{- Expands template haskell splices
 - You should probably just use http://hackage.haskell.org/package/zeroth
 - instead. I wish I had known about it before writing this.
 - First, the code must be built with a ghc that supports TH,
 - and the splices dumped to a log. For example:
 -   cabal build --ghc-options=-ddump-splices 2>&1 | tee log
 - Along with the log, a headers file may also be provided, containing
 - additional imports needed by the template haskell code.
 - This program will parse the log, and expand all splices therein,
 - writing files to the specified destdir (which can be "." to modify
 - the source tree directly). They can then be built a second
 - time, with a ghc that does not support TH.
 - Note that template haskell code may refer to symbols that are not
 - exported by the library that defines the TH code. In this case,
 - the library has to be modifed to export those symbols.
 - There can also be other problems with the generated code; it may
 - need modifications to compile.
 - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
 - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.

module Main where

import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.Char
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad

import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Misc
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Path

data Coord = Coord
	{ coordLine :: Int
	, coordColumn :: Int
	deriving (Read, Show)

offsetCoord :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
offsetCoord a b = Coord
	(coordLine a - coordLine b)
	(coordColumn a - coordColumn b)

data SpliceType = SpliceExpression | SpliceDeclaration
	deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

data Splice = Splice
	{ splicedFile :: FilePath
	, spliceStart :: Coord
	, spliceEnd :: Coord
	, splicedExpression :: String
	, splicedCode :: String
	, spliceType :: SpliceType
	deriving (Read, Show)

isExpressionSplice :: Splice -> Bool
isExpressionSplice s = spliceType s == SpliceExpression

number :: Parser Int
number = read <$> many1 digit

{- A pair of Coords is written in one of three ways:
 - "95:21-73", "1:1", or "(92,25)-(94,2)"
coordsParser :: Parser (Coord, Coord)
coordsParser = (try singleline <|> try weird <|> multiline) <?> "Coords"
  	singleline = do
		line <- number
		char ':'
		startcol <- number
		char '-'
		endcol <- number
		return $ (Coord line startcol, Coord line endcol)

	weird = do
		line <- number
		char ':'
		col <- number
		return $ (Coord line col, Coord line col)

	multiline = do
		start <- fromparens
		char '-'
		end <- fromparens
		return $ (start, end)

	fromparens = between (char '(') (char ')') $ do
		line <- number
		char ','
		col <- number
		return $ Coord line col

indent :: Parser String
indent = many1 $ char ' '

restOfLine :: Parser String
restOfLine = newline `after` many (noneOf "\n")

indentedLine :: Parser String
indentedLine = indent >> restOfLine

spliceParser :: Parser Splice
spliceParser = do
	file <- many1 (noneOf ":\n")
	char ':'
	(start, end) <- coordsParser
	string ": Splicing "
	splicetype <- tosplicetype
		<$> (string "expression" <|> string "declarations")

	getthline <- expressionextractor
	expression <- unlines <$> many1 getthline

	string "======>"	

	getcodeline <- expressionextractor
	realcoords <- try (Right <$> getrealcoords file) <|> (Left <$> getcodeline)
	codelines <- many getcodeline
	return $ case realcoords of
		Left firstcodeline -> 
			Splice file start end expression
				(unlines $ firstcodeline:codelines)
		Right (realstart, realend) ->
			Splice file realstart realend expression
				(unlines codelines)
  	tosplicetype "declarations" = SpliceDeclaration
	tosplicetype "expression" = SpliceExpression
	tosplicetype s = error $ "unknown splice type: " ++ s

	{- All lines of the indented expression start with the same
	 - indent, which is stripped. Any other indentation is preserved. -}
	expressionextractor = do
		i <- lookAhead indent
		return $ try $ do
			string i
	{- When splicing declarations, GHC will output a splice
	 - at 1:1, and then inside the splice code block,
	 - the first line will give the actual coordinates of the
	 - line that was spliced. -}
	getrealcoords file = do
		string file
		char ':'
		char '\n' `after` coordsParser

{- Extracts the splices, ignoring the rest of the compiler output. -}
splicesExtractor :: Parser [Splice]
splicesExtractor = rights <$> many extract
  	extract = try (Right <$> spliceParser) <|> (Left <$> compilerJunkLine)
	compilerJunkLine = restOfLine

