{- git-annex assistant alerts - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Assistant.Alert where import Common.Annex import qualified Remote import qualified Data.Map as M import Yesod type Widget = forall sub master. GWidget sub master () {- Different classes of alerts are displayed differently. -} data AlertClass = Success | Message | Activity | Warning | Error deriving (Eq, Ord) data AlertPriority = Filler | Low | Medium | High | Pinned deriving (Eq, Ord) {- An alert can be a simple message, or an arbitrary Yesod Widget. -} data AlertMessage = StringAlert String | WidgetAlert (Alert -> Widget) data Alert = Alert { alertClass :: AlertClass , alertHeader :: Maybe String , alertMessage :: AlertMessage , alertBlockDisplay :: Bool , alertClosable :: Bool , alertPriority :: AlertPriority , alertIcon :: Maybe String } type AlertPair = (AlertId, Alert) type AlertMap = M.Map AlertId Alert {- Higher AlertId indicates a more recent alert. -} newtype AlertId = AlertId Integer deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) {- Note: This first alert id is used for yesod's message. -} firstAlertId :: AlertId firstAlertId = AlertId 0 nextAlertId :: AlertId -> AlertId nextAlertId (AlertId i) = AlertId $ succ i {- This is as many alerts as it makes sense to display at a time. - A display might be smaller ,or larger, the point is to not overwhelm the - user with a ton of alerts. -} displayAlerts :: Int displayAlerts = 6 {- This is not a hard maximum, but there's no point in keeping a great - many filler alerts in an AlertMap, so when there's more than this many, - they start being pruned, down toward displayAlerts. -} maxAlerts :: Int maxAlerts = displayAlerts * 2 {- The desired order is the reverse of: - - - Pinned alerts - - High priority alerts, newest first - - Medium priority Activity, newest first (mostly used for Activity) - - Low priority alerts, newest first - - Filler priorty alerts, newest first - - Ties are broken by the AlertClass, with Errors etc coming first. -} compareAlertPairs :: AlertPair -> AlertPair -> Ordering compareAlertPairs (aid, Alert { alertClass = aclass, alertPriority = aprio }) (bid, Alert { alertClass = bclass, alertPriority = bprio }) = compare aprio bprio `thenOrd` compare aid bid `thenOrd` compare aclass bclass sortAlertPairs :: [AlertPair] -> [AlertPair] sortAlertPairs = sortBy compareAlertPairs {- Checks if two alerts display the same. - Yesod Widgets cannot be compared, as they run code. -} effectivelySameAlert :: Alert -> Alert -> Bool effectivelySameAlert x y | uncomparable x || uncomparable y = False | otherwise = all id [ alertClass x == alertClass y , alertHeader x == alertHeader y , extract (alertMessage x) == extract (alertMessage y) , alertBlockDisplay x == alertBlockDisplay y , alertClosable x == alertClosable y , alertPriority x == alertPriority y ] where uncomparable (Alert { alertMessage = StringAlert _ }) = False uncomparable _ = True extract (StringAlert s) = s extract _ = "" makeAlertFiller :: Bool -> Alert -> Alert makeAlertFiller success alert | isFiller alert = alert | otherwise = alert { alertClass = if c == Activity then c' else c , alertPriority = Filler , alertClosable = True , alertIcon = Just $ if success then "ok" else "exclamation-sign" } where c = alertClass alert c' | success = Success | otherwise = Error isFiller :: Alert -> Bool isFiller alert = alertPriority alert == Filler {- Converts a given alert into filler, manipulating it in the AlertMap. - - Any old filler that looks the same as the reference alert is removed. - - Old filler alerts are pruned once maxAlerts is reached. -} convertToFiller :: AlertId -> Bool -> AlertMap -> AlertMap convertToFiller i success m = case M.lookup i m of Nothing -> m Just al -> let al' = makeAlertFiller success al in pruneBloat $ M.filterWithKey (pruneSame al') $ M.insertWith' const i al' m where pruneSame ref k al = k == i || not (effectivelySameAlert ref al) pruneBloat m' | bloat > 0 = M.fromList $ pruneold $ M.toList m' | otherwise = m' where bloat = M.size m' - maxAlerts pruneold l = let (f, rest) = partition (\(_, al) -> isFiller al) l in drop bloat f ++ rest baseActivityAlert :: Alert baseActivityAlert = Alert { alertClass = Activity , alertHeader = Nothing , alertMessage = StringAlert "" , alertBlockDisplay = False , alertClosable = False , alertPriority = Medium , alertIcon = Just "refresh" } activityAlert :: Maybe String -> String -> Alert activityAlert header message = baseActivityAlert { alertHeader = header , alertMessage = StringAlert message } startupScanAlert :: Alert startupScanAlert = activityAlert Nothing "Performing startup scan" pushAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert pushAlert rs = activityAlert Nothing $ "Syncing with " ++ unwords (map Remote.name rs) pushRetryAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert pushRetryAlert rs = activityAlert (Just "Retrying sync") $ "with " ++ unwords (map Remote.name rs) ++ ", which failed earlier." syncMountAlert :: FilePath -> [Remote] -> Alert syncMountAlert dir rs = baseActivityAlert { alertHeader = Just $ "Syncing with " ++ unwords (map Remote.name rs) , alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords ["You plugged in" , dir , " -- let's get it in sync!" ] , alertBlockDisplay = True , alertPriority = Low } scanAlert :: Remote -> Alert scanAlert r = baseActivityAlert { alertHeader = Just $ "Scanning " ++ Remote.name r , alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords [ "Ensuring that ", Remote.name r , "is fully in sync." ] , alertBlockDisplay = True , alertPriority = Low } sanityCheckAlert :: Alert sanityCheckAlert = activityAlert (Just "Running daily sanity check") "to make sure everything is ok." sanityCheckFixAlert :: String -> Alert sanityCheckFixAlert msg = Alert { alertClass = Warning , alertHeader = Just "Fixed a problem" , alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords [ "The daily sanity check found and fixed a problem:" , msg , "If these problems persist, consider filing a bug report." ] , alertBlockDisplay = True , alertPriority = High , alertClosable = True , alertIcon = Just "exclamation-sign" }