Fixed the last XMPP bug I know of. Turns out it was not specific to XMPP at all; the assistant could forget to sync with any repository on startup under certain conditions. Also fixed bugs in `git annex add` and in the glob matching, and some more. I've been working on some screencasts. More on them later.. But while doing them I found a perfect way to reliably reproduce the webapp hang that I've been chasing for half a year, and last saw at my presentation in Australia. Seems the old joke about bugs only reproducible during presentations is literally true here! I have given this bug its [[own page|bugs/webapp_hang]] at last, and have a tcpdump of it happening and everything. Am working on an hypotheses that it might be caused by Warp's [slowloris]( attack prevention code being falsely triggered by the repeated hits the web browser makes as the webapp's display is updated.