first one is the extension. { keyName = S.toShort (S.takeWhile (/= dot) (S.fromShort (keyName d))) , keyVariety = setHasExt (HasExt False) (keyVariety d) } where dot = fromIntegral (ord '.') setHasExt :: HasExt -> KeyVariety -> KeyVariety setHasExt hasext (ExternalKey name _) = ExternalKey name hasext setHasExt _ v = v instance Proto.Serializable ProtoKey where serialize (ProtoKey k) = Proto.serialize k deserialize = fmap ProtoKey . Proto.deserialize data Request = GETVERSION | CANVERIFY | ISSTABLE | ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE | GENKEY FilePath | VERIFYKEYCONTENT ProtoKey FilePath deriving (Show) data Response = VERSION ProtocolVersion | CANVERIFY_YES | CANVERIFY_NO | ISSTABLE_YES | ISSTABLE_NO | ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_YES | ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_NO | GENKEY_SUCCESS ProtoKey | GENKEY_FAILURE ErrorMsg | VERIFYKEYCONTENT_SUCCESS | VERIFYKEYCONTENT_FAILURE | PROGRESS BytesProcessed deriving (Show) data ExceptionalMessage = ERROR ErrorMsg | DEBUG String deriving (Show) type ErrorMsg = String newtype ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion Int deriving (Show, Eq) supportedProtocolVersions :: [ProtocolVersion] supportedProtocolVersions = [ProtocolVersion 1] instance Proto.Serializable ProtocolVersion where serialize (ProtocolVersion n) = show n deserialize = ProtocolVersion <$$> readish instance Proto.Sendable ExceptionalMessage where formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err] formatMessage (DEBUG msg) = ["DEBUG", Proto.serialize msg] instance Proto.Receivable ExceptionalMessage where parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR parseCommand "DEBUG" = Proto.parse1 DEBUG parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail instance Proto.Sendable Request where formatMessage GETVERSION = ["GETVERSION"] formatMessage CANVERIFY = ["CANVERIFY"] formatMessage ISSTABLE = ["ISSTABLE"] formatMessage ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE = ["ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE"] formatMessage (GENKEY file) = ["GENKEY", Proto.serialize file] formatMessage (VERIFYKEYCONTENT key file) = ["VERIFYKEYCONTENT", Proto.serialize key, Proto.serialize file] instance Proto.Receivable Response where parseCommand "VERSION" = Proto.parse1 VERSION parseCommand "CANVERIFY-YES" = Proto.parse0 CANVERIFY_YES parseCommand "CANVERIFY-NO" = Proto.parse0 CANVERIFY_NO parseCommand "ISSTABLE-YES" = Proto.parse0 ISSTABLE_YES parseCommand "ISSTABLE-NO" = Proto.parse0 ISSTABLE_NO parseCommand "ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE-YES" = Proto.parse0 ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_YES parseCommand "ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE-NO" = Proto.parse0 ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE_NO parseCommand "GENKEY-SUCCESS" = Proto.parse1 GENKEY_SUCCESS parseCommand "GENKEY-FAILURE" = Proto.parse1 GENKEY_FAILURE parseCommand "VERIFYKEYCONTENT-SUCCESS" = Proto.parse0 VERIFYKEYCONTENT_SUCCESS parseCommand "VERIFYKEYCONTENT-FAILURE" = Proto.parse0 VERIFYKEYCONTENT_FAILURE parseCommand "PROGRESS" = Proto.parse1 PROGRESS parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail