{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.AddUrl where import Command import Backend import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Url as Url import qualified Backend.URL import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import qualified Command.Add import Annex.Content import Annex.Ingest import Annex.CheckIgnore import Annex.Perms import Annex.UUID import Annex.YoutubeDl import Annex.UntrustedFilePath import Logs.Web import Types.KeySource import Types.UrlContents import Annex.FileMatcher import Logs.Location import Utility.Metered import Utility.HtmlDetect import Utility.Path.Max import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R import qualified Annex.Transfer as Transfer import Network.URI import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P cmd :: Command cmd = notBareRepo $ withGlobalOptions [jobsOption, jsonOptions, jsonProgressOption] $ command "addurl" SectionCommon "add urls to annex" (paramRepeating paramUrl) (seek <$$> optParser) data AddUrlOptions = AddUrlOptions { addUrls :: CmdParams , pathdepthOption :: Maybe Int , prefixOption :: Maybe String , suffixOption :: Maybe String , downloadOptions :: DownloadOptions , batchOption :: BatchMode , batchFilesOption :: Bool } data DownloadOptions = DownloadOptions { relaxedOption :: Bool , rawOption :: Bool , noRawOption :: Bool , fileOption :: Maybe FilePath , preserveFilenameOption :: Bool , checkGitIgnoreOption :: CheckGitIgnore } optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser AddUrlOptions optParser desc = AddUrlOptions <$> cmdParams desc <*> optional (option auto ( long "pathdepth" <> metavar paramNumber <> help "number of url path components to use in filename" )) <*> optional (strOption ( long "prefix" <> metavar paramValue <> help "add a prefix to the filename" )) <*> optional (strOption ( long "suffix" <> metavar paramValue <> help "add a suffix to the filename" )) <*> parseDownloadOptions True <*> parseBatchOption <*> switch ( long "with-files" <> help "parse batch mode lines of the form \"$url $file\"" ) parseDownloadOptions :: Bool -> Parser DownloadOptions parseDownloadOptions withfileoptions = DownloadOptions <$> switch ( long "relaxed" <> help "skip size check" ) <*> switch ( long "raw" <> help "disable special handling for torrents, youtube-dl, etc" ) <*> switch ( long "no-raw" <> help "prevent downloading raw url content, must use special handling" ) <*> (if withfileoptions then optional (strOption ( long "file" <> metavar paramFile <> help "specify what file the url is added to" )) else pure Nothing) <*> (if withfileoptions then switch ( long "preserve-filename" <> help "use filename provided by server as-is" ) else pure False) <*> Command.Add.checkGitIgnoreSwitch seek :: AddUrlOptions -> CommandSeek seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do addunlockedmatcher <- addUnlockedMatcher let go (si, (o', u)) = do r <- Remote.claimingUrl u if Remote.uuid r == webUUID || rawOption (downloadOptions o') then void $ commandAction $ startWeb addunlockedmatcher o' si u else checkUrl addunlockedmatcher r o' si u forM_ (addUrls o) (\u -> go (SeekInput [u], (o, u))) case batchOption o of Batch fmt -> batchInput fmt (pure . parseBatchInput o) go NoBatch -> noop parseBatchInput :: AddUrlOptions -> String -> Either String (AddUrlOptions, URLString) parseBatchInput o s | batchFilesOption o = let (u, f) = separate (== ' ') s in if null u || null f then Left ("parsed empty url or filename in input: " ++ s) else Right (o { downloadOptions = (downloadOptions o) { fileOption = Just f } }, u) | otherwise = Right (o, s) checkUrl :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> Remote -> AddUrlOptions -> SeekInput -> URLString -> Annex () checkUrl addunlockedmatcher r o si u = do pathmax <- liftIO $ fileNameLengthLimit "." let deffile = fromMaybe (urlString2file u (pathdepthOption o) pathmax) (fileOption (downloadOptions o)) go deffile =<< maybe (error $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ Remote.name r) (tryNonAsync . flip id u) (Remote.checkUrl r) where go _ (Left e) = void $ commandAction $ startingAddUrl si u o $ do warning (show e) next $ return False go deffile (Right (UrlContents sz mf)) = do f <- maybe (pure deffile) (sanitizeOrPreserveFilePath o) mf let f' = adjustFile o (fromMaybe f (fileOption (downloadOptions o))) void $ commandAction $ startRemote addunlockedmatcher r o si f' u sz go deffile (Right (UrlMulti l)) = case fileOption (downloadOptions o) of Nothing -> forM_ l $ \(u', sz, f) -> do f' <- sanitizeOrPreserveFilePath o f let f'' = adjustFile o (deffile </> f') void $ commandAction $ startRemote addunlockedmatcher r o si f'' u' sz Just f -> case l of [] -> noop ((u',sz,_):[]) -> do let f' = adjustFile o f void $ commandAction $ startRemote addunlockedmatcher r o si f' u' sz _ -> giveup $ unwords [ "That url contains multiple files according to the" , Remote.name r , " remote; cannot add it to a single file." ] startRemote :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> Remote -> AddUrlOptions -> SeekInput -> FilePath -> URLString -> Maybe Integer -> CommandStart startRemote addunlockedmatcher r o si file uri sz = do pathmax <- liftIO $ fileNameLengthLimit "." let file' = joinPath $ map (truncateFilePath pathmax) $ splitDirectories file startingAddUrl si uri o $ do showNote $ "from " ++ Remote.name r showDestinationFile file' performRemote addunlockedmatcher r o uri (toRawFilePath file') sz performRemote :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> Remote -> AddUrlOptions -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Maybe Integer -> CommandPerform performRemote addunlockedmatcher r o uri file sz = ifAnnexed file adduri geturi where loguri = setDownloader uri OtherDownloader adduri = addUrlChecked o loguri file (Remote.uuid r) checkexistssize checkexistssize key = return $ case sz of Nothing -> (True, True, loguri) Just n -> (True, n == fromMaybe n (fromKey keySize key), loguri) geturi = next $ isJust <$> downloadRemoteFile addunlockedmatcher r (downloadOptions o) uri file sz downloadRemoteFile :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> Remote -> DownloadOptions -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Maybe Integer -> Annex (Maybe Key) downloadRemoteFile addunlockedmatcher r o uri file sz = checkCanAdd o file $ \canadd -> do let urlkey = Backend.URL.fromUrl uri sz createWorkTreeDirectory (parentDir file) ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast <||> pure (relaxedOption o)) ( do addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher (Remote.uuid r) loguri file urlkey Nothing return (Just urlkey) , do -- Set temporary url for the urlkey -- so that the remote knows what url it -- should use to download it. setTempUrl urlkey loguri let downloader = \dest p -> fst <$> Remote.verifiedAction (Remote.retrieveKeyFile r urlkey af dest p) ret <- downloadWith canadd addunlockedmatcher downloader urlkey (Remote.uuid r) loguri file removeTempUrl urlkey return ret ) where loguri = setDownloader uri OtherDownloader af = AssociatedFile (Just file) startWeb :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> AddUrlOptions -> SeekInput -> URLString -> CommandStart startWeb addunlockedmatcher o si urlstring = go $ fromMaybe bad $ parseURI urlstring where bad = fromMaybe (giveup $ "bad url " ++ urlstring) $ Url.parseURIRelaxed $ urlstring go url = startingAddUrl si urlstring o $ if relaxedOption (downloadOptions o) then go' url Url.assumeUrlExists else Url.withUrlOptions (Url.getUrlInfo urlstring) >>= \case Right urlinfo -> go' url urlinfo Left err -> do warning err next $ return False go' url urlinfo = do pathmax <- liftIO $ fileNameLengthLimit "." file <- adjustFile o <$> case fileOption (downloadOptions o) of Just f -> pure f Nothing -> case Url.urlSuggestedFile urlinfo of Just sf -> do f <- sanitizeOrPreserveFilePath o sf if preserveFilenameOption (downloadOptions o) then pure f else ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist f <||> doesDirectoryExist f) ( pure $ url2file url (pathdepthOption o) pathmax , pure f ) _ -> pure $ url2file url (pathdepthOption o) pathmax performWeb addunlockedmatcher o urlstring (toRawFilePath file) urlinfo sanitizeOrPreserveFilePath :: AddUrlOptions -> FilePath -> Annex FilePath sanitizeOrPreserveFilePath o f | preserveFilenameOption (downloadOptions o) && not (null