Host: Mac OS with git-annex 5.20140919-g0f7caf5

Remote: Linux 

* with git-annex 5.20140920-gb0c4300
* using user&password login

On Host:

1. create a repo with git init && git annex init && git annex direct
1. add a rsync repo in git-annex webapp, type "small archive", with shared encryption (same result using command line)
1. copy some new files to the repo, expect the files to appear in the remote repo (check with du)
1. Web app says "synced with remote-name", but remote repo is completely empty
1. run git annex copy --to $remotename, now remote repo is filled with files
1. but the sizes are really small, seems that the actual files are not being transferred
1. convert the repo to indirect repo: git annex indirect
1. re-run git annex copy, now the repo size on the remote seems about right
1. now start git annex assistant, copy some new files, expect new files to be synced
1. actual: the remote becomes completely empty, the existing files are removed!

The other small issue

* The add remote interface stops at "check remote" prompt for a long time without completing
* Kill the webapp process, re-run webapp, add remote again, it worked very quickly
* But future interaction with the remote still requires password, both commandline & webapp

> Closing this bug report since it seems it was largely due to a
> misunderstanding of what "small archive" does. [[done]] --[[Joey]]