{- git-annex repo sizes - - Copyright 2024 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-} module Annex.RepoSize ( getRepoSizes, getLiveRepoSizes, ) where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import Annex.Branch (UnmergedBranches(..), getBranch) import qualified Database.RepoSize as Db import Annex.Journal import Annex.RepoSize.LiveUpdate import Logs import Logs.Location import Logs.UUID import Git.Types (Sha) import Git.FilePath import Git.CatFile import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S {- Gets the repo size map. Cached for speed. - - Note that this is the size of all repositories as of the first time it - was called. It does not update while git-annex is running. -} getRepoSizes :: Bool -> Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize) getRepoSizes quiet = M.map fst <$> getRepoSizes' quiet getRepoSizes' :: Bool -> Annex (M.Map UUID (RepoSize, SizeOffset)) getRepoSizes' quiet = do rsv <- Annex.getRead Annex.reposizes liftIO (takeMVar rsv) >>= \case Just sizemap -> do liftIO $ putMVar rsv (Just sizemap) return sizemap Nothing -> calcRepoSizes quiet rsv {- Like getRepoSizes, but with live updates. -} getLiveRepoSizes :: Bool -> Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize) getLiveRepoSizes quiet = do sizemap <- getRepoSizes' quiet go sizemap `onException` return (M.map fst sizemap) where go sizemap = do h <- Db.getRepoSizeHandle checkStaleSizeChanges h liveoffsets <- liftIO $ Db.liveRepoOffsets h let calc u (RepoSize size, SizeOffset startoffset) = case M.lookup u liveoffsets of Nothing -> RepoSize size Just (SizeOffset offset) -> RepoSize $ size + (offset - startoffset) return $ M.mapWithKey calc sizemap {- Fills an empty Annex.reposizes MVar with current information - from the git-annex branch, supplimented with journalled but - not yet committed information. -} calcRepoSizes :: Bool -> MVar (Maybe (M.Map UUID (RepoSize, SizeOffset))) -> Annex (M.Map UUID (RepoSize, SizeOffset)) calcRepoSizes quiet rsv = go `onException` failed where go = do h <- Db.getRepoSizeHandle (oldsizemap, moldbranchsha) <- liftIO $ Db.getRepoSizes h !sizemap <- case moldbranchsha of Nothing -> calculatefromscratch h Just oldbranchsha -> do currbranchsha <- getBranch if oldbranchsha == currbranchsha then calcJournalledRepoSizes h oldsizemap oldbranchsha else incrementalupdate h oldsizemap oldbranchsha currbranchsha liftIO $ putMVar rsv (Just sizemap) return sizemap calculatefromscratch h = do unless quiet $ showSideAction "calculating repository sizes" use h =<< calcBranchRepoSizes incrementalupdate h oldsizemap oldbranchsha currbranchsha = use h =<< diffBranchRepoSizes quiet oldsizemap oldbranchsha currbranchsha use h (sizemap, branchsha) = do liftIO $ Db.setRepoSizes h sizemap branchsha calcJournalledRepoSizes h sizemap branchsha failed = do liftIO $ putMVar rsv (Just M.empty) return M.empty {- Sum up the sizes of all keys in all repositories, from the information - in the git-annex branch, but not the journal. Retuns the sha of the - branch commit that was used. - - The map includes the UUIDs of all known repositories, including - repositories that are empty. But clusters are not included. - - Note that private repositories, which do not get recorded in - the git-annex branch, will have 0 size. journalledRepoSizes - takes care of getting repo sizes for those. -} calcBranchRepoSizes :: Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize, Sha) calcBranchRepoSizes = do knownuuids <- M.keys <$> uuidDescMap let startmap = M.fromList $ map (\u -> (u, RepoSize 0)) knownuuids overLocationLogs True True startmap accumsizes >>= \case UnmergedBranches v -> return v NoUnmergedBranches v -> return v where accumsizes k locs m = return $ foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ addKeyRepoSize k) m locs {- Given the RepoSizes calculated from the git-annex branch, updates it with - data from journalled location logs. -} calcJournalledRepoSizes :: Db.RepoSizeHandle -> M.Map UUID RepoSize -> Sha -> Annex (M.Map UUID (RepoSize, SizeOffset)) calcJournalledRepoSizes h startmap branchsha = -- Lock the journal to prevent updates to the size offsets -- in the repository size database while this is processing -- the journal files. lockJournal $ \_jl -> do sizemap <- overLocationLogsJournal startmap branchsha (\k v m' -> pure (accumRepoSizes k v m')) Nothing offsets <- liftIO $ Db.recordedRepoOffsets h let getoffset u = fromMaybe (SizeOffset 0) $ M.lookup u offsets return $ M.mapWithKey (\u sz -> (sz, getoffset u)) sizemap {- Incremental update by diffing. -} diffBranchRepoSizes :: Bool -> M.Map UUID RepoSize -> Sha -> Sha -> Annex (M.Map UUID RepoSize, Sha) diffBranchRepoSizes quiet oldsizemap oldbranchsha newbranchsha = do g <- Annex.gitRepo catObjectStream g $ \feeder closer reader -> do (l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ DiffTree.diffTreeRecursive oldbranchsha newbranchsha feedtid <- liftIO $ async $ do forM_ l $ feedpairs feeder closer newsizemap <- readpairs 100000 reader oldsizemap Nothing liftIO $ wait feedtid ifM (liftIO cleanup) ( do newsizemap' <- addemptyrepos newsizemap return (newsizemap', newbranchsha) , return (oldsizemap, oldbranchsha) ) where feedpairs feeder ti = let f = getTopFilePath (DiffTree.file ti) in case extLogFileKey locationLogExt f of Nothing -> noop Just k -> do feeder (k, DiffTree.srcsha ti) feeder (k, DiffTree.dstsha ti) readpairs n reader sizemap Nothing = liftIO reader >>= \case Just (_k, oldcontent) -> readpairs n reader sizemap (Just oldcontent) Nothing -> return sizemap readpairs n reader sizemap (Just oldcontent) = liftIO reader >>= \case Just (k, newcontent) -> let prevlog = parselog oldcontent currlog = parselog newcontent newlocs = S.difference currlog prevlog removedlocs = S.difference prevlog currlog !sizemap' = accumRepoSizes k (newlocs, removedlocs) sizemap in do n' <- if quiet then pure n else countdownToMessage n $ showSideAction "calculating repository sizes" readpairs n' reader sizemap' Nothing Nothing -> return sizemap parselog = maybe mempty (S.fromList . parseLoggedLocationsWithoutClusters) addemptyrepos newsizemap = do knownuuids <- M.keys <$> uuidDescMap return $ foldl' (\m u -> M.insertWith (flip const) u (RepoSize 0) m) newsizemap knownuuids addKeyRepoSize :: Key -> Maybe RepoSize -> Maybe RepoSize addKeyRepoSize k mrs = case mrs of Just (RepoSize sz) -> Just $ RepoSize $ sz + ksz Nothing -> Just $ RepoSize ksz where ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k removeKeyRepoSize :: Key -> Maybe RepoSize -> Maybe RepoSize removeKeyRepoSize k mrs = case mrs of Just (RepoSize sz) -> Just $ RepoSize $ sz - ksz Nothing -> Nothing where ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k accumRepoSizes :: Key -> (S.Set UUID, S.Set UUID) -> M.Map UUID RepoSize -> M.Map UUID RepoSize accumRepoSizes k (newlocs, removedlocs) sizemap = let !sizemap' = foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ addKeyRepoSize k) sizemap newlocs in foldl' (flip $ M.alter $ removeKeyRepoSize k) sizemap' removedlocs