{- P2P protocol over HTTP, urls - - Copyright 2024 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module P2P.Http.Url where import Types.UUID import Utility.FileSystemEncoding import Utility.PartialPrelude import Data.List import Network.URI import System.FilePath.Posix as P import qualified Data.UUID as UUID #ifdef WITH_SERVANT import Servant.Client (BaseUrl(..), Scheme(..)) import Text.Read #endif defaultP2PHttpProtocolPort :: Int defaultP2PHttpProtocolPort = 9417 -- Git protocol is 9418 isP2PHttpProtocolUrl :: String -> Bool isP2PHttpProtocolUrl s = "annex+http://" `isPrefixOf` s || "annex+https://" `isPrefixOf` s data P2PHttpUrl = P2PHttpUrl { p2pHttpUrlString :: String , p2pHttpUUID :: Maybe UUID #ifdef WITH_SERVANT , p2pHttpBaseUrl :: BaseUrl #endif } deriving (Show) parseP2PHttpUrl :: String -> Maybe P2PHttpUrl parseP2PHttpUrl us | isP2PHttpProtocolUrl us = case parseURI (drop prefixlen us) of Nothing -> Nothing Just u -> #ifdef WITH_SERVANT case uriScheme u of "http:" -> mkbaseurl Http u "https:" -> mkbaseurl Https u _ -> Nothing #else Just $ P2PHttpUrl us (extractuuid u) #endif | otherwise = Nothing where prefixlen = length "annex+" extractuuid u = do p <- lastMaybe $ P.splitDirectories (uriPath u) -- While git-annex generally allows a UUID that is not -- well formed, here it's important to make sure that the -- url a user provided really ends with a UUID, so check -- that it's well formed. case UUID.fromString p of Nothing -> Nothing Just _ -> return (UUID (encodeBS p)) #ifdef WITH_SERVANT mkbaseurl s u = do auth <- uriAuthority u port <- if null (uriPort auth) then Just defaultP2PHttpProtocolPort else readMaybe (dropWhile (== ':') (uriPort auth)) return $ P2PHttpUrl us (extractuuid u) $ BaseUrl { baseUrlScheme = s , baseUrlHost = uriRegName auth , baseUrlPath = basepath u , baseUrlPort = port } -- The servant server uses urls that start with "/git-annex/", -- and so the servant client adds that to the base url. So remove -- it from the url that the user provided. However, it may not be -- present, eg if some other server is speaking the git-annex -- protocol. The UUID is also removed from the end of the url. basepath u = case drop 1 $ reverse $ P.splitDirectories (uriPath u) of ("git-annex":"/":rest) -> P.joinPath (reverse rest) rest -> P.joinPath (reverse rest) #endif p2pHttpUrlWithoutUUID :: String -> String p2pHttpUrlWithoutUUID = reverse . dropWhile (/= '/') . reverse unavailableP2PHttpUrl :: P2PHttpUrl -> P2PHttpUrl unavailableP2PHttpUrl p = p #ifdef WITH_SERVANT { p2pHttpBaseUrl = (p2pHttpBaseUrl p) { baseUrlHost = "!dne!" } } #endif