###What steps will reproduce the problem?###

"Adding a remote server using ssh" and try to add a remote server where the account has ex. tcsh as loginshell

###What is the expected output? What do you see instead?###

To discover remote programs, it dumps away some born-shell code like:
"echo git-annex-probe loggedin;if which git-annex-shell; then echo git-annex-probe git-annex-shell; fi;if which rsync; then echo git-annex-probe rsync; fi;if which ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell; then echo git-annex-probe ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell; fi"

just wrap it with a bash -c '..' and you know that its interpreted by bash.

###What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?###

git-annex version: 3.20121017

###Please provide any additional information below.###

Not everyone has bash as there login-shell.

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