{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2013-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Command.ImportFeed where import Text.Feed.Import import Text.Feed.Query import Text.Feed.Types import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Format import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.LocalTime import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Command import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Url as Url import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Types.UrlContents import Logs.Web import Logs.File import qualified Utility.Format import Utility.Tmp import Utility.Metered import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFile, downloadRemoteFile, parseDownloadOptions, DownloadOptions(..), checkCanAdd) import Annex.UUID import Backend.URL (fromUrl) import Annex.Content import Annex.WorkTree import Annex.YoutubeDl import Types.MetaData import Logs.MetaData import Annex.MetaData import Annex.FileMatcher import Command.AddUrl (addWorkTree, checkRaw) import Annex.UntrustedFilePath import qualified Annex.Branch import Logs cmd :: Command cmd = notBareRepo $ withAnnexOptions [backendOption] $ command "importfeed" SectionCommon "import files from podcast feeds" (paramRepeating paramUrl) (seek <$$> optParser) data ImportFeedOptions = ImportFeedOptions { feedUrls :: CmdParams , templateOption :: Maybe String , downloadOptions :: DownloadOptions } optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ImportFeedOptions optParser desc = ImportFeedOptions <$> cmdParams desc <*> optional (strOption ( long "template" <> metavar paramFormat <> help "template for filenames" )) <*> parseDownloadOptions False seek :: ImportFeedOptions -> CommandSeek seek o = do addunlockedmatcher <- addUnlockedMatcher cache <- getCache (templateOption o) forM_ (feedUrls o) (getFeed addunlockedmatcher o cache) getFeed :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandSeek getFeed addunlockedmatcher opts cache url = do showStartOther "importfeed" (Just url) (SeekInput []) withTmpFile "feed" $ \tmpf h -> do liftIO $ hClose h ifM (downloadFeed url tmpf) ( go tmpf , showEndResult =<< feedProblem url "downloading the feed failed" ) where -- Use parseFeedFromFile rather than reading the file -- ourselves because it goes out of its way to handle encodings. go tmpf = liftIO (parseFeedFromFile' tmpf) >>= \case Nothing -> debugfeedcontent tmpf "parsing the feed failed" Just f -> case findDownloads url f of [] -> debugfeedcontent tmpf "bad feed content; no enclosures to download" l -> do showEndOk ifM (and <$> mapM (performDownload addunlockedmatcher opts cache) l) ( clearFeedProblem url , void $ feedProblem url "problem downloading some item(s) from feed" ) debugfeedcontent tmpf msg = do feedcontent <- liftIO $ readFile tmpf fastDebug "Command.ImportFeed" $ unlines [ "start of feed content" , feedcontent , "end of feed content" ] showEndResult =<< feedProblem url (msg ++ " (use --debug --debugfilter=ImportFeed to see the feed content that was downloaded)") parseFeedFromFile' :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Feed) #if MIN_VERSION_feed(1,1,0) parseFeedFromFile' = parseFeedFromFile #else parseFeedFromFile' f = catchMaybeIO (parseFeedFromFile f) #endif data ToDownload = ToDownload { feed :: Feed , feedurl :: URLString , item :: Item , location :: DownloadLocation } data DownloadLocation = Enclosure URLString | MediaLink URLString type ItemId = String data Cache = Cache { knownurls :: S.Set URLString , knownitems :: S.Set ItemId , template :: Utility.Format.Format } getCache :: Maybe String -> Annex Cache getCache opttemplate = ifM (Annex.getRead Annex.force) ( ret S.empty S.empty , do showStart "importfeed" "gathering known urls" (SeekInput []) (us, is) <- knownItems showEndOk ret (S.fromList us) (S.fromList is) ) where tmpl = Utility.Format.gen $ fromMaybe defaultTemplate opttemplate ret us is = return $ Cache us is tmpl {- Scan all url logs and metadata logs in the branch and find urls - and ItemIds that are already known. -} knownItems :: Annex ([URLString], [ItemId]) knownItems = Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents select (go [] []) >>= \case Just r -> return r Nothing -> giveup "This repository is read-only." where select f | isUrlLog f = Just () | isMetaDataLog f = Just () | otherwise = Nothing go uc ic reader = reader >>= \case Just ((), f, Just content) | isUrlLog f -> case parseUrlLog content of [] -> go uc ic reader us -> go (us++uc) ic reader | isMetaDataLog f -> let s = currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $ parseCurrentMetaData content in if S.null s then go uc ic reader else go uc (map (decodeBS . