{- git-remote-daemon data types. - - Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module RemoteDaemon.Types where import Common import qualified Annex import qualified Git.Types as Git import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto import Types.GitConfig import Annex.ChangedRefs (ChangedRefs) import Network.URI import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM -- The URI of a remote is used to uniquely identify it (names change..) newtype RemoteURI = RemoteURI URI deriving (Show) -- A Transport for a particular git remote consumes some messages -- from a Chan, and emits others to another Chan. type Transport = RemoteRepo -> RemoteURI -> TransportHandle -> TChan Consumed -> TChan Emitted -> IO () -- A server for a Transport consumes some messages from a Chan in -- order to learn about network changes, reloads, etc. type Server = TChan Consumed -> TransportHandle -> IO () data RemoteRepo = RemoteRepo Git.Repo RemoteGitConfig newtype LocalRepo = LocalRepo Git.Repo -- All Transports share a single AnnexState MVar and an AnnexRead. -- -- Different TransportHandles may have different versions of the LocalRepo. -- (For example, the ssh transport modifies it to enable ssh connection -- caching.) data TransportHandle = TransportHandle LocalRepo (MVar Annex.AnnexState) Annex.AnnexRead -- Messages that the daemon emits. data Emitted = CONNECTED RemoteURI | DISCONNECTED RemoteURI | SYNCING RemoteURI | DONESYNCING RemoteURI Bool | WARNING RemoteURI String deriving (Show) -- Messages that the deamon consumes. data Consumed = PAUSE | LOSTNET | RESUME | CHANGED ChangedRefs | RELOAD | STOP deriving (Show) instance Proto.Sendable Emitted where formatMessage (CONNECTED remote) = ["CONNECTED", Proto.serialize remote] formatMessage (DISCONNECTED remote) = ["DISCONNECTED", Proto.serialize remote] formatMessage (SYNCING remote) = ["SYNCING", Proto.serialize remote] formatMessage (DONESYNCING remote status) = ["DONESYNCING", Proto.serialize remote, Proto.serialize status] formatMessage (WARNING remote message) = ["WARNING", Proto.serialize remote, Proto.serialize message] instance Proto.Sendable Consumed where formatMessage PAUