I hear that people want the git-annex assistant to be easy to install
without messing about building it from source..

## on OSX

So Jimmy and I have been working all week on making an easily installed OSX
app of the assistant. This is a .dmz file that bundles all the dependencies
(git, etc) in, so it can be installed with one click.

It seems to basically work. You can get it [[here|install/OSX]].

Unfortunatly, the [[bugs/pasting_into_annex_on_OSX]] bug resurfaced while
testing this.. So I can't really recommend using it on real data yet.

Still, any testing you can do is gonna be really helpful. I'm squashing OSX
bugs right and left.

## on Linux

First of all, the git-annex assistant is now available in Debian unstable,
and in Arch Linux's AUR. Proper packages.

For all the other Linux distributions, I have a workaround. It's
a big hack, but it seems to work.. at least on Debian stable.

I've just put up a [[install/linux_standalone]] tarball, which has **no
library dependencies** apart from glibc, and doesn't even need git to be
installed on your system.

## on FreeBSD

The FreeBSD port has been updated to include the git-annex assistant too..

[[!meta title="day 94 easy install"]]