{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2011 Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de> - Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Command.Sync ( cmd, CurrBranch, mergeConfig, merge, prepMerge, mergeLocal, mergeRemote, commitStaged, commitMsg, pushBranch, updateBranch, syncBranch, updateBranches, seekExportContent, parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption, SyncOptions(..), ) where import Command import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Branch import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Annex.Hook import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles import qualified Git.Branch import qualified Git.Merge import qualified Git.Types as Git import qualified Git.Ref import qualified Git import Git.FilePath import qualified Remote.Git import Config import Config.GitConfig import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config import Config.DynamicConfig import Annex.Path import Annex.Wanted import Annex.Content import Command.Get (getKey') import qualified Command.Move import qualified Command.Export import qualified Command.Import import Annex.Drop import Annex.UUID import Logs.UUID import Logs.Export import Logs.PreferredContent import Annex.AutoMerge import Annex.AdjustedBranch import Annex.AdjustedBranch.Merge import Annex.Ssh import Annex.BloomFilter import Annex.UpdateInstead import Annex.Export import Annex.TaggedPush import Annex.CurrentBranch import Annex.Import import Annex.CheckIgnore import Types.FileMatcher import qualified Database.Export as Export import Utility.Bloom import Utility.OptParse import Utility.Process.Transcript import Utility.Tuple import Control.Concurrent.MVar import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString as S import Data.Char cmd :: Command cmd = withGlobalOptions [jobsOption] $ command "sync" SectionCommon "synchronize local repository with remotes" (paramRepeating paramRemote) (seek <--< optParser) data SyncOptions = SyncOptions { syncWith :: CmdParams , onlyAnnexOption :: Bool , notOnlyAnnexOption :: Bool , commitOption :: Bool , noCommitOption :: Bool , messageOption :: Maybe String , pullOption :: Bool , pushOption :: Bool , contentOption :: Bool , noContentOption :: Bool , contentOfOption :: [FilePath] , cleanupOption :: Bool , keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions , resolveMergeOverride :: Bool , allowUnrelatedHistories :: Bool } instance Default SyncOptions where def = SyncOptions { syncWith = [] , onlyAnnexOption = False , notOnlyAnnexOption = False , commitOption = False , noCommitOption = False , messageOption = Nothing , pullOption = False , pushOption = False , contentOption = False , noContentOption = False , contentOfOption = [] , cleanupOption = False , keyOptions = Nothing , resolveMergeOverride = False , allowUnrelatedHistories = False } optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser SyncOptions optParser desc = SyncOptions <$> (many $ argument str ( metavar desc <> completeRemotes )) <*> switch ( long "only-annex" <> short 'a' <> help "only sync git-annex branch and annexed file contents" ) <*> switch ( long "not-only-annex" <> help "sync git branches as well as annex" ) <*> switch ( long "commit" <> help "commit changes to git" ) <*> switch ( long "no-commit" <> help "avoid git commit" ) <*> optional (strOption ( long "message" <> short 'm' <> metavar "MSG" <> help "commit message" )) <*> invertableSwitch "pull" True ( help "avoid git pulls from remotes" ) <*> invertableSwitch "push" True ( help "avoid git pushes to remotes" ) <*> switch ( long "content" <> help "transfer annexed file contents" ) <*> switch ( long "no-content" <> help "do not transfer annexed file contents" ) <*> many (strOption ( long "content-of" <> short 'C' <> help "transfer contents of annexed files in a given location" <> metavar paramPath )) <*> switch ( long "cleanup" <> help "remove synced/ branches from previous sync" ) <*> optional parseAllOption <*> invertableSwitch "resolvemerge" True ( help "do not automatically resolve merge conflicts" ) <*> parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption :: Parser Bool parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption = invertableSwitch "allow-unrelated-histories" False ( help "allow merging unrelated histories" ) -- Since prepMerge changes the working directory, FilePath options -- have to be adjusted. instance DeferredParseClass SyncOptions where finishParse v = SyncOptions <$> pure (syncWith v) <*> pure (onlyAnnexOption v) <*> pure (notOnlyAnnexOption v) <*> pure (commitOption v) <*> pure (noCommitOption v) <*> pure (messageOption v) <*> pure (pullOption