If you're anything like me¹, you have a copy of your annex on a computer running at home², set up so you can access it from anywhere like this:

    ssh myhome.no-ip.org

This is totally great! Except, there is no way for your home computer to pull your changes, because there is no *on-the-go.no-ip.org*. You can get clunky and use a *bare git repository and git push*, but there is a better way.

First, install *openssh-server* on your *on-the-go* computer

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server # Adjust to your flavor of unix

Then, log into your *home* computer, with *port forwarding*:

    ssh me@myhome.no-ip.org -R 2201:localhost:22

Your *home* computer can now ssh into your *on-the-go* computer, as long as you keep the above shell running.

You can now add your *on-the-go* computer as a remote on your *home* computer. Use the port forwarding shell you just connected with the command above, if you like. 

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-copy-id "me@localhost -p 2201"
    cd ~/annex
    git remote add on-the-go ssh://me@localhost:2201/home/myuser/annex

Now you can run normal annex operations, as long as the port forwarding shell is running³.

    git annex sync
    git annex get on-the-go some/big/file
    git annex status

You can add more computers by repeating with a different port, e.g. 2202 or 2203 (or any other).

If you're security paranoid (like me), read on. If you're not, that's it! Thanks for reading!

Paranoid Area

Note you're granting passwordless access to your on-the-go computer to your home computer. I believe that's all right, as long as:

* Your home computer is really in your home, and not at a friend's house or some datacenter
* Your home computer can be accessed only by ssh, and not HTTP or Samba or NTP or (shoot me now!) FTP
* Only you (and perhaps trustworthy family) have access to your home computer
* You have reasonably strong passwords or key-only logins on both your home and on-the-go computers.
* You regularly install security updates on both computers (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade)

In any case, the setup is much, much, much more secure than Dropbox. With Dropbox, you have exactly the same setup, but:

* Your data is stored in some datacenter. It's supposed to be encrypted. It might not be.
* Lot's of people have routine access to your files, and plausible reason to. Bored employees might regularly be doing some 'maintenance work' involving your pictures.
* The dropbox software can do anything it likes on your computer, and it's closed source so you don't know if it does. A disgruntled employee could put a trojan into it.
* Dropbox might have a backdoor for employee access to any file on your computer. This might be done with the best of intentions, but a mal-intentioned or careless employee might still erase things or send sensitive files from your computer by email.
* A truly huge amount of eyes connected to incredibly smart brains have looked at openssh and found it secure. Everybody trusts openssh. With dropbox, there is, well, dropbox. Whoever that is.


¹ Me=Carlo, not Joey. I'm pretty sure doing what I wrote here is a good idea, but in case it turns out to be catastrophically dumb, it's my fault, not his.

² My always-on computer at home is a raspberry pi with a 32GB USB stick. Best self-hosted dropbox you could imagine.

³ You can just forward the port, but not open a shell, by adding the -N command. This could be useful for connecting on startup, e.g. in /etc/rc.local. I prefer to open the shell to forward the ports, maybe use it, and close it to stop it.