{- A pool of "git-annex transferrer" processes - - Copyright 2013-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Annex.TransferrerPool where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import Types.TransferrerPool import Types.Transferrer import Types.Transfer import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Types.Messages import Types.CleanupActions import Messages.Serialized import Annex.Path import Annex.StallDetection import Utility.Batch import Utility.Metered import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (check) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import qualified Data.Map as M #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import System.Posix.Signals import System.Posix.Process (getProcessGroupIDOf) #endif type SignalActionsVar = TVar (M.Map SignalAction (Int -> IO ())) data RunTransferrer = RunTransferrer String [CommandParam] BatchCommandMaker mkRunTransferrer :: BatchCommandMaker -> Annex RunTransferrer mkRunTransferrer batchmaker = RunTransferrer <$> liftIO programPath <*> gitAnnexChildProcessParams "transferrer" [] <*> pure batchmaker {- Runs an action with a Transferrer from the pool. -} withTransferrer :: (Transferrer -> Annex a) -> Annex a withTransferrer a = do rt <- mkRunTransferrer nonBatchCommandMaker pool <- Annex.getRead Annex.transferrerpool let nocheck = pure (pure True) signalactonsvar <- Annex.getRead Annex.signalactions withTransferrer' False signalactonsvar nocheck rt pool a withTransferrer' :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Bool -- ^ When minimizeprocesses is True, only one Transferrer is left -- running in the pool at a time. So if this needed to start a -- new Transferrer, it's stopped when done. Otherwise, idle -- processes are left in the pool for use later. -> SignalActionsVar -> MkCheckTransferrer -> RunTransferrer -> TransferrerPool -> (Transferrer -> m a) -> m a withTransferrer' minimizeprocesses signalactonsvar mkcheck rt pool a = do (mi, leftinpool) <- liftIO $ atomically (popTransferrerPool pool) (i@(TransferrerPoolItem _ check), t) <- liftIO $ case mi of Nothing -> do t <- mkTransferrer signalactonsvar rt i <- mkTransferrerPoolItem mkcheck t return (i, t) Just i -> checkTransferrerPoolItem signalactonsvar rt i a t `finally` returntopool leftinpool check t i where returntopool leftinpool check t i | not minimizeprocesses || leftinpool == 0 = -- If the transferrer got killed, the handles will -- be closed, so it should not be returned to the -- pool. liftIO $ whenM (hIsOpen (transferrerWrite t)) $ liftIO $ atomically $ pushTransferrerPool pool i | otherwise = liftIO $ do void $ forkIO $ transferrerShutdown t atomically $ pushTransferrerPool pool $ TransferrerPoolItem Nothing check {- Check if a Transferrer from the pool is still ok to be used. - If not, stop it and start a new one. -} checkTransferrerPoolItem :: SignalActionsVar -> RunTransferrer -> TransferrerPoolItem -> IO (TransferrerPoolItem, Transferrer) checkTransferrerPoolItem signalactonsvar rt i = case i of TransferrerPoolItem (Just t) check -> ifM check ( return (i, t) , do transferrerShutdown t new check ) TransferrerPoolItem Nothing check -> new check where new check = do t <- mkTransferrer signalactonsvar rt return (TransferrerPoolItem (Just t) check, t) data TransferRequestLevel = AnnexLevel | AssistantLevel deriving (Show) {- Requests that a Transferrer perform a Transfer, and waits for it to - finish. - - When a stall is detected, kills the Transferrer. - - If the transfer failed or stalled, returns TransferInfo with an - updated bytesComplete reflecting how much data has been transferred. -} performTransfer :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Maybe StallDetection -> TransferRequestLevel -> (forall a. Annex a -> m a) -- ^ Run an annex action in the monad. Will not be used with -- actions that block for a long time. -> Maybe Remote -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Transferrer -> m (Either TransferInfo ()) performTransfer stalldetection level runannex r t info transferrer = do bpv <- liftIO $ newTVarIO zeroBytesProcessed ifM (catchBoolIO $ bracket setup cleanup (go bpv)) ( return (Right ()) , do n <- liftIO $ atomically $ fromBytesProcessed <$> readTVar bpv return $ Left $ info { bytesComplete = Just n } ) where setup = do liftIO $ sendRequest level t r (associatedFile info) (transferrerWrite transferrer) metervar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing stalledvar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False tid <- liftIO $ async $ detectStalls stalldetection metervar $ do atomically $ writeTVar stalledvar True killTransferrer transferrer return (metervar, tid, stalledvar) cleanup (_, tid, stalledvar) = do liftIO $ uninterruptibleCancel