v) <*> pure (pushOption v) <*> pure (contentOption v) <*> pure (noContentOption v) <*> liftIO (mapM (fromRawFilePath <$$> absPath . toRawFilePath) (contentOfOption v)) <*> pure (cleanupOption v) <*> pure (keyOptions v) <*> pure (resolveMergeOverride v) <*> pure (allowUnrelatedHistories v) seek :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek seek o = do prepMerge startConcurrency downloadStages (seek' o) seek' :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek seek' o = do let withbranch a = a =<< getCurrentBranch remotes <- syncRemotes (syncWith o) -- Remotes that are git repositories, not special remotes. let gitremotes = filter (Remote.gitSyncableRemoteType . Remote.remotetype) remotes -- Remotes that contain annex object content. contentremotes <- filter (\r -> Remote.uuid r /= NoUUID) <$> filterM (not <$$> liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig) remotes if cleanupOption o then do commandAction (withbranch cleanupLocal) mapM_ (commandAction . withbranch . cleanupRemote) gitremotes else do mc <- mergeConfig (allowUnrelatedHistories o) -- Syncing involves many actions, any of which -- can independently fail, without preventing -- the others from running. -- These actions cannot be run concurrently. mapM_ includeCommandAction $ concat [ [ commit o ] , [ withbranch (mergeLocal mc o) ] , map (withbranch . pullRemote o mc) gitremotes , [ mergeAnnex ] ] content <- shouldSyncContent o forM_ (filter isImport contentremotes) $ withbranch . importRemote content o forM_ (filter isThirdPartyPopulated contentremotes) $ pullThirdPartyPopulated o when content $ do -- Send content to any exports before other -- repositories, in case that lets content -- be dropped from other repositories. exportedcontent <- withbranch $ seekExportContent (Just o) (filter isExport contentremotes) -- Sync content with remotes, but not with -- export or import remotes, which handle content -- syncing as part of export and import. syncedcontent <- withbranch $ seekSyncContent o $ filter (\r -> not (isExport r || isImport r)) contentremotes -- Transferring content can take a while, -- and other changes can be pushed to the -- git-annex branch on the remotes in the -- meantime, so pull and merge again to -- avoid our push overwriting those changes. when (syncedcontent || exportedcontent) $ do mapM_ includeCommandAction $ concat [ map (withbranch . pullRemote o mc) gitremotes , [ commitAnnex, mergeAnnex ] ] void $ includeCommandAction $ withbranch $ pushLocal o -- Pushes to remotes can run concurrently. mapM_ (commandAction . withbranch . pushRemote o) gitremotes {- Merging may delete the current directory, so go to the top - of the repo. This also means that sync always acts on all files in the - repository, not just on a subdirectory. -} prepMerge :: Annex () prepMerge = Annex.changeDirectory . fromRawFilePath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath mergeConfig :: Bool -> Annex [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] mergeConfig mergeunrelated = do quiet <- commandProgressDisabled return $ catMaybes [ Just Git.Merge.MergeNonInteractive , if mergeunrelated then Just Git.Merge.MergeUnrelatedHistories else Nothing , if quiet then Just Git.Merge.MergeQuiet else Nothing ] merge :: CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Git.Branch -> Annex Bool merge currbranch mergeconfig o commitmode tomerge = do canresolvemerge <- if resolveMergeOverride o then getGitConfigVal annexResolveMerge else return False case currbranch of (Just b, Just adj) -> mergeToAdjustedBranch tomerge (b, adj) mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode (b, _) -> autoMergeFrom tomerge b mergeconfig commitmode canresolvemerge syncBranch :: Git.Branch -> Git.Branch syncBranch = Git.Ref.underBase "refs/heads/synced" . fromAdjustedBranch remoteBranch :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Git.Ref remoteBranch remote = Git.Ref.underBase $ "refs/remotes/" ++ Remote.name remote -- Do automatic initialization of remotes when possible when getting remote -- list. syncRemotes :: [String] -> Annex [Remote] syncRemotes ps = do remotelist <- Remote.remoteList' True available <- filterM (liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexSync . Remote.gitconfig) remotelist syncRemotes' ps available syncRemotes' :: [String] -> [Remote] -> Annex [Remote] syncRemotes' ps available = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast) ( fastest <$> wanted , wanted ) where wanted | null ps = filterM good (concat $ Remote.byCost available) | otherwise = listed listed = concat <$> mapM Remote.byNameOrGroup ps good r | Remote.gitSyncableRemoteType (Remote.remotetype r) = Remote.Git.repoAvail =<< Remote.getRepo r | otherwise = return True fastest = fromMaybe [] . headMaybe . Remote.byCost commit :: SyncOptions -> CommandStart commit o = stopUnless shouldcommit $ starting "commit" ai si $ do commitmessage <- maybe commitMsg return (messageOption o) Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage next $ do showOutput let cmode = Git.Branch.ManualCommit cquiet <- Git.Branch.CommitQuiet <$> commandProgressDisabled void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitCommand cmode cquiet [ Param "-a" , Param "-m" , Param commitmessage ] return True where shouldcommit = notOnlyAnnex o <&&> ( pure (commitOption o) <||> (pure (not (noCommitOption o)) <&&> getGitConfigVal annexAutoCommit) ) ai = ActionItemOther Nothing si = SeekInput [] commitMsg :: Annex String commitMsg = do u <- getUUID m <- uuidDescMap return $ "git-annex in " ++ maybe "unknown" fromUUIDDesc (M.lookup u m) commitStaged :: Git.Branch.CommitMode -> String -> Annex Bool commitStaged commitmode commitmessage = do runAnnexHook preCommitAnnexHook mb <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe let (getparent, branch) = case mb of Just b -> (Git.Ref.sha b, b) Nothing -> (Git.Ref.headSha, Git.Ref.headRef) parents <- maybeToList <$> inRepo getparent void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit commitmode False commitmessage branch parents return True mergeLocal :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart mergeLocal mergeconfig o currbranch = stopUnless (notOnlyAnnex o) $ mergeLocal' mergeconfig o currbranch mergeLocal' :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart mergeLocal' mergeconfig o currbranch@(Just branch, _) = needMerge currbranch branch >>= \case Nothing -> stop Just syncbranch -> do let ai = ActionItemOther (Just $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch) let si = SeekInput [] starting "merge" ai si $ next $ merge currbranch mergeconfig o Git.Branch.ManualCommit syncbranch mergeLocal' _ _ currbranch@(Nothing, _) = inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe >>= \case Just branch -> needMerge currbranch branch >>= \case Nothing -> stop Just syncbranch -> do let ai = ActionItemOther (Just $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch) let si = SeekInput [] starting "merge" ai si $ do warning $ "There are no commits yet to branch " ++ Git.fromRef branch ++ ", so cannot merge " ++ Git.fromRef syncbranch ++ " into it." next $ return False Nothing -> stop -- Returns the branch that should be merged, if any. needMerge :: CurrBranch -> Git.Branch -> Annex (Maybe Git.Branch) needMerge currbranch headbranch = ifM (allM id checks) ( return (Just syncbranch) , return Nothing ) where syncbranch = syncBranch headbranch checks = case currbranch of (Just _, madj) -> let branch' = maybe headbranch (adjBranch . originalToAdjusted headbranch) madj in [ not <$> isBareRepo , inRepo (Git.Ref.exists syncbranch) , inRepo (Git.Branch.changed branch' syncbranch) ] (Nothing, _) -> [ not <$> isBareRepo , inRepo (Git.Ref.exists syncbranch) ] pushLocal :: SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart pushLocal o b = stopUnless (notOnlyAnnex o) $ do updateBranches b stop updateBranches :: CurrBranch -> Annex () updateBranches (Nothing, _) = noop updateBranches (Just branch, madj) = do -- When in an adjusted branch, propigate any changes made to it -- back to the original branch. The adjusted branch may also need -- to be updated, if the adjustment is not stable, and the usual -- configuration does not update it. case madj of Nothing -> noop Just adj -> do let origbranch = branch propigateAdjustedCommits origbranch adj unless (adjustmentIsStable adj) $ annexAdjustedBranchRefresh <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case 0 -> adjustedBranchRefreshFull adj origbranch _ -> return () -- Update the sync branch to match the new state of the branch inRepo $ updateBranch (syncBranch branch) branch updateBranch :: Git.Branch -> Git.Branch -> Git.Repo -> IO () updateBranch syncbranch updateto g = unlessM go $ giveup $ "failed to update " ++ Git.fromRef syncbranch where go = Git.Command.runBool [ Param "branch" , Param "-f" , Param $ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base syncbranch , Param $ Git.fromRef $ updateto ] g pullRemote :: SyncOptions -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart pullRemote o mergeconfig remote branch = stopUnless (pure $ pullOption o && wantpull) $ starting "pull" ai si $ do showOutput ifM (onlyAnnex o) ( do void $ fetch $ map Git.fromRef [ Annex.Branch.name , syncBranch $ Annex.Branch.name ] next $ return True , ifM (fetch []) ( next $ mergeRemote remote branch mergeconfig