{- git-annex command
 - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
 - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.


module Command.Log where

import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
#if ! MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import System.Locale

import Common.Annex
import Command
import Logs
import qualified Logs.Presence
import Annex.CatFile
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git
import Git.Command
import qualified Remote
import qualified Annex

data RefChange = RefChange 
	{ changetime :: POSIXTime
	, oldref :: Git.Ref
	, newref :: Git.Ref

type Outputter = Bool -> POSIXTime -> [UUID] -> Annex ()

cmd :: [Command]
cmd = [withOptions options $
	command "log" paramPaths seek SectionQuery "shows location log"]

options :: [Option]
options = passthruOptions ++ [gourceOption] ++ annexedMatchingOptions

passthruOptions :: [Option]
passthruOptions = map odate ["since", "after", "until", "before"] ++
	[ fieldOption ['n'] "max-count" paramNumber
		"limit number of logs displayed"
	odate n = fieldOption [] n paramDate $ "show log " ++ n ++ " date"

gourceOption :: Option
gourceOption = flagOption [] "gource" "format output for gource"

seek :: CommandSeek
seek ps = do
	m <- Remote.uuidDescriptions
	zone <- liftIO getCurrentTimeZone
	os <- concat <$> mapM getoption passthruOptions
	gource <- getOptionFlag gourceOption
	withFilesInGit (whenAnnexed $ start m zone os gource) ps
	getoption o = maybe [] (use o) <$>
		Annex.getField (optionName o)
	use o v = [Param ("--" ++ optionName o), Param v]

	:: M.Map UUID String
	-> TimeZone
	-> [CommandParam]
	-> Bool
	-> FilePath
	-> Key
	-> CommandStart
start m zone os gource file key = do
	showLog output =<< readLog <$> getLog key os
	-- getLog produces a zombie; reap it
	liftIO reapZombies
		| gource = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
		| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription file zone
	lookupdescription u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $ M.lookup u m

showLog :: Outputter -> [RefChange] -> Annex ()
showLog outputter ps = do
	sets <- mapM (getset newref) ps
	previous <- maybe (return genesis) (getset oldref) (lastMaybe ps)
	sequence_ $ compareChanges outputter $ sets ++ [previous]
	genesis = (0, S.empty)
	getset select change = do
		s <- S.fromList <$> get (select change)
		return (changetime change, s)
	get ref = map toUUID . Logs.Presence.getLog . L.unpack <$>
		catObject ref

normalOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> TimeZone -> Outputter
normalOutput lookupdescription file zone present ts us =
	liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . format) us
	time = showTimeStamp zone ts
	addel = if present then "+" else "-"
	format u = unwords [ addel, time, file, "|", 
		fromUUID u ++ " -- " ++ lookupdescription u ]

gourceOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> Outputter
gourceOutput lookupdescription file present ts us =
	liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . intercalate "|" . format) us
	time = takeWhile isDigit $ show ts
	addel = if present then "A" else "M"
	format u = [ time, lookupdescription u, addel, file ]

{- Generates a display of the changes (which are ordered with newest first),
 - by comparing each change with the previous change.
 - Uses a formatter to generate a display of items that are added and
 - removed. -}
compareChanges :: Ord a => (Bool -> POSIXTime -> [a] -> b) -> [(POSIXTime, S.Set a)] -> [b]
compareChanges format changes = concatMap diff $ zip changes (drop 1 changes)
	diff ((ts, new), (_, old)) =
		[format True ts added, format False ts removed]
		added = S.toList $ S.difference new old
		removed = S.toList $ S.difference old new

{- Gets the git log for a given location log file.
 - This is complicated by git log using paths relative to the current
 - directory, even when looking at files in a different branch. A wacky
 - relative path to the log file has to be used.
 - The --remove-empty is a significant optimisation. It relies on location
 - log files never being deleted in normal operation. Letting git stop
 - once the location log file is gone avoids it checking all the way back
 - to commit 0 to see if it used to exist, so generally speeds things up a
 - *lot* for newish files. -}
getLog :: Key -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [String]
getLog key os = do
	top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
	p <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile top
	config <- Annex.getGitConfig
	let logfile = p </> locationLogFile config key
	inRepo $ pipeNullSplitZombie $
		[ Params "log -z --pretty=format:%ct --raw --abbrev=40"
		, Param "--remove-empty"
		] ++ os ++
		[ Param $ Git.fromRef Annex.Branch.fullname
		, Param "--"
		, Param logfile

readLog :: [String] -> [RefChange]
readLog = mapMaybe (parse . lines)
	parse (ts:raw:[]) = let (old, new) = parseRaw raw in
		Just RefChange
			{ changetime = parseTimeStamp ts
			, oldref = old
			, newref = new
	parse _ = Nothing

-- Parses something like ":100644 100644 oldsha newsha M"
parseRaw :: String -> (Git.Ref, Git.Ref)
parseRaw l = go $ words l
	go (_:_:oldsha:newsha:_) = (Git.Ref oldsha, Git.Ref newsha)
	go _ = error $ "unable to parse git log output: " ++ l

parseTimeStamp :: String -> POSIXTime
parseTimeStamp = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . fromMaybe (error "bad timestamp") .
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
	parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%s"
	parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s"

showTimeStamp :: TimeZone -> POSIXTime -> String
showTimeStamp zone = show . utcToLocalTime zone . posixSecondsToUTCTime