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s)++ic) reader | otherwise -> go uc ic reader Just ((), _, Nothing) -> go uc ic reader Nothing -> return (uc, ic) findDownloads :: URLString -> Feed -> [ToDownload] findDownloads u f = catMaybes $ map mk (feedItems f) where mk i = case getItemEnclosure i of Just (enclosureurl, _, _) -> Just $ ToDownload f u i $ Enclosure $ decodeBS $ fromFeedText enclosureurl Nothing -> case getItemLink i of Just l -> Just $ ToDownload f u i $ MediaLink $ decodeBS $ fromFeedText l Nothing -> Nothing {- Feeds change, so a feed download cannot be resumed. -} downloadFeed :: URLString -> FilePath -> Annex Bool downloadFeed url f | Url.parseURIRelaxed url == Nothing = giveup "invalid feed url" | otherwise = Url.withUrlOptions $ Url.download nullMeterUpdate Nothing url f performDownload :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool performDownload = performDownload' False performDownload' :: Bool -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload = case location todownload of Enclosure url -> checkknown url $ do starturl url rundownload url (takeWhile (/= '?') $ takeExtension url) $ \f -> do let f' = fromRawFilePath f r <- Remote.claimingUrl url if Remote.uuid r == webUUID || rawOption (downloadOptions opts) then checkRaw (Just url) (downloadOptions opts) Nothing $ do let dlopts = (downloadOptions opts) -- force using the filename -- chosen here { fileOption = Just f' -- don't use youtube-dl , rawOption = True } let go urlinfo = Just . maybeToList <$> addUrlFile addunlockedmatcher dlopts url urlinfo f if relaxedOption (downloadOptions opts) then go Url.assumeUrlExists else Url.withUrlOptions (Url.getUrlInfo url) >>= \case Right urlinfo -> go urlinfo Left err -> do warning err return (Just []) else do res <- tryNonAsync $ maybe (error $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ Remote.name r) (flip id url) (Remote.checkUrl r) case res of Left _ -> return (Just []) Right (UrlContents sz _) -> Just . maybeToList <$> downloadRemoteFile addunlockedmatcher r (downloadOptions opts) url f sz Right (UrlMulti l) -> do kl <- forM l $ \(url', sz, subf) -> let dest = f P.</> toRawFilePath (sanitizeFilePath subf) in downloadRemoteFile addunlockedmatcher r (downloadOptions opts) url' dest sz return $ Just $ if all isJust kl then catMaybes kl else [] MediaLink linkurl -> do let mediaurl = setDownloader linkurl YoutubeDownloader let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing -- Old versions of git-annex that used quvi might have -- used the quviurl for this, so check if it's known -- to avoid adding it a second time. let quviurl = setDownloader linkurl QuviDownloader checkknown mediaurl $ checkknown quviurl $ ifM (Annex.getRead Annex.fast <||> pure (relaxedOption (downloadOptions opts))) ( addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey , downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey ) where forced = Annex.getRead Annex.force {- Avoids downloading any items that are already known to be - associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -} checkknown url a | knownitemid || S.member url (knownurls cache) = ifM forced (a, return True) | otherwise = a knownitemid = case getItemId (item todownload) of Just (_, itemid) -> S.member (decodeBS $ fromFeedText itemid) (knownitems cache) _ -> False rundownload url extension getter = do dest <- makeunique url (1 :: Integer) $ feedFile (template cache) todownload extension case dest of Nothing -> return True Just f -> getter (toRawFilePath f) >>= \case Just ks -- Download problem. | null ks -> do showEndFail checkFeedBroken (feedurl todownload) | otherwise -> do forM_ ks $ \key -> ifM (annexGenMetaData <$> Annex.getGitConfig) ( addMetaData key $ extractMetaData todownload , addMetaData key $ minimalMetaData todownload ) showEndOk return True -- Was not able to add anything, but not -- because of a download problem. Nothing -> do showEndFail return False {- Find a unique filename to save the url to. - If the file exists, prefixes it with a number. - When forced, the file may already exist and have the same - url, in which case Nothing is returned as it does not need - to be re-downloaded. -} makeunique url n file = ifM alreadyexists ( ifM forced ( lookupKey (toRawFilePath f) >>= \case Just k -> checksameurl k Nothing -> tryanother , tryanother ) , return $ Just f ) where f = if n < 2 then file else let (d, base) = splitFileName file in d </> show n ++ "_" ++ base tryanother = makeunique url (n + 1) file alreadyexists = liftIO $ isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f) checksameurl k = ifM (elem url <$> getUrls k) ( return Nothing , tryanother ) downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey | rawOption (downloadOptions opts) = downloadlink False | otherwise = ifM (youtubeDlSupported linkurl) ( do starturl linkurl r <- withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do dl <- youtubeDl linkurl (fromRawFilePath workdir) nullMeterUpdate case dl of Right (Just mediafile) -> do let ext = case takeExtension mediafile of [] -> ".m" s -> s ok <- rundownload linkurl ext $ \f -> checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile)) return (Just [mediakey]) return (Just ok) -- youtube-dl didn't support it, so -- download it as if the link were -- an enclosure. Right Nothing -> Just <$> downloadlink True Left msg -> do warning $ linkurl ++ ": " ++ msg return Nothing return (fromMaybe False r) , downloadlink False ) where downloadlink started' = checkRaw (Just linkurl) (downloadOptions opts) False $ performDownload' started' addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload { location = Enclosure linkurl } addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey = ifM (pure (not (rawOption (downloadOptions opts))) <&&> youtubeDlSupported linkurl) ( do starturl linkurl rundownload linkurl ".m" $ \f -> checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey Nothing return (Just [mediakey]) , performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload { location = Enclosure linkurl } ) starturl u = unless started $ showStartOther "addurl" (Just u) (SeekInput []) defaultTemplate :: String defaultTemplate = "${feedtitle}/${itemtitle}${extension}" {- Generates a filename to use for a feed item by filling out the template. - The filename may not be unique. -} feedFile :: Utility.Format.Format -> ToDownload -> String -> FilePath feedFile tmpl i extension = sanitizeLeadingFilePathCharacter $ Utility.Format.format tmpl $ M.map sanitizeFilePathComponent $ M.fromList $ extractFields i ++ [ ("extension", extension) , extractField "itempubdate" [itempubdate] , extractField "itempubyear" [itempubyear] , extractField "itempubmonth" [itempubmonth] , extractField "itempubday" [itempubday] , extractField "itempubhour" [itempubhour] , extractField "itempubminute" [itempubminute] , extractField "itempubsecond" [itempubsecond] ] where itm = item i pubdate = case getItemPublishDate itm :: Maybe (Maybe UTCTime) of Just (Just d) -> Just d _ -> Nothing itempubdate = case pubdate of Just pd -> Just $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" pd -- if date cannot be parsed, use the raw string Nothing-> replace "/" "-" . decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemPublishDateString itm (itempubyear, itempubmonth, itempubday) = case pubdate of Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) Just pd -> let (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay pd) in (Just (show y), Just (show m), Just (show d)) (itempubhour, itempubminute, itempubsecond) = case