o , next $ return True ) ) where fetch bs = do repo <- Remote.getRepo remote ms <- Annex.getState Annex.output inRepoWithSshOptionsTo repo (Remote.gitconfig remote) $ Git.Command.runBool $ catMaybes [ Just $ Param "fetch" , if commandProgressDisabled' ms then Just $ Param "--quiet" else Nothing , Just $ Param $ Remote.name remote ] ++ map Param bs wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote) ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote)) si = SeekInput [] importRemote :: Bool -> SyncOptions -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandSeek importRemote importcontent o remote currbranch | not (pullOption o) || not wantpull = noop | otherwise = case remoteAnnexTrackingBranch (Remote.gitconfig remote) of Nothing -> noop Just tb -> do let (b, p) = separate' (== (fromIntegral (ord ':'))) (Git.fromRef' tb) let branch = Git.Ref b let subdir = if S.null p then Nothing else Just (asTopFilePath p) if canImportKeys remote importcontent then do Command.Import.seekRemote remote branch subdir importcontent (CheckGitIgnore True) -- Importing generates a branch -- that is not initially connected -- to the current branch, so allow -- merging unrelated histories when -- mergeing it. mc <- mergeConfig True void $ mergeRemote remote currbranch mc o else warning $ "Cannot import from " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " when not syncing content." where wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote) {- Handle a remote that is populated by a third party, by listing - the contents of the remote, and then adding only the files on it that - importKey identifies to a tree. The tree is only used to keep track - of where keys are located on the remote, no remote tracking branch is - updated, because the filenames are the names of annex object files, - not suitable for a tracking branch. Does not transfer any content. -} pullThirdPartyPopulated :: SyncOptions -> Remote -> CommandSeek pullThirdPartyPopulated o remote | not (pullOption o) || not wantpull = noop | not (canImportKeys remote False) = noop | otherwise = void $ includeCommandAction $ starting "list" ai si $ Command.Import.listContents' remote ImportTree (CheckGitIgnore False) go where go (Just importable) = importKeys remote ImportTree False True importable >>= \case Just importablekeys -> do (_imported, updatestate) <- recordImportTree remote ImportTree importablekeys next $ do updatestate return True Nothing -> next $ return False go Nothing = next $ return True -- unchanged from before ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote)) si = SeekInput [] wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote) {- The remote probably has both a master and a synced/master branch. - Which to merge from? Well, the master has whatever latest changes - were committed (or pushed changes, if this is a bare remote), - while the synced/master may have changes that some - other remote synced to this remote. So, merge them both. -} mergeRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CommandCleanup mergeRemote remote currbranch mergeconfig o = ifM isBareRepo ( return True , case currbranch of (Nothing, _) -> do branch <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe mergelisted (pure (branchlist branch)) (Just branch, _) -> do inRepo $ updateBranch (syncBranch branch) branch mergelisted (tomerge (branchlist (Just branch))) ) where mergelisted getlist = and <$> (mapM (merge currbranch mergeconfig o Git.Branch.ManualCommit . remoteBranch remote) =<< getlist) tomerge = filterM (changed remote) branchlist Nothing = [] branchlist (Just branch) = [fromAdjustedBranch branch, syncBranch branch] pushRemote :: SyncOptions -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart pushRemote _o _remote (Nothing, _) = stop pushRemote o remote (Just branch, _) = do onlyannex <- onlyAnnex o let mainbranch = if onlyannex then Nothing else Just branch stopUnless (pure (pushOption o) <&&> needpush mainbranch) $ starting "push" ai si $ next $ do repo <- Remote.getRepo remote showOutput ms <- Annex.getState Annex.output ok <- inRepoWithSshOptionsTo repo gc $ pushBranch remote mainbranch ms if ok then postpushupdate repo else do warning $ unwords [ "Pushing to " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " failed." ] return ok where ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote)) si = SeekInput [] gc = Remote.gitconfig remote needpush mainbranch | remoteAnnexReadOnly gc = return False | not (remoteAnnexPush gc) = return False | otherwise = anyM (newer remote) $ catMaybes [ syncBranch <$> mainbranch , Just (Annex.Branch.name) ] -- Older remotes on crippled filesystems may not have a -- post-receive