{- git-annex monad - - Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PackageImports, BangPatterns #-} module Annex ( Annex, AnnexState(..), new, run, eval, makeRunner, getState, changeState, withState, setFlag, setField, setOutput, getFlag, getField, addCleanup, gitRepo, inRepo, fromRepo, calcRepo, getGitConfig, changeGitConfig, changeGitRepo, adjustGitRepo, getRemoteGitConfig, withCurrentState, changeDirectory, incError, ) where import Common import qualified Git import qualified Git.Config import Annex.Fixup import Git.CatFile import Git.HashObject import Git.CheckAttr import Git.CheckIgnore import qualified Git.Hook import qualified Git.Queue import Types.Key import Types.Backend import Types.GitConfig import qualified Types.Remote import Types.Crypto import Types.BranchState import Types.TrustLevel import Types.Group import Types.Messages import Types.UUID import Types.FileMatcher import Types.NumCopies import Types.LockCache import Types.DesktopNotify import Types.CleanupActions import qualified Database.Keys.Handle as Keys import Utility.Quvi (QuviVersion) import Utility.InodeCache import Utility.Url import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S {- git-annex's monad is a ReaderT around an AnnexState stored in a MVar. - The MVar is not exposed outside this module. - - Note that when an Annex action fails and the exception is caught, - ny changes the action has made to the AnnexState are retained, - due to the use of the MVar to store the state. -} newtype Annex a = Annex { runAnnex :: ReaderT (MVar AnnexState) IO a } deriving ( Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (MVar AnnexState), MonadCatch, MonadThrow, MonadMask, Functor, Applicative ) -- internal state storage data AnnexState = AnnexState { repo :: Git.Repo , repoadjustment :: (Git.Repo -> IO Git.Repo) , gitconfig :: GitConfig , backends :: [BackendA Annex] , remotes :: [Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex] , remoteannexstate :: M.Map UUID AnnexState , output :: MessageState , force :: Bool , fast :: Bool , daemon :: Bool , branchstate :: BranchState , repoqueue :: Maybe Git.Queue.Queue , catfilehandles :: M.Map FilePath CatFileHandle , hashobjecthandle :: Maybe HashObjectHandle , checkattrhandle :: Maybe CheckAttrHandle , checkignorehandle :: Maybe (Maybe CheckIgnoreHandle) , forcebackend :: Maybe String , globalnumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies , forcenumcopies :: Maybe NumCopies , limit :: ExpandableMatcher Annex , uuidmap :: Maybe UUIDMap , preferredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex) , requiredcontentmap :: Maybe (FileMatcherMap Annex) , forcetrust :: TrustMap , trustmap :: Maybe TrustMap , groupmap :: Maybe GroupMap , ciphers :: M.Map StorableCipher Cipher , lockcache :: LockCache , flags :: M.Map String Bool , fields :: M.Map String String , cleanup :: M.Map CleanupAction (Annex ()) , sentinalstatus :: Maybe SentinalStatus , useragent :: Maybe String , errcounter :: Integer , unusedkeys :: Maybe (S.Set Key) , tempurls :: M.Map Key URLString , quviversion :: Maybe QuviVersion , existinghooks :: M.Map Git.Hook.Hook Bool , desktopnotify :: DesktopNotify , workers :: [Either AnnexState (Async AnnexState)] , concurrentjobs :: Maybe Int , keysdbhandle :: Maybe Keys.DbHandle , cachedcurrentbranch :: Maybe Git.Branch } newState :: GitConfig -> Git.Repo -> AnnexState newState c r = AnnexState { repo = r , repoadjustment = return , gitconfig = c , backends = [] , remotes = [] , remoteannexstate = M.empty , output = def , force = False , fast = False , daemon = False , branchstate = startBranchState , repoqueue = Nothing , catfilehandles = M.empty , hashobjecthandle = Nothing , checkattrhandle = Nothing , checkignorehandle = Nothing , forcebackend = Nothing , globalnumcopies = Nothing , forcenumcopies = Nothing , limit = BuildingMatcher [] , uuidmap = Nothing , preferredcontentmap = Nothing , requiredcontentmap = Nothing , forcetrust = M.empty , trustmap = Nothing , groupmap = Nothing , ciphers = M.empty , lockcache = M.empty , flags = M.empty , fields = M.empty , cleanup = M.empty , sentinalstatus = Nothing , useragent = Nothing , errcounter = 0 , unusedkeys = Nothing , tempurls = M.empty , quviversion = Nothing , existinghooks = M.empty , desktopnotify = mempty , workers = [] , concurrentjobs = Nothing , keysdbhandle = Nothing , cachedcurrentbranch = Nothing } {- Makes an Annex state object for the specified git repo. - Ensures the config is read, if it was not already, and performs - any necessary git repo fixups. -} new :: Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState new r = do r' <- Git.Config.read =<< Git.relPath r let c = extractGitConfig r' newState c <$> fixupRepo r' c {- Performs an action in the Annex monad from a starting state, - returning a new state. -} run :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO (a, AnnexState) run s a = flip run' a =<< newMVar s run' :: MVar AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO (a, AnnexState) run' mvar a = do r <- runReaderT (runAnnex a) mvar `onException` (flush =<< readMVar mvar) s' <- takeMVar mvar flush s' return (r, s') where flush = maybe noop Keys.flushDbQueue . keysdbhandle {- Performs an action in the Annex monad from a starting state, - and throws away the new state. -} eval :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO a eval s a = fst <$> run s a {- Makes a runner action, that allows diving into IO and from inside - the IO action, running an Annex action. -} makeRunner :: Annex (Annex a -> IO a) makeRunner = do mvar <- ask return $ \a -> do (r, s) <- run' mvar a putMVar mvar s return r getState :: (AnnexState -> v) -> Annex v getState selector = do mvar <- ask s <- liftIO $ readMVar mvar return $ selector s changeState :: (AnnexState -> AnnexState) -> Annex () changeState modifier = do mvar <- ask liftIO $ modifyMVar_ mvar $ return . modifier withState :: (AnnexState -> (AnnexState, b)) -> Annex b withState modifier = do mvar <- ask liftIO $ modifyMVar mvar $ return . modifier {- Sets a flag to True -} setFlag :: String -> Annex () setFlag flag = changeState $ \s -> s { flags = M.insertWith' const flag True $ flags s } {- Sets a field to a value -} setField :: String -> String -> Annex () setField field value = changeState $ \s -> s { fields = M.insertWith' const field value $ fields s } {- Adds a cleanup action to perform. -} addCleanup :: CleanupAction -> Annex () -> Annex () addCleanup k a = changeState $ \s -> s { cleanup = M.insertWith' const k a $ cleanup s } {- Sets the type of output to emit. -} setOutput :: OutputType -> Annex () setOutput o = changeState $ \s -> s { output = (output s) { outputType = o } } {- Checks if a flag was set. -} getFlag :: String -> Annex Bool getFlag flag = fromMaybe False . M.lookup flag <$> getState flags {- Gets the value of a field. -} getField :: String -> Annex (Maybe String) getField field = M.lookup field <$> getState fields {- Returns the annex's git repository. -} gitRepo :: Annex Git.Repo gitRepo = getState repo {- Runs an IO action in the annex's git repository. -} inRepo :: (Git.Repo -> IO a) -> Annex a inRepo a = liftIO . a =<< gitRepo {- Extracts a value from the annex's git repisitory. -} fromRepo :: (Git.Repo -> a) -> Annex a fromRepo a = a <$> gitRepo {- Calculates a value from an annex's git repository and its GitConfig. -} calcRepo :: (Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO a) -> Annex a calcRepo a = do s <- getState id liftIO $ a (repo s) (gitconfig s) {- Gets the GitConfig settings. -} getGitConfig :: Annex GitConfig getGitConfig = getState gitconfig {- Modifies a GitConfig setting. -} changeGitConfig :: (GitConfig -> GitConfig) -> Annex () changeGitConfig a = changeState $ \s -> s { gitconfig = a (gitconfig s) } {- Changing the git Repo data also involves re-extracting its GitConfig. -} changeGitRepo :: Git.Repo -> Annex () changeGitRepo r = do adjuster <- getState repoadjustment r' <- liftIO $ adjuster r changeState $ \s -> s { repo = r' , gitconfig = extractGitConfig r' } {- Adds an adjustment to the Repo data. Adjustments persist across reloads - of the repo's config. -} adjustGitRepo :: (Git.Repo -> IO Git.Repo) -> Annex () adjustGitRepo a = do changeState $ \s -> s { repoadjustment = \r -> repoadjustment s r >>= a } changeGitRepo =<< gitRepo {- Gets the RemoteGitConfig from a remote, given the Git.Repo for that - remote. -} getRemoteGitConfig :: Git.Repo -> Annex RemoteGitConfig getRemoteGitConfig r = do g <- gitRepo return $ extractRemoteGitConfig g (Git.repoDescribe r) {- Converts an Annex action into an IO action, that runs with a copy - of the current Annex state. - - Use with caution; the action should not rely on changing the - state, as it will be thrown away. -} withCurrentState :: Annex a -> Annex (IO a) withCurrentState a = do s <- getState id return $ eval s a {- It's not safe to use setCurrentDirectory in the Annex monad, - because the git repo paths are stored relative. - Instead, use this. -} changeDirectory :: FilePath -> Annex () changeDirectory d = do r <- liftIO . Git.adjustPath absPath =<< gitRepo liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory d r' <- liftIO $ Git.relPath r changeState $ \s -> s { repo = r' } incError :: Annex () incError = changeState $ \s -> let ! c = errcounter s + 1 ! s' = s { errcounter = c } in s'