<div .col-sm-9> <div .content-box> <h2> Consistency checks <p> Checking the contents of a repository periodically will ensure that # your data is in good shape. Any problems that are detected will # be automatically fixed. <p> Running the consistency check involves reading all the files in the # repository, which can take a long time if it's large. Running just a # little at a time will eventually check the whole repository. $if (not (null scheduledchecks)) <p> Currently scheduled checks: $forall c <- scheduledchecks ^{showFsckForm False c} <div style="margin-left: 5em"> ^{showFsckStatus c} <p> $if null (recommendedchecks) Add a check: ^{showFsckForm True (defaultFsck Nothing)} $else <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-warning-sign> \ Some repositories are not yet checked. # Please consider adding these checks: $forall c <- recommendedchecks ^{showFsckForm True c} <h3> Configuration ^{showFsckPreferencesForm}