[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="simpler use case"
Here's my use case (much simpler)

Three git repos:

desktop: normal checkout, source of almost all annexd files, commits, etc.. The only place I run git annex commands. Not enough space to stored all annexed files

main_external: bare git repo, stores all annext file contents, but no file tree. Usually connected. Purpose: primary backups

old_external: like main_external, except connected only occasionally.

I periodically copy from desktop to main_external. That's all well and good.

The tricky part is when I plug in old_external and want to get everything on there. It's hard to get content onto old_external that is stored only on main_external. That's when I want to:

    git annex copy --from=main_external --to=old_external --not --in old_external

Note that this would _not_ copy obsolete data (ie only referenced from old git commits)  stored in old_external. I like that.

To work around the lack of that feature, I try to keep coppies on desktop until I've had a chance to copy them to both external drives. It's good for numcopies, but I don't like trying to keep track of it, and I wish I could choose to let there be just one copy of things on main_external for replaceable data.