Can an option be added to unlock a file in such a way that the next time it gets committed, it is automatically re-locked?  Or to just have this done for all unlocked files?

It's a common use case to just do one edit / re-generation of a locked file.  If you forget to lock it (or a script that was supposed to lock it after modification fails in the middle), you end up with a permanently unlocked file, which can cause [[performance issues|bugs/git_status_extremely_slow_with_v7]] downstream, and also [[look odd when missing|todo/symlinks_for_not-present_unlocked_files]], lead to multiple copies when present (or risk [[annex.thin issues|bugs/annex.thin_can_cause_corrupt___40__not_just_missing__41___data]]), and leave the file open to inadvertent/unintended modification.  Also, locking the file manually litters the git log with commits that don't really change repo contents.

[[!tag needsthought]]