Zap! ... My internet gateway was [destroyed by lightning](
Limping along regardless, and replacement ordered.

Got resuming of uploads to chunked remotes working. Easy!


Next I want to convert the external special remotes to have these nice
new features. But there is a wrinkle: The new chunking interface works
entirely on ByteStrings containing the content, but the external special
remote interface passes content around in files.

I could just make it write the ByteString to a temp file, and pass the temp
file to the external special remote to store. But then, when chunking is
not being used, it would pointlessly read a file's content, only to write
it back out to a temp file.

Similarly, when retrieving a key, the external special remote saves it to a
file. But we want a ByteString. Except, when not doing chunking or
encryption, letting the external special remote save the content directly
to a file is optimal.

One approach would be to change the protocol for external special
remotes, so that the content is sent over the protocol rather than in temp
files. But I think this would not be ideal for some kinds of external
special remotes, and it would probably be quite a lot slower and more

Instead, I am playing around with some type class trickery:

[[!format haskell """
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types TypeSynonymInstances FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

type Storer p = Key -> p -> MeterUpdate -> IO Bool

-- For Storers that want to be provided with a file to store.
type FileStorer a = Storer (ContentPipe a FilePath)

-- For Storers that want to be provided with a ByteString to store
type ByteStringStorer a = Storer (ContentPipe a L.ByteString)

class ContentPipe src dest where
        contentPipe :: src -> (dest -> IO a) -> IO a

instance ContentPipe L.ByteString L.ByteString where
        contentPipe b a = a b

-- This feels a lot like I could perhaps use pipes or conduit...
instance ContentPipe FilePath FilePath where
        contentPipe f a = a f

instance ContentPipe L.ByteString FilePath where
        contentPipe b a = withTmpFile "tmpXXXXXX" $ \f h -> do
                L.hPut h b
                hClose h
                a f

instance ContentPipe FilePath L.ByteString where
        contentPipe f a = a =<< L.readFile f

The external special remote would be a FileStorer, so when a non-chunked,
non-encrypted file is provided, it just runs on the FilePath with no extra
work. While when a ByteString is provided, it's swapped out to a temp file
and the temp file provided. And many other special remotes are ByteStorers,
so they will just pass the provided ByteStream through, or read in the
content of a file.

I think that would work. Thoigh it is not optimal for external special
remotes that are chunked but not encrypted. For that case, it might be worth
extending the special remote protocol with a way to say "store a chunk of
this file from byte N to byte M".


Also, talked with ion about what would be involved in using rolling checksum
based chunks. That would allow for rsync or zsync like behavior, where
when a file changed, git-annex uploads only the chunks that changed, and the
unchanged chunks are reused.

I am not ready to work on that yet, but I made some changes to the parsing
of the chunk log, so that additional chunking schemes like this can be added
to git-annex later without breaking backwards compatability.