git-annex mostly does not use encryption. Anyone with access to a git repository can see all the filenames in it, its history, and can access any annexed file contents. Encryption is needed when using [[special_remotes]] like Amazon S3, where file content is sent to an untrusted party who does not have access to the git repository. Such an encrypted remote uses strong encryption on the contents of files, as well as the filenames. The size of the encrypted files, and access patterns of the data, should be the only clues to what type of is stored in such a remote. [[!toc]] ## encryption backends It makes sense to support multiple encryption backends. So, there should be a way to tell what backend is responsible for a given filename in an encrypted remote. (And since special remotes can also store files unencrypted, differentiate from those as well.) At a high level, an encryption backend needs to support these operations: * Create a new encrypted cipher, or update the cipher. Some input parameters will specifiy things like the gpg public keys that can access the cipher. * Initialize an instance of the encryption backend, that will use a specified encrypted cipher. * Given a key/value backend key, produce and return an encrypted key. The same naming scheme git-annex uses for keys in regular key/value [[backends]] can be used. So a filename for a key might be "GPG-s12345--armoureddatahere" * Given a streaming source of file content, encrypt it, and send it in a stream to an action that consumes the encrypted content. * Given a streaming source of encrypted content, decrypt it, and send it in a stream to an anction that consumes the decrypted content. * Clean up. The rest of this page will describe a single encryption backend using GPG. Probably only one will be needed, but who knows? Maybe that backend will turn out badly designed, or some other encryptor needed. Designing with more than one encryption backend in mind helps future-proofing. ## encryption key management [[!template id=note text=""" The basis of this scheme was originally developed by Lars Wirzenius et al [for Obnam]( """]] Data is encrypted by gpg, using a symmetric cipher. The passphrase of the cipher is itself checked into your git repository, encrypted using one or more gpg public keys. This scheme allows new gpg private keys to be given access to content that has already been stored in the remote. Different encrypted remotes need to be able to each use different ciphers. Allowing multiple cipers to be used within a single remote would add a lot of complexity, so is not planned to be supported. Instead, if you want a new cipher, create a new S3 bucket, or whatever. There does not seem to be much benefit to using the same cipher for two different enrypted remotes. So, the encrypted cipher could just be stored with the rest of a remote's configuration in `.git-annex/remotes.log` (see [[internals]]). When `git annex intiremote` makes a remote, it can generate a random symmetric cipher, and encrypt it with the specified gpg key. To allow another gpg public key access, update the encrypted cipher to be encrypted to both gpg keys. ## filename enumeration If the names of files are encrypted or securely hashed, or whatever is chosen, this makes it harder for git-annex (let alone untrusted third parties!) to get a list of the files that are stored on a given enrypted remote. But, does git-annex really ever need to do such an enumeration? Apparently not. `git annex unused --from remote` can now check for unused data that is stored on a remote, and it does so based only on location log data for the remote. This assumes that the location log is kept accurately. What about `git annex fsck --from remote`? Such a command should be able to, for each file in the repository, contact the encrypted remote to check if it has the file. This can be done without enumeration, although it will mean running gpg once per file fscked, to get the encrypted filename. ## risks A risk of this scheme is that, once the symmetric cipher has been obtained, it allows full access to all the encrypted content. This scheme does not allow revoking a given gpg key access to the cipher, since anyone with such a key could have already decrypted the cipher and stored a copy. If git-annex stores the decrypted symmetric cipher in memory, then there is a risk that it could be intercepted from there by an attacker. Gpg amelorates these type of risks by using locked memory. For git-annex, note that an attacker with local machine access can tell at least all the filenames and metadata of files stored in the encrypted remote anyway, and can access whatever content is stored locally. This design does not support obfuscating the size of files by chunking them, as that would have added a lot of complexity, for dubious benefits. If the untrusted party running the encrypted remote wants to know file sizes, they could correlate chunks that are accessed together. Encrypting data changes the original file size enough to avoid it being used as a direct fingerprint at least.