[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="Flag to force same behavior as annex.largefiles attribute?"
When in [direct mode](https://git-annex.branchable.com/direct_mode), the \"add the non-large file directly to the git repository\" behavior described above is very useful, because the option of typing simply `git add foo`, does not exist as it does in [indirect mode](https://git-annex.branchable.com/git-annex-indirect/).

However, I can't see any combination of flags that trigger this behavior.  I suppose it can be accomplished by temporarily setting [annex.largefiles](https://git-annex.branchable.com/tips/largefiles/) to a huge value before executing `git annex add` (i.e. creating a `.gitattributes` and then deleting it).  I think I'll try that as a work-around, but it would be great to have a flag that accomplishes this.