f) = do checkPreserveFileNameSecurity f return f | otherwise = do pathmax <- liftIO $ fileNameLengthLimit "." return $ truncateFilePath pathmax $ sanitizeFilePath f -- sanitizeFilePath avoids all these security problems -- (and probably others, but at least this catches the most egrarious ones). checkPreserveFileNameSecurity :: FilePath -> Annex () checkPreserveFileNameSecurity f = do checksecurity escapeSequenceInFilePath False "escape sequence" checksecurity pathTraversalInFilePath True "path traversal" checksecurity gitDirectoryInFilePath True "contains a .git directory" where checksecurity p canshow d = when (p f) $ giveup $ concat [ "--preserve-filename was used, but the filename " , if canshow then "(" ++ f ++ ") " else "" , "has a security problem (" ++ d ++ "), not adding." ] performWeb :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> AddUrlOptions -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Url.UrlInfo -> CommandPerform performWeb addunlockedmatcher o url file urlinfo = ifAnnexed file addurl geturl where geturl = next $ isJust <$> addUrlFile addunlockedmatcher (downloadOptions o) url urlinfo file addurl = addUrlChecked o url file webUUID $ \k -> ifM (pure (not (rawOption (downloadOptions o))) <&&> youtubeDlSupported url) ( return (True, True, setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader) , checkRaw (downloadOptions o) $ return (Url.urlExists urlinfo, Url.urlSize urlinfo == fromKey keySize k, url) ) {- Check that the url exists, and has the same size as the key, - and add it as an url to the key. -} addUrlChecked :: AddUrlOptions -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> UUID -> (Key -> Annex (Bool, Bool, URLString)) -> Key -> CommandPerform addUrlChecked o url file u checkexistssize key = ifM ((elem url <$> getUrls key) <&&> (elem u <$> loggedLocations key)) ( do showDestinationFile (fromRawFilePath file) next $ return True , do (exists, samesize, url') <- checkexistssize key if exists && (samesize || relaxedOption (downloadOptions o)) then do setUrlPresent key url' logChange key u InfoPresent next $ return True else do warning $ "while adding a new url to an already annexed file, " ++ if exists then "url does not have expected file size (use --relaxed to bypass this check) " ++ url else "failed to verify url exists: " ++ url stop ) {- Downloads an url (except in fast or relaxed mode) and adds it to the - repository, normally at the specified FilePath. - But, if youtube-dl supports the url, it will be written to a - different file, based on the title of the media. Unless the user - specified fileOption, which then forces using the FilePath. -} addUrlFile :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> DownloadOptions -> URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) addUrlFile addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast <||> pure (relaxedOption o)) ( nodownloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file , downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file ) downloadWeb :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> DownloadOptions -> URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file = go =<< downloadWith' downloader urlkey webUUID url (AssociatedFile (Just file)) where urlkey = addSizeUrlKey urlinfo $ Backend.URL.fromUrl url Nothing downloader f p = Url.withUrlOptions $ downloadUrl urlkey p [url] f go Nothing = return Nothing go (Just tmp) = ifM (pure (not (rawOption o)) <&&> liftIO (isHtmlFile (fromRawFilePath tmp))) ( tryyoutubedl tmp , normalfinish tmp ) normalfinish tmp = checkCanAdd o file $ \canadd -> do showDestinationFile (fromRawFilePath file) createWorkTreeDirectory (parentDir file) Just <$> finishDownloadWith canadd addunlockedmatcher tmp webUUID url file -- Ask youtube-dl what filename it will download first, -- so it's only used when the file contains embedded media. tryyoutubedl tmp = youtubeDlFileNameHtmlOnly url >>= \case Right mediafile -> let f = youtubeDlDestFile o file (toRawFilePath mediafile) in ifAnnexed f (alreadyannexed (fromRawFilePath f)) (dl f) Left _ -> checkRaw o (normalfinish tmp) where dl dest = withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do let