{- Modifies the source file, expanding the splices, which all must
 - have the same splicedFile. Writes the new file to the destdir.
 - Each splice's Coords refer to the original position in the file,
 - and not to its position after any previous splices may have inserted
 - or removed lines.
 - To deal with this complication, the file is broken into logical lines
 - (which can contain any String, including a multiline or empty string).
 - Each splice is assumed to be on its own block of lines; two
 - splices on the same line is not currently supported.
 - This means that a splice can modify the logical lines within its block
 - as it likes, without interfering with the Coords of other splices.
 - As well as expanding splices, this can add a block of imports to the
 - file. These are put right before the first line in the file that
 - starts with "import "
applySplices :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> [Splice] -> IO ()
applySplices destdir imports splices@(first:_) = do
	let f = splicedFile first
	let dest = (destdir </> f)
	lls <- map (++ "\n") . lines <$> readFileStrict f
	createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
	let newcontent = concat $ addimports $ expand lls splices
	oldcontent <- catchMaybeIO $ readFileStrict dest
	when (oldcontent /= Just newcontent) $ do
		putStrLn $ "splicing " ++ f
		writeFile dest newcontent
  	expand lls [] = lls
  	expand lls (s:rest)
		| isExpressionSplice s = expand (expandExpressionSplice s lls) rest
		| otherwise = expand (expandDeclarationSplice s lls) rest

	addimports lls = case imports of
		Nothing -> lls
		Just v ->
			let (start, end) = break ("import " `isPrefixOf`) lls
			in if null end
				then start
				else concat
					[ start
					, [v]
					, end

{- Declaration splices are expanded to replace their whole line. -}
expandDeclarationSplice :: Splice -> [String] -> [String]
expandDeclarationSplice s lls = concat [before, [splice], end]
	cs = spliceStart s
	ce = spliceEnd s

	(before, rest) = splitAt (coordLine cs - 1) lls
	(_oldlines, end) = splitAt (1 + coordLine (offsetCoord ce cs)) rest
	splice = mangleCode $ splicedCode s

{- Expression splices are expanded within their line. -}
expandExpressionSplice :: Splice -> [String] -> [String]
expandExpressionSplice s lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
	cs = spliceStart s
	ce = spliceEnd s

	(before, rest) = splitAt (coordLine cs - 1) lls
	(oldlines, end) = splitAt (1 + coordLine (offsetCoord ce cs)) rest
	(splicestart, padding, spliceend) = case map expandtabs oldlines of
			| null r -> (ss, [], ss)
			| otherwise -> (ss, take (length r) (repeat []), last r)
		_ -> ([], [], [])
	spliced = concat
		[ joinsplice $ deqqstart $ take (coordColumn cs - 1) splicestart
		, addindent (findindent splicestart) (mangleCode $ splicedCode s)
		, deqqend $ drop (coordColumn ce) spliceend

	{- coordinates assume tabs are expanded to 8 spaces -}
	expandtabs = replace "\t" (take 8 $ repeat ' ')

	{- splicing leaves $() quasiquote behind; remove it -}
	deqqstart s = case reverse s of
		('(':'$':rest) -> reverse rest
		_ -> s
	deqqend (')':s) = s
	deqqend s = s

	{- Prepare the code that comes just before the splice so
	 - the splice will combine with it appropriately. -}
	joinsplice s
		-- all indentation? Skip it, we'll use the splice's indentation
		| all isSpace s = ""
		-- function definition needs no preparation
		-- ie: foo = $(splice)
		| "=" `isSuffixOf` s' = s
		-- nor does lambda definition or case expression
		| "->" `isSuffixOf` s' = s
		-- nor does a let .. in declaration
		| "in" `isSuffixOf` s' = s
		-- already have a $ to set off the splice
		-- ie: foo $ $(splice)
		| "$" `isSuffixOf` s' = s
		-- need to add a $ to set off the splice
		-- ie: bar $(splice)
		| otherwise = s ++ " $ "
	  	s' = filter (not . isSpace) s

	findindent = length . takeWhile isSpace
	addindent n = unlines . map (i ++) . lines
	  	i = take n $ repeat ' '

