[[!comment format=mdwn username="cehteh" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8ff07aa39d4d817cf3af3e717f41ab1a" subject="comment 6" date="2022-07-18T13:19:43Z" content=""" starting `git annex webapp` fails for me with (Android 12, CalyxOS): ``` CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE \"/system/bin/app_process\": library \"libnativeloader.so\" not found: needed by main executable failed to start web browser ``` The webapp still runs and I can connect the browser by copypaste the link. instead trying to open the browser natively i have a bit more success with Termux:API by termux-open-url ' This seems to be the right thing to do, unfortunally for some unknown reason it fails sometimes too, but I think thats an issue within termux which may become fixed eventually. """]]