{- Build man pages. - - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-} module Build.Mans where import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Data.List import Control.Monad import System.Process import System.Exit import Data.Maybe import Utility.Exception import Control.Applicative import Prelude buildMansOrWarn :: IO () buildMansOrWarn = do mans <- buildMans when (any isNothing mans) $ error "mdwn2man failed" buildMans :: IO [Maybe FilePath] buildMans = do mansrc <- filter isManSrc <$> getDirectoryContents "doc" createDirectoryIfMissing False "man" forM mansrc $ \f -> do let src = "doc" </> f let dest = srcToDest src srcm <- getModificationTime src destm <- catchMaybeIO $ getModificationTime dest if (Just srcm > destm) then do r <- system $ unwords -- Run with per because in some -- cases it may not be executable. [ "perl", "./Build/mdwn2man" , progName src , "1" , src , "> " ++ dest ] if r == ExitSuccess then return (Just dest) else return Nothing else return (Just dest) isManSrc :: FilePath -> Bool isManSrc s | not (takeExtension s == ".mdwn") = False | otherwise = "git-annex" `isPrefixOf` f || "git-remote-" `isPrefixOf` f where f = takeFileName s srcToDest :: FilePath -> FilePath srcToDest s = "man" </> progName s ++ ".1" progName :: FilePath -> FilePath progName = dropExtension . takeFileName