hook set up, so when updateInstead emulation -- is needed, run post-receive manually. postpushupdate repo = case Git.repoWorkTree repo of Nothing -> return True Just wt -> ifM needemulation ( gitAnnexChildProcess "post-receive" [] (\cp -> cp { cwd = Just (fromRawFilePath wt) }) (\_ _ _ pid -> waitForProcess pid >>= return . \case ExitSuccess -> True _ -> False ) , return True ) where needemulation = Remote.Git.onLocalRepo repo $ (annexCrippledFileSystem <$> Annex.getGitConfig) <&&> needUpdateInsteadEmulation {- Pushes a regular branch like master to a remote. Also pushes the git-annex - branch. - - If the remote is a bare git repository, it's best to push the regular - branch directly to it, so that cloning/pulling will get it. - On the other hand, if it's not bare, pushing to the checked out branch - will generally fail (except with receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead), - and this is why we push to its syncBranch. - - Git offers no way to tell if a remote is bare or not, so both methods - are tried. - - The direct push is likely to spew an ugly error message, so its stderr is - often elided. Since git progress display goes to stderr too, the - sync push is done first, and actually sends the data. Then the - direct push is tried, with stderr discarded, to update the branch ref - on the remote. - - The sync push first sends the synced/master branch, - and then forces the update of the remote synced/git-annex branch. - - Since some providers like github may treat the first branch sent - as the default branch, it's better to make that be synced/master than - synced/git-annex. (Although neither is ideal, it's the best that - can be managed given the constraints on order.) - - The forcing is necessary if a transition has rewritten the git-annex branch. - Normally any changes to the git-annex branch get pulled and merged before - this push, so this forcing is unlikely to overwrite new data pushed - in from another repository that is also syncing. - - But overwriting of data on synced/git-annex can happen, in a race. - The only difference caused by using a forced push in that case is that - the last repository to push wins the race, rather than the first to push. -} pushBranch :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Branch -> MessageState -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool pushBranch remote mbranch ms g = directpush `after` annexpush `after` syncpush where syncpush = flip Git.Command.runBool g $ pushparams $ catMaybes [ (refspec . fromAdjustedBranch) <$> mbranch , Just $ Git.Branch.forcePush $ refspec Annex.Branch.name ] annexpush = void $ tryIO $ flip Git.Command.runQuiet g $ pushparams [ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name ] directpush = case mbranch of Nothing -> noop -- Git prints out an error message when this fails. -- In the default configuration of receive.denyCurrentBranch, -- the error message mentions that config setting -- (and should even if it is localized), and is quite long, -- and the user was not intending to update the checked out -- branch, so in that case, avoid displaying the error -- message. Do display other error messages though, -- including the error displayed when -- receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead -- the user -- will want to see that one. Just branch -> do let p = flip Git.Command.gitCreateProcess g $ pushparams [ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ fromAdjustedBranch branch ] (transcript, ok) <- processTranscript' p Nothing when (not ok && not ("denyCurrentBranch" `isInfixOf` transcript)) $ hPutStr stderr transcript pushparams branches = catMaybes [ Just $ Param "push" , if commandProgressDisabled' ms then Just $ Param "--quiet" else Nothing , Just $ Param $ Remote.name remote ] ++ map Param branches refspec b = concat [ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base b , ":" , Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ syncBranch b ] commitAnnex :: CommandStart commitAnnex = do Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage stop mergeAnnex :: CommandStart mergeAnnex = do void Annex.Branch.forceUpdate stop changed :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool changed remote b = do let r = remoteBranch remote b ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r) ( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed b r , return False ) newer :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool newer remote b = do let r = remoteBranch remote b ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r) ( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed r b , return True ) {- Without --all, only looks at