I have a repo on my cluster. On my system I cloned it by ``` [my_system] $ git clone ssh://jed//home/tdegeus/tmp/mydata cluster ``` This works fine to get files from the cluster. However, I also want to send files from my system to the cluster and to be able to drop files on the cluster. The problem is, however, that I have no stable IP to SSH to my system, so I don't have a good way to add my system as remote on the cluster. I thought that running ``` [my_system] $ git annex sync ``` from my laptop would be enough. But that does not seems to sufficiently update the repo on the cluster. From example on the cluster adding some files ``` [ssh->jed] $ git annex add foo.h5 [ssh->jed] $ git commit -m "my message" ``` and then downloading on my system ``` [my_system] $ git annex sync [my_system] $ git annex get foo.h5 [my_system] $ git annex sync ``` works fine. But then back on the cluster running ``` [ssh->jed] $ git annex drop foo.h5 ``` results, erroneously, in ``` foo.h5 a.h5 (unsafe) Could only verify the existence of 0 out of 1 necessary copy Maybe add some of these git remotes (git remote add ...): ee3f4fc7-db8f-4c45-8c40-92e96d046999 -- tdegeus:~/Downloads/annex/cluster (Use --force to override this check, or adjust numcopies.) ```