Continuing to flail away at this XMPP segfault, which turned out not to be
fixed by bound threads. I managed to make a fairly self-contained and small
reproducible test case for it that does not depend on the network.
Seems the bug is gonna be either in the Haskell binding for GNUTLS,
or possibly in GNUTLS itself.

Update: John was able to fix it using my testcase! It was a GNUTLS
credentials object that went out of scope and got garbage collected.
I think I was seeing the crash only with the threaded runtime because
it has a separate garbage collection thread.


Arranged for the XMPP thread to restart when network connections
change, as well as when the webapp configures it.

Added an alert to nudge users to enable XMPP. It's displayed after adding a
remote in the cloud.

[[!img /assistant/xmppnudge.png]]


So, the first stage of XMPP is done. But so far all it does is push
notification. Much more work to do here.