cleanuptmp = pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink) showNote "using youtube-dl" Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download url $ Transfer.download' webUUID mediakey (AssociatedFile Nothing) Nothing Transfer.noRetry $ \p -> youtubeDl url (fromRawFilePath workdir) p >>= \case Right (Just mediafile) -> do cleanuptmp checkCanAdd o dest $ \canadd -> do showDestinationFile (fromRawFilePath dest) addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl dest mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile)) return $ Just mediakey Right Nothing -> checkRaw o (normalfinish tmp) Left msg -> do cleanuptmp warning msg return Nothing mediaurl = setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing -- Does the already annexed file have the mediaurl -- as an url? If so nothing to do. alreadyannexed dest k = do us <- getUrls k if mediaurl `elem` us then return (Just k) else do warning $ dest ++ " already exists; not overwriting" return Nothing checkRaw :: DownloadOptions -> Annex a -> Annex a checkRaw o a | noRawOption o = giveup "Unable to use youtube-dl or a special remote and --no-raw was specified." | otherwise = a {- The destination file is not known at start time unless the user provided - a filename. It's not displayed then for output consistency, - but is added to the json when available. -} startingAddUrl :: SeekInput -> URLString -> AddUrlOptions -> CommandPerform -> CommandStart startingAddUrl si url o p = starting "addurl" (ActionItemOther (Just url)) si $ do case fileOption (downloadOptions o) of Nothing -> noop Just file -> maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [("file", file)] p showDestinationFile :: FilePath -> Annex () showDestinationFile file = do showNote ("to " ++ file) maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [("file", file)] {- The Key should be a dummy key, based on the URL, which is used - for this download, before we can examine the file and find its real key. - For resuming downloads to work, the dummy key for a given url should be - stable. For disk space checking to work, the dummy key should have - the size of the url already set. - - Downloads the url, sets up the worktree file, and returns the - real key. -} downloadWith :: CanAddFile -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> (FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool) -> Key -> UUID -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) downloadWith canadd addunlockedmatcher downloader dummykey u url file = go =<< downloadWith' downloader dummykey u url afile where afile = AssociatedFile (Just file) go Nothing = return Nothing go (Just tmp) = Just <$> finishDownloadWith canadd addunlockedmatcher tmp u url file {- Like downloadWith, but leaves the dummy key content in - the returned location. -} downloadWith' :: (FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool) -> Key -> UUID -> URLString -> AssociatedFile -> Annex (Maybe RawFilePath) downloadWith' downloader dummykey u url afile = checkDiskSpaceToGet dummykey Nothing $ do tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation dummykey ok <- Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download url $ Transfer.download' u dummykey afile Nothing Transfer.stdRetry $ \p -> do createAnnexDirectory (parentDir tmp) downloader (fromRawFilePath tmp) p if ok then return (Just tmp) else return Nothing finishDownloadWith :: CanAddFile -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> RawFilePath -> UUID -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Annex Key finishDownloadWith canadd addunlockedmatcher tmp u url file = do backend <- chooseBackend file let source = KeySource { keyFilename = file , contentLocation = tmp , inodeCache = Nothing } key <- fst <$> genKey source nullMeterUpdate backend addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher u url file key (Just tmp) return key {- Adds the url size to the Key. -} addSizeUrlKey :: Url.UrlInfo -> Key -> Key addSizeUrlKey urlinfo key = alterKey key $ \d -> d { keySize = Url.urlSize urlinfo } {- Adds worktree file to the repository. -} addWorkTree :: CanAddFile -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> UUID -> URLString -> RawFilePath -> Key -> Maybe RawFilePath -> Annex () addWorkTree _ addunlockedmatcher u url file key mtmp = case mtmp of Nothing -> go Just tmp -> do -- Move to final location for large file check. pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp $ \_ -> do createWorkTreeDirectory (P.takeDirectory file) liftIO $ renameFile (fromRawFilePath tmp) (fromRawFilePath file) largematcher <- largeFilesMatcher large <- checkFileMatcher largematcher file if large then do -- Move back to tmp because addAnnexedFile -- needs the file in a different location -- than the work tree file. liftIO $ renameFile (fromRawFilePath file) (fromRawFilePath tmp) go else void $ Command.Add.addSmall noci file where go = do maybeShowJSON $ JSONChunk [("key", serializeKey key)] setUrlPresent key url logChange key u InfoPresent ifM (addAnnexedFile noci addunlockedmatcher file key mtmp) ( do when (isJust mtmp) $ logStatus key InfoPresent , maybe noop (\tmp -> pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink)) mtmp ) -- git does not need to check ignores, because that has already -- been done, as witnessed by the CannAddFile. noci = CheckGitIgnore False nodownloadWeb :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> DownloadOptions -> URLString -> Url.UrlInfo -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) nodownloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file | Url.urlExists urlinfo = if rawOption o then nomedia else youtubeDlFileName url >>= \case Right mediafile -> usemedia (toRawFilePath mediafile) Left _ -> checkRaw o nomedia | otherwise = do warning $ "unable to access url: " ++ url return Nothing where nomedia = do let key = Backend.URL.fromUrl url (Url.urlSize urlinfo) nodownloadWeb' o addunlockedmatcher url key file usemedia mediafile = do let dest = youtubeDlDestFile o file mediafile let mediaurl = setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing nodownloadWeb' o addunlockedmatcher mediaurl mediakey dest youtubeDlDestFile :: DownloadOptions -> RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> RawFilePath youtubeDlDestFile o destfile mediafile | isJust (fileOption o) = destfile | otherwise = P.takeFileName mediafile nodownloadWeb' :: DownloadOptions -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> URLString -> Key -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key) nodownloadWeb' o addunlockedmatcher url key file = checkCanAdd o file $ \canadd -> do showDestinationFile (fromRawFilePath file) createWorkTreeDirectory (parentDir file) addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID url file key Nothing return (Just key) url2file :: URI -> Maybe Int -> Int -> FilePath url2file url pathdepth pathmax = case pathdepth of Nothing -> truncateFilePath pathmax $ sanitizeFilePath fullurl Just depth | depth >= length urlbits -> frombits id | depth > 0 -> frombits $ drop depth | depth < 0 -> frombits $ reverse . take (negate depth) . reverse | otherwise -> giveup "bad --pathdepth" where fullurl = concat [ maybe "" uriRegName (uriAuthority url) , uriPath url , uriQuery url ] frombits a = intercalate "/" $ a urlbits urlbits = map (truncateFilePath pathmax . sanitizeFilePath) $ filter (not . null) $ splitc '/' fullurl urlString2file :: URLString -> Maybe Int -> Int -> FilePath urlString2file s pathdepth pathmax = case Url.parseURIRelaxed s of Nothing -> giveup $ "bad uri " ++ s Just u -> url2file u pathdepth pathmax adjustFile :: AddUrlOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath adjustFile o = addprefix . addsuffix where addprefix f = maybe f (++ f) (prefixOption o) addsuffix f = maybe f (f ++) (suffixOption o) data CanAddFile = CanAddFile checkCanAdd :: DownloadOptions -> RawFilePath -> (CanAddFile -> Annex (Maybe a)) -> Annex (Maybe a) checkCanAdd o file a = ifM (isJust <$> (liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ R.getSymbolicLinkStatus file)) ( do warning $ fromRawFilePath file ++ " already exists; not overwriting" return Nothing , ifM (checkIgnored (checkGitIgnoreOption o) file) ( do warning $ "not adding " ++ fromRawFilePath file ++ " which is .gitignored (use --no-check-gitignore to override)" return Nothing , a CanAddFile ) )