mans=git-annex.1 git-annex-shell.1 all=git-annex $(mans) docs GHC?=ghc GHCMAKE=$(GHC) $(GHCFLAGS) --make PREFIX=/usr build: $(all) # We bypass cabal, and only run the main ghc --make command for a # fast development built. Note: Does not rebuild C libraries. fast: dist/caballog $$(grep 'ghc --make' dist/caballog | head -n 1) ln -sf dist/build/git-annex/git-annex git-annex dist/caballog: cabal configure -f"-Production Fast" cabal build -v2 | tee $@ Build/SysConfig.hs: configure.hs Build/TestConfig.hs Build/Configure.hs cabal configure git-annex: Build/SysConfig.hs cabal build ln -sf dist/build/git-annex/git-annex git-annex git-annex.1: doc/git-annex.mdwn ./Build/mdwn2man git-annex 1 doc/git-annex.mdwn > git-annex.1 git-annex-shell.1: doc/git-annex-shell.mdwn ./Build/mdwn2man git-annex-shell 1 doc/git-annex-shell.mdwn > git-annex-shell.1 git-union-merge.1: doc/git-union-merge.mdwn ./Build/mdwn2man git-union-merge 1 doc/git-union-merge.mdwn > git-union-merge.1 install-mans: $(mans) install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 install -m 0644 $(mans) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 install-docs: docs install-mans install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/doc/git-annex if [ -d html ]; then \ rsync -a --delete html/ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/doc/git-annex/html/; \ fi install: build install-docs install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin install git-annex $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin ln -sf git-annex $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/git-annex-shell runghc Build/InstallDesktopFile.hs $(PREFIX)/bin/git-annex || true test: git-annex ./git-annex test # hothasktags chokes on some tempolate haskell etc, so ignore errors tags: find . | grep -v /.git/ | grep -v /doc/ | egrep '\.hs$$' | xargs hothasktags > tags 2>&1 # If ikiwiki is available, build static html docs suitable for being # shipped in the software package. ifeq ($(shell which ikiwiki),) IKIWIKI=@echo "** ikiwiki not found, skipping building docs" >&2; true else IKIWIKI=ikiwiki endif docs: $(mans) $(IKIWIKI) doc html -v --wikiname git-annex --plugin=goodstuff \ --no-usedirs --disable-plugin=openid --plugin=sidebar \ --underlaydir=/dev/null --disable-plugin=shortcut \ --disable-plugin=smiley \ --plugin=comments --set comments_pagespec="*" \ --exclude='news/.*' --exclude='design/assistant/blog/*' \ --exclude='bugs/*' --exclude='todo/*' --exclude='forum/*' clean: rm -rf tmp dist git-annex $(mans) configure *.tix .hpc \ doc/.ikiwiki html dist tags Build/SysConfig.hs sdist: clean $(mans) ./Build/ # Upload to hackage. hackage: sdist @cabal upload dist/*.tar.gz LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST=tmp/git-annex.linux linuxstandalone: $(MAKE) git-annex rm -rf "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)" mkdir -p tmp cp -R standalone/linux "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)" install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin" cp git-annex "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/" strip "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/git-annex" ln -sf git-annex "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/git-annex-shell" zcat standalone/licences.gz > $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/LICENSE runghc Build/Standalone.hs "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)" install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/git-core" (cd "$(shell git --exec-path)" && tar c .) | (cd "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"/git-core && tar x) install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/templates" touch "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/libdirs.tmp" for lib in $$(ldd "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"/bin/* $$(find "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"/git-core/ -type f) | grep -v -f standalone/linux/glibc-libs | grep -v "not a dynamic executable" | egrep '^ ' | sed 's/^\t//' | sed 's/.*=> //' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort | uniq); do \ dir=$$(dirname "$$lib"); \ install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/$$dir"; \ echo "$$dir" >> "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/libdirs.tmp"; \ cp "$$lib" "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/$$dir"; \ if [ -L "$lib" ]; then \ link=$$(readlink -f "$$lib"); \ cp "$$link" "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/$$(dirname "$$link")"; \ fi; \ done sort "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/libdirs.tmp" | uniq > "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/libdirs" rm -f "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/libdirs.tmp" cd tmp && tar czf git-annex-standalone-$(shell dpkg --print-architecture).tar.gz git-annex.linux OSXAPP_DEST=tmp/build-dmg/ OSXAPP_BASE=$(OSXAPP_DEST)/Contents/MacOS osxapp: $(MAKE) git-annex rm -rf "$(OSXAPP_DEST)" install -d tmp/build-dmg cp -R standalone/osx/ "$(OSXAPP_DEST)" install -d "$(OSXAPP_BASE)" cp git-annex "$(OSXAPP_BASE)" strip "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/git-annex" ln -sf git-annex "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/git-annex-shell" gzcat standalone/licences.gz > $(OSXAPP_BASE)/LICENSE cp $(OSXAPP_BASE)/LICENSE tmp/build-dmg/LICENSE.txt runghc Build/Standalone.hs $(OSXAPP_BASE) (cd "$(shell git --exec-path)" && tar c .) | (cd "$(OSXAPP_BASE)" && tar x) install -d "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/templates" runghc Build/OSXMkLibs.hs $(OSXAPP_BASE) rm -f tmp/git-annex.dmg hdiutil create -size 640m -format UDRW -srcfolder tmp/build-dmg \ -volname git-annex -o tmp/git-annex.dmg rm -f tmp/git-annex.dmg.bz2 bzip2 --fast tmp/git-annex.dmg # Cross compile for Android. # Uses android: cabal configure # cabal cannot cross compile with custom build type, so workaround sed -i 's/Build-type: Custom/Build-type: Simple/' git-annex.cabal $$HOME/.ghc/android-14/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/cabal configure -f'Android Assistant -Pairing -Webapp -TestSuite' $(MAKE) git-annex sed -i 's/Build-type: Simple/Build-type: Custom/' git-annex.cabal androidapp: $(MAKE) android $(MAKE) -C standalone/android mkdir -p tmp cp standalone/android/source/term/bin/Term-debug.apk tmp/git-annex.apk .PHONY: git-annex tags