<div .col-sm-9> <div .content-box> <h2> Managing unused files <p> $maybe desc <- munuseddesc Some old versions of files and deleted files have been preserved # inside this repository. <div .alert .alert-info> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-info-sign> \ #{renderTense Past desc} # $maybe lastchecked <- mlastchecked (last checked #{fromDuration lastchecked} ago) $nothing Old versions of files and deleted files can be preserved inside # this repository. <p> This might be useful, if you ever need to access those old or deleted # files. But they'll also use up disk space. There are three ways to deal # with this. <ol> <li> <p> Set up a backup or archive repository, on a removable drive # or in the cloud, and the unused files will be moved to it, freeing # up space. <br> <a .btn .btn-default href="@{AddRepositoryR}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-plus> \ Add a new repository <li> <p> Or, you can let unused files expire after a period of time. <form method="post" .form-inline enctype=#{enctype}> ^{form} <li> <p> Finally, you can clean up all unused files manually at any time. <br> <a .btn .btn-default href="@{CleanupUnusedR}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-trash> \ Clean up unused files now