{- Tweaks code output by GHC in splices to actually build. Yipes. -}
mangleCode :: String -> String
mangleCode = flip_colon
	. remove_unnecessary_type_signatures
	. lambdaparenhack
	. lambdaparens
	. declaration_parens
	. case_layout
	. case_layout_multiline
	. yesod_url_render_hack
	. text_builder_hack
	. nested_instances 
	. collapse_multiline_strings
	. remove_package_version
	. emptylambda
  	{- Lambdas are often output without parens around them.
	 - This breaks when the lambda is immediately applied to a
	 - parameter.
	 - For example:
	 - renderRoute (StaticR sub_a1nUH)
	 -   = \ (a_a1nUI, b_a1nUJ)
	 -       -> (((pack "static") : a_a1nUI),
	 -            b_a1nUJ)
	 -       (renderRoute sub_a1nUH)
	 - There are sometimes many lines of lambda code that need to be
	 - parenthesised. Approach: find the "->" and scan down the
	 - column to the first non-whitespace. This is assumed
	 - to be the expression after the lambda.
	 - Runs recursively on the body of the lambda, to handle nested
	 - lambdas.
	lambdaparens = parsecAndReplace $ do
		-- skip lambdas inside tuples or parens
		prefix <- noneOf "(, \n"
		preindent <- many1 $ oneOf " \n"
		string "\\ "
		lambdaparams <- restofline
		continuedlambdaparams <- many $ try $ do
			indent <- many1 $ char ' '
			p <- satisfy isLetter
			aram <- many $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "_"
			return $ indent ++ p:aram ++ "\n"
		indent <- many1 $ char ' '
		string "-> "
		firstline <- restofline
		lambdalines <- many $ try $ do
			string indent
			char ' '
			l <- restofline
			return $ indent ++ " " ++ l
		return $ concat 
			[ prefix:preindent
			, "(\\ " ++ lambdaparams ++ "\n"
			, concat continuedlambdaparams
			, indent ++ "-> "
			, lambdaparens $ intercalate "\n" (firstline:lambdalines)
			, ")\n"
	{- Hack to add missing parens in a specific case in yesod
	 - static route code.
	 -     StaticR
	 -     yesod_dispatch_env_a4iDV
	 -     (\ p_a4iE2 r_a4iE3
	 -        -> r_a4iE3 {Network.Wai.pathInfo = p_a4iE2}
	 -        xrest_a4iDT req_a4iDW)) }
	 - Need to add another paren around the lambda, and close it
	 - before its parameters. lambdaparens misses this one because
	 - there is already one paren present.
	 - FIXME: This is a hack. lambdaparens could just always add a
	 - layer of parens even when a lambda seems to be in parent.
	lambdaparenhack = parsecAndReplace $ do
		indent <- many1 $ char ' '
		staticr <- string "StaticR"
		string indent
		yesod_dispatch_env <- restofline
		string indent
		lambdaprefix <- string "(\\ "
		l1 <- restofline
		string indent
		lambdaarrow <- string "   ->"
		l2 <- restofline
		return $ unlines
			[ indent ++ staticr
			, indent ++ yesod_dispatch_env
			, indent ++ "(" ++ lambdaprefix ++ l1
			, indent ++ lambdaarrow ++ l2 ++ ")"

	restofline = manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline

  	{- For some reason, GHC sometimes doesn't like the multiline
	 - strings it creates. It seems to get hung up on \{ at the
	 - start of a new line sometimes, wanting it to not be escaped.
	 - To work around what is likely a GHC bug, just collapse
	 - multiline strings. -}
	collapse_multiline_strings = parsecAndReplace $ do
		string "\\\n"
		many1 $ oneOf " \t"
		string "\\"
		return "\\n"

	{- GHC outputs splices using explicit braces rather than layout.
	 - For a case expression, it does something weird:
	 - case foo of {
	 -   xxx -> blah
	 -   yyy -> blah };
	 - This is not legal Haskell; the statements in the case must be
	 - separated by ';'
	 - To fix, we could just put a semicolon at the start of every line
	 - containing " -> " ... Except that lambdas also contain that.
	 - But we can get around that: GHC outputs lambas like this:
	 - \ foo
	 -   -> bar
	 - Or like this:
	 - \ foo -> bar
	 - So, we can put the semicolon at the start of every line
	 - containing " -> " unless there's a "\ " first, or it's
	 - all whitespace up until it.
	case_layout = parsecAndReplace $ do
		indent <- many1 $ char ' '
		prefix <- manyTill (noneOf "\n") (try (string "-> "))
		if length prefix > 10
			then unexpected "too long a prefix"
			else if "\\ " `isInfixOf` prefix
				then unexpected "lambda expression"
				else if null prefix
					then unexpected "second line of lambda"
					else return $ "\n" ++ indent ++ "; " ++ prefix ++ " -> "
	{- Sometimes cases themselves span multiple lines:
	 - Nothing
	 -   -> foo
	case_layout_multiline = parsecAndReplace $ do
		indent <- many1 $ char ' '
		firstline <- restofline

		string indent
		indent2 <- many1 $ char ' '
		string "-> "
		if "\\ " `isInfixOf` firstline
			then unexpected "lambda expression"
			else return $ "\n" ++ indent ++ "; " ++ firstline ++ "\n"
				++ indent ++ indent2 ++ "-> "

