[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://pradermecker.myopenid.com/" ip="" subject="comment 15" date="2013-03-18T19:07:31Z" content=""" Euh. I actually feel stupid enough with this but ... I have try first with your link and it gives me: ``` ./runshell: line 75: /home/vagrant/programs/git-annex.linux/bin/sh: No such file or directory ``` As I told you I then try the AUR package : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/git-annex-standalone/ And it does give me the same error on line 69. It is the same line (3 lines before the end): ``` exec \"$cmd\" \"$@\" ``` I really don't get it because the file is there ... and the first sanity checks of the script have pass. """]]