[[!comment format=mdwn username="talmukoydu@ab15521191b4d02584d003f3f211d90f575d5ebb" nickname="talmukoydu" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/965ffeb49ec136674054e50928ddb2ed" subject="`git annex sync` not automatically syncing gcrypt remotes using relative paths" date="2023-03-19T19:20:44Z" content=""" @joey Is this a bug or am I missing something? Notes: * I am using the latest git-remote-gcrypt, version 1.5 Flow 1 * `git remote add test gcrypt::rsync://user@user.rsync.net:relative/path/to/repo` * `git annex sync` -> DOES NOT SYNC to test remote * Nothing has been synced so I CANNOT successfully clone from the test remote with `git clone gcrypt::rsync://user@user.rsync.net:relative/path/to/repo` * `git push test git-annex master` * I can successfully clone from the test remote with `git clone gcrypt::rsync://user@user.rsync.net:relative/path/to/repo` Flow 2 * `git remote add test gcrypt::rsync://user@user.rsync.net/full/path/to/repo` * `git annex sync` -> DOES SYNC to test remote * I can successfully clone from the test remote with `git clone gcrypt::rsync://user@user.rsync.net:relative/path/to/repo` """]]