To install git-annex from scratch, you need a lot of stuff. Really
quite a lot.

* Haskell stuff
  * [The Haskell Platform]( (GHC 7.4 or newer)
  * [mtl]( (2.1.1 or newer)
  * [MissingH](
  * [utf8-string](
  * [SHA](
  * [cryptohash]( (optional but recommended)
  * [dataenc](
  * [monad-control](
  * [QuickCheck 2](
  * [json](
  * [aeson](
  * [IfElse](
  * [dlist](
  * [bloomfilter](
  * [edit-distance](
  * [hS3]( (optional)
  * [DAV]( (optional)
  * [SafeSemaphore](
  * [UUID](
  * [regex-tdfa](
  * [extensible-exceptions](
  * [feed](
  * [async](
  * [stm](
    (version 2.3 or newer)
* Optional haskell stuff, used by the [[assistant]] and its webapp
  * [hinotify](
    (Linux only)
  * [dbus](
  * [yesod](
  * [yesod-static](
  * [yesod-default](
  * [data-default](
  * [case-insensitive](
  * [http-types](
  * [wai](
  * [wai-logger](
  * [warp](
  * [blaze-builder](
  * [crypto-api](
  * [hamlet](
  * [clientsession](
  * [network-multicast](
  * [network-info](
  * [network-protocol-xmpp](
  * [dns](
  * [xml-types](
  * [HTTP](
  * [unix-compat](
  * [MonadCatchIO-transformers](
* Shell commands
  * [git]( (1.7.2 or newer; 1.8.5 recommended)
  * [xargs](
  * [rsync](
  * [curl](http:// (optional, but recommended)
  * [wget]( (optional)
  * [sha1sum]( (optional, but recommended;
    a sha1 command will also do)
  * [gpg]( (optional; needed for encryption)
  * [lsof](
    (optional; recommended for watch mode)
  * [gcrypt](
  * [nocache](
  * multicast DNS support, provided on linux by [nss-mdns](
    (optional; recommended for the assistant to support pairing well)
  * [ikiwiki]( (optional; used to build the docs)

Then just [[download]] git-annex and run: `make; make install`