tid whenM (liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar stalledvar) $ do runannex $ showLongNote "Transfer stalled" -- Close handles, to prevent the transferrer being -- reused since the process was killed. liftIO $ hClose $ transferrerRead transferrer liftIO $ hClose $ transferrerWrite transferrer go bpv (metervar, _, _) = relaySerializedOutput (liftIO $ readResponse (transferrerRead transferrer)) (liftIO . sendSerializedOutputResponse (transferrerWrite transferrer)) (updatemeter bpv metervar) runannex updatemeter bpv metervar (Just n) = liftIO $ do atomically $ writeTVar metervar (Just n) atomically $ writeTVar bpv n updatemeter _bpv metervar Nothing = liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar metervar Nothing {- Starts a new git-annex transfer process, setting up handles - that will be used to communicate with it. -} mkTransferrer :: SignalActionsVar -> RunTransferrer -> IO Transferrer mkTransferrer signalactonsvar (RunTransferrer program params batchmaker) = do {- It runs as a batch job. -} let (program', params') = batchmaker (program, params) {- It's put into its own group so that the whole group can be - killed to stop a transfer. -} (Just writeh, Just readh, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc program' $ toCommand params') { create_group = True , std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe } {- Set up signal propagation, so eg ctrl-c will also interrupt - the processes in the transferrer's process group. - - There is a race between the process being created and this point. - If a signal is received before this can run, it is not sent to - the transferrer. This leaves the transferrer waiting for the - first message on stdin to tell what to do. If the signal kills - this parent process, the transferrer will then get a sigpipe - and die too. If the signal suspends this parent process, - it's ok to leave the transferrer running, as it's waiting on - the pipe until this process wakes back up. -} #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS pid <- getPid ph unregistersignalprop <- case pid of Just p -> getProcessGroupIDOf p >>= \pgrp -> do atomically $ modifyTVar' signalactonsvar $ M.insert (PropagateSignalProcessGroup p) $ \sig -> signalProcessGroup (fromIntegral sig) pgrp return $ atomically $ modifyTVar' signalactonsvar $ M.delete (PropagateSignalProcessGroup p) Nothing -> return noop #else let unregistersignalprop = noop #endif return $ Transferrer { transferrerRead = readh , transferrerWrite = writeh , transferrerHandle = ph , transferrerShutdown = do hClose readh hClose writeh void $ waitForProcess ph unregistersignalprop } -- | Send a request to perform a transfer. sendRequest :: TransferRequestLevel -> Transfer -> Maybe Remote -> AssociatedFile -> Handle -> IO () sendRequest level t mremote afile h = do let tr = maybe (TransferRemoteUUID (transferUUID t)) (TransferRemoteName . Remote.name) mremote let f = case (level, transferDirection t) of (AnnexLevel, Upload) -> UploadRequest (AnnexLevel, Download) -> DownloadRequest (AssistantLevel, Upload) -> AssistantUploadRequest (AssistantLevel, Download) -> AssistantDownloadRequest let r = f tr (transferKey t) (TransferAssociatedFile afile) let l = unwords $ Proto.formatMessage r debug "Annex.TransferrerPool" ("> " ++ l) hPutStrLn h l hFlush h sendSerializedOutputResponse :: Handle -> SerializedOutputResponse -> IO () sendSerializedOutputResponse h sor = do let l = unwords $ Proto.formatMessage $ TransferSerializedOutputResponse sor debug "Annex.TransferrerPool" ("> " ++ show l) hPutStrLn h l hFlush h -- | Read a response to a transfer request. -- -- Before the final response, this will return whatever SerializedOutput -- should be displayed as the transfer is performed. readResponse :: Handle -> IO (Either SerializedOutput Bool) readResponse h = do l <- liftIO $ hGetLine h debug "Annex.TransferrerPool" ("< " ++ l) case Proto.parseMessage l of Just (TransferOutput so) -> return (Left so) Just (TransferResult r) -> return (Right r) Nothing -> transferrerProtocolError l transferrerProtocolError :: String -> a transferrerProtocolError l = giveup $ "transferrer protocol error: " ++ show l {- Kill the transferrer, and all its child processes. -} killTransferrer :: Transferrer -> IO () killTransferrer t = do interruptProcessGroupOf $ transferrerHandle t threadDelay 50000 -- 0.05 second grace period terminateProcess $ transferrerHandle t {- Stop all transferrers in the pool. -} emptyTransferrerPool :: Annex () emptyTransferrerPool = do poolvar <- Annex.getRead Annex.transferrerpool pool <- liftIO $ atomically $ swapTVar poolvar [] liftIO $ forM_ pool $ \case TransferrerPoolItem (Just t) _ -> transferrerShutdown t TransferrerPoolItem Nothing _ -> noop