files in the work tree. - (Or, when in an ajusted branch where some files are hidden, at files in - the original branch.) - - With --all, when preferred content expressions look at filenames, - makes a first pass over the files in the work tree so those preferred - content expressions will match. The second pass is over all keys, - and only preferred content expressions that don't look at filenames - will match. - - Returns true if any file transfers were made. - - When concurrency is enabled, files are processed concurrently. -} seekSyncContent :: SyncOptions -> [Remote] -> CurrBranch -> Annex Bool seekSyncContent _ [] _ = return False seekSyncContent o rs currbranch = do mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar bloom <- case keyOptions o of Just WantAllKeys -> ifM preferredcontentmatchesfilenames ( Just <$> genBloomFilter (seekworktree mvar (WorkTreeItems [])) , pure Nothing ) _ -> case currbranch of (Just origbranch, Just adj) | adjustmentHidesFiles adj -> do l <- workTreeItems' (AllowHidden True) ww (contentOfOption o) seekincludinghidden origbranch mvar l (const noop) pure Nothing _ -> do l <- workTreeItems ww (contentOfOption o) seekworktree mvar l (const noop) pure Nothing waitForAllRunningCommandActions withKeyOptions' (keyOptions o) False (return (const (commandAction . gokey mvar bloom))) (const noop) (WorkTreeItems []) waitForAllRunningCommandActions liftIO $ not <$> isEmptyMVar mvar where seekworktree mvar l bloomfeeder = do let seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker { startAction = gofile bloomfeeder mvar , checkContentPresent = Nothing , usesLocationLog = True } seekFilteredKeys seeker $ seekHelper fst3 ww LsFiles.inRepoDetails l seekincludinghidden origbranch mvar l bloomfeeder = seekFiltered (const (pure True)) (\(si, f) -> ifAnnexed f (commandAction . gofile bloomfeeder mvar si f) noop) $ seekHelper id ww (LsFiles.inRepoOrBranch origbranch) l ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles gofile bloom mvar _ f k = go (Right bloom) mvar (AssociatedFile (Just f)) k gokey mvar bloom (_, k, _) = go (Left bloom) mvar (AssociatedFile Nothing) k go ebloom mvar af k = do let ai = OnlyActionOn k (ActionItemKey k) startingNoMessage ai $ do whenM (syncFile ebloom rs af k) $ void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar mvar () next $ return True preferredcontentmatchesfilenames = preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' Nothing <||> anyM (preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' . Just . Remote.uuid) rs preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' = introspectPreferredRequiredContent matchNeedsFileName {- If it's preferred content, and we don't have it, get it from one of the - listed remotes (preferring the cheaper earlier ones). - - Send it to each remote that doesn't have it, and for which it's - preferred content. - - Drop it locally if it's not preferred content (honoring numcopies). - - Drop it from each remote that has it, where it's not preferred content - (honoring numcopies). - - Returns True if any file transfers were made. -} syncFile :: Either (Maybe (Bloom Key)) (Key -> Annex ()) -> [Remote] -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> Annex Bool syncFile ebloom rs af k = do inhere <- inAnnex k locs <- map Remote.uuid <$> Remote.keyPossibilities k let (have, lack) = partition (\r -> Remote.uuid r `elem` locs) rs got <- anyM id =<< handleget have inhere let inhere' = inhere || got putrs <- handleput lack inhere' u <- getUUID let locs' = concat [if inhere' then [u] else [], putrs, locs] -- To handle --all, a bloom filter is populated with all the keys -- of files in the working tree in the first pass. On the second -- pass, avoid dropping keys that were seen in the first pass, which -- would happen otherwise when preferred content matches on the -- filename, which is not available in the second pass. -- (When the preferred content expressions do not match on -- filenames, the first pass is skipped for speed.) -- -- When there's a false positive in the bloom filter, the result -- is keeping a key that preferred content doesn't really want. seenbloom <- case ebloom of Left Nothing -> pure False Left (Just bloom) -> pure (elemB k bloom) Right bloomfeeder -> bloomfeeder k >> return False unless seenbloom $ -- Using callCommandAction rather than -- includeCommandAction for drops, -- because a failure to drop does not mean -- the sync failed. handleDropsFrom locs' rs "unwanted" True k af si [] callCommandAction return (got || not (null putrs)) where wantget have inhere = allM id [ pure (not $ null have) , pure (not inhere) , wantGet True (Just k) af ] handleget have inhere = ifM (wantget have inhere) ( return [ get have ] , return [] ) get have = includeCommandAction $ starting "get" ai si $ stopUnless (getKey' k af have) $ next $ return True wantput r | Remote.readonly r || remoteAnnexReadOnly (Remote.gitconfig r) = return False | isThirdPartyPopulated r = return False | otherwise = wantSend True (Just k) af (Remote.uuid r) handleput lack inhere | inhere = catMaybes <$> ( forM lack $ \r -> ifM (wantput r <&&> put r) ( return (Just (Remote.uuid r)) , return Nothing ) ) | otherwise = return [] put dest = includeCommandAction $ Command.Move.toStart' dest Command.Move.RemoveNever af k ai si ai = mkActionItem (k, af) si = SeekInput [] {- When a remote has an annex-tracking-branch configuration, change the export - to contain the current content of the branch. Otherwise, transfer any files - that were part of an export but are not in the remote yet. - - Returns True if any file transfers were made. -} seekExportContent :: Maybe SyncOptions -> [Remote] -> CurrBranch -> Annex Bool seekExportContent o rs (currbranch, _) = or <$> forM rs go where go r | not (maybe True pullOption o) = return False | not (remoteAnnexPush (Remote.gitconfig r)) = return False | otherwise = bracket (Export.openDb (Remote.uuid r)) Export.closeDb (\db -> Export.writeLockDbWhile db (go' r db)) go' r db = case remoteAnnexTrackingBranch (Remote.gitconfig r) of Nothing -> nontracking r db Just b -> do mtree <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.tree b mtbcommitsha <- Command.Export.getExportCommit r b case (mtree, mtbcommitsha) of (Just tree, Just _) -> do filteredtree <- Command.Export.filterExport r tree Command.Export.changeExport r db filteredtree Command.Export.fillExport r db filteredtree mtbcommitsha _ -> nontracking r db nontracking r db = do exported <- getExport (Remote.uuid r) maybe noop (warnnontracking r exported) currbranch nontrackingfillexport r db (exportedTreeishes exported) Nothing warnnontracking r exported currb = inRepo (Git.Ref.tree currb) >>= \case Just currt | not (any (== currt) (exportedTreeishes exported)) -> showLongNote $ unwords [ "Not updating export to " ++ Remote.name r , "to reflect changes to the tree, because export" , "tracking is not enabled. " , "(Set " ++ gitconfig ++ " to enable it.)" ] _ -> noop where gitconfig = show (remoteAnnexConfig r "tracking-branch") nontrackingfillexport _ _ [] _ = return False nontrackingfillexport r db (tree:[]) mtbcommitsha = do -- The tree was already filtered when it was exported, so -- does not need be be filtered again now, when we're only -- filling in any files that did not get transferred. let filteredtree = Command.Export.ExportFiltered tree Command.Export.fillExport r db filteredtree mtbcommitsha nontrackingfillexport r _ _ _ = do warnExportImportConflict r return False cleanupLocal :: CurrBranch -> CommandStart cleanupLocal (Nothing, _) = stop cleanupLocal (Just currb, _) = starting "cleanup" ai si $ next $ do delbranch $ syncBranch currb delbranch $ syncBranch $ Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name mapM_ (\(s,r) -> inRepo $ Git.Ref.delete s r) =<< listTaggedBranches return True where delbranch b = whenM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists $ Git.Ref.branchRef b) $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.delete b ai = ActionItemOther (Just "local") si = SeekInput [] cleanupRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart cleanupRemote _ (Nothing, _) = stop cleanupRemote remote (Just b, _) = starting "cleanup" ai si $ next $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool [ Param "push" , Param "--quiet" , Param "--delete" , Param $ Remote.name remote , Param $ Git.fromRef $ syncBranch b , Param $ Git.fromRef $ syncBranch $ Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name ] where ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote)) si = SeekInput [] shouldSyncContent :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool shouldSyncContent o | noContentOption o = pure False | contentOption o || not (null (contentOfOption o)) = pure True | otherwise = getGitConfigVal annexSyncContent <||> onlyAnnex o notOnlyAnnex :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool notOnlyAnnex o = not <$> onlyAnnex o onlyAnnex :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool onlyAnnex o | notOnlyAnnexOption o = pure False | onlyAnnexOption o = pure True | otherwise = getGitConfigVal annexSyncOnlyAnnex isExport :: Remote -> Bool isExport = exportTree . Remote.config isImport :: Remote -> Bool isImport = importTree . Remote.config isThirdPartyPopulated :: Remote -> Bool isThirdPartyPopulated = Remote.thirdPartyPopulated . Remote.remotetype