	{- (foo, \ -> bar) is not valid haskell, GHC.
	 - Change to (foo, bar)
	 - (Does this ever happen outside a tuple? Only saw
	 - it inside them..
	emptylambda = replace ", \\ -> " ", "

	{- GHC may output this:
	 - instance RenderRoute WebApp where
	 -   data instance Route WebApp
	 -        ^^^^^^^^
	 - The marked word should not be there.
	 - FIXME: This is a yesod-specific hack, it should look for the
	 - outer instance.
	nested_instances = replace "  data instance Route" "  data Route" 

	{- GHC does not properly parenthesise generated data type
	 - declarations. -}
	declaration_parens = replace "StaticR Route Static" "StaticR (Route Static)"

	{- A type signature is sometimes given for an entire lambda,
	 - which is not properly parenthesized or laid out. This is a
	 - hack to remove one specific case where this happens and the
	 - signature is easily inferred, so is just removed.
	remove_unnecessary_type_signatures = parsecAndReplace $ do
		string " ::"
		many1 $ char ' '
		string "Text.Css.Block Text.Css.Resolved"
		return ""

	{- GHC may add full package and version qualifications for
	 - symbols from unimported modules. We don't want these.
	 - Examples:
	 -   "blaze-html-" 
	 -   "ghc-prim:GHC.Types.:"
	remove_package_version = parsecAndReplace $
		mangleSymbol <$> qualifiedSymbol

	mangleSymbol "GHC.Types." = ""
	mangleSymbol "GHC.Tuple." = ""
	mangleSymbol s = s

	qualifiedSymbol :: Parser String
	qualifiedSymbol = do
		s <- token
		char ':'
		if length s < 5
			then unexpected "too short to be a namespace"
			else do

	token :: Parser String
	token = do
		t <- satisfy isLetter
		oken <- many $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "-.'"
		return $ t:oken

	{- This works when it's "GHC.Types.:", but we strip
	 - that above, so have to fix up after it here. 
	 - The ; is added by case_layout. -}
	flip_colon = replace "; : _ " "; _ : "

{- This works around a problem in the expanded template haskell for Yesod
 - type-safe url rendering.
 - It generates code like this:
 -                                  (toHtml
 -                                     (\ u_a2ehE -> urender_a2ehD u_a2ehE []
 -                                        (CloseAlert aid)))));
 - Where urender_a2ehD is the function returned by getUrlRenderParams.
 - But, that function that only takes 2 params, not 3.
 - And toHtml doesn't take a parameter at all!
 - So, this modifes the code, to look like this:
 -                                  (toHtml
 -                                     (flip urender_a2ehD []
 -                                        (CloseAlert aid)))));
 - FIXME: Investigate and fix this properly.
yesod_url_render_hack :: String -> String
yesod_url_render_hack = parsecAndReplace $ do
	string "(toHtml"
	string "(\\"
	wtf <- token
	string "->"
	renderer <- token
	string wtf
	return $ "(toHtml (flip " ++ renderer ++ " "
	whitespace :: Parser String
	whitespace = many $ oneOf " \t\r\n"

	token :: Parser String
	token = many1 $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "_"

{- Use exported symbol. -}
text_builder_hack :: String -> String
text_builder_hack = replace "Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Internal.fromText" "Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText"

{- Given a Parser that finds strings it wants to modify,
 - and returns the modified string, does a mass 
 - find and replace throughout the input string.
 - Rather slow, but crazy powerful. -}
parsecAndReplace :: Parser String -> String -> String
parsecAndReplace p s = case parse find "" s of
	Left e -> s
	Right l -> concatMap (either return id) l
  	find :: Parser [Either Char String]
	find = many $ try (Right <$> p) <|> (Left <$> anyChar)

main :: IO ()
main = go =<< getArgs
	go (destdir:log:header:[]) = run destdir log (Just header)
	go (destdir:log:[]) = run destdir log Nothing
  	go _ = error "usage: EvilSplicer destdir logfile [headerfile]"

	run destdir log mheader = do
		r <- parseFromFile splicesExtractor log
		case r of
			Left e -> error $ show e
			Right splices -> do
				let groups = groupBy (\a b -> splicedFile a == splicedFile b) splices
				imports <- maybe (return Nothing) (catchMaybeIO . readFile) mheader
				mapM_ (applySplices destdir imports) groups