Similar to [[bugs/add_overwrite_race]], several callers of
replaceWorkTreeFile are susceptable to a race. They do some check of the
current content of the file, and then they call that to replace it with
something else. But in between, the file could be overwritten with other
content. And that content then gets overwritten.

This is probably not a bug, because `git checkout` actually has the same
problem, IIRC. And if git does that, it's ok for git-annex to also.

Still, this affects several git-annex commands, and it would be better to
avoid it. To avoid it, replaceWorkTreeFile could be provided with a
Maybe FileStatus of the content that was in the worktree that is ok to
overwrite. Then atomically swap the current worktree file and the new 
file, and afterwards check if the old worktree file is unmodifified,
moving it back if it is modified.

(Note that, this will not help with situations where the worktree file
is opened for append, but gets replaced by git-annex before being written
to. A later write will be to a deleted file.)

The atomic swap would need a call to `renameat2()` with
`RENAME_EXCHANGE`. There does not seem to be a binding for that
in any haskell library. Also, it is linux-specific, though may also
have reached freebsd?

Hmm, but even this could lead to file corruption. Suppose that a process
is opening the worktree file for append, writing a byte, closing it, and
repeating. The bytes are `[1,2,3,...]`. The worktree file
has 1 appended to it. Then renameat2 swaps the files. The new file gets
2 appended to it. The worktree file was modified, so is moved back into
place. It gets 3 appended to it. So the worktree file ends up containing

So, perhaps there is really no good solution to this. --[[Joey]]