pubdate of Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) Just pd -> let tod = timeToTimeOfDay (utctDayTime pd) in ( Just (show (todHour tod)) , Just (show (todMin tod)) -- avoid fractional seconds , Just (takeWhile (/= '.') (show (todSec tod))) ) extractMetaData :: ToDownload -> MetaData extractMetaData i = case getItemPublishDate (item i) :: Maybe (Maybe UTCTime) of Just (Just d) -> unionMetaData meta (dateMetaData d meta) _ -> meta where tometa (k, v) = (mkMetaFieldUnchecked (T.pack k), S.singleton (toMetaValue (encodeBS v))) meta = MetaData $ M.fromList $ map tometa $ extractFields i minimalMetaData :: ToDownload -> MetaData minimalMetaData i = case getItemId (item i) of (Nothing) -> emptyMetaData (Just (_, itemid)) -> MetaData $ M.singleton itemIdField (S.singleton $ toMetaValue $fromFeedText itemid) {- Extract fields from the feed and item, that are both used as metadata, - and to generate the filename. -} extractFields :: ToDownload -> [(String, String)] extractFields i = map (uncurry extractField) [ ("feedtitle", [feedtitle]) , ("itemtitle", [itemtitle]) , ("feedauthor", [feedauthor]) , ("itemauthor", [itemauthor]) , ("itemsummary", [decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemSummary (item i)]) , ("itemdescription", [decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemDescription (item i)]) , ("itemrights", [decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemRights (item i)]) , ("itemid", [decodeBS . fromFeedText . snd <$> getItemId (item i)]) , ("title", [itemtitle, feedtitle]) , ("author", [itemauthor, feedauthor]) ] where feedtitle = Just $ decodeBS $ fromFeedText $ getFeedTitle $ feed i itemtitle = decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemTitle (item i) feedauthor = decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getFeedAuthor (feed i) itemauthor = decodeBS . fromFeedText <$> getItemAuthor (item i) itemIdField :: MetaField itemIdField = mkMetaFieldUnchecked "itemid" extractField :: String -> [Maybe String] -> (String, String) extractField k [] = (k, noneValue) extractField k (Just v:_) | not (null v) = (k, v) extractField k (_:rest) = extractField k rest noneValue :: String noneValue = "none" {- Called when there is a problem with a feed. - - If the feed has been broken for some time, - returns False, otherwise only warns. -} feedProblem :: URLString -> String -> Annex Bool feedProblem url message = ifM (checkFeedBroken url) ( do warning $ message ++ " (having repeated problems with feed: " ++ url ++ ")" return False , do warning $ "warning: " ++ message return True ) {- A feed is only broken if problems have occurred repeatedly, for at - least 23 hours. -} checkFeedBroken :: URLString -> Annex Bool checkFeedBroken url = checkFeedBroken' url =<< feedState url checkFeedBroken' :: URLString -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool checkFeedBroken' url f = do prev <- maybe Nothing readish <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readFile (fromRawFilePath f)) now <- liftIO getCurrentTime case prev of Nothing -> do writeLogFile f $ show now return False Just prevtime -> do let broken = diffUTCTime now prevtime > 60 * 60 * 23 when broken $ -- Avoid repeatedly complaining about -- broken feed. clearFeedProblem url return broken clearFeedProblem :: URLString -> Annex () clearFeedProblem url = void $ liftIO . tryIO . removeFile . fromRawFilePath =<< feedState url feedState :: URLString -> Annex RawFilePath feedState url = fromRepo $ gitAnnexFeedState $ fromUrl url Nothing {- The feed library parses the feed to Text, and does not use the - filesystem encoding to do it, so when the locale is not unicode - capable, a Text value can still include unicode characters. - - So, it's not safe to use T.unpack to convert that to a String, - because later use of that String by eg encodeBS will crash - with an encoding error. Use this instad. - - This should not be used on a Text that is read using the - filesystem encoding because it does not reverse that encoding. -} fromFeedText :: T.Text -> B.ByteString fromFeedText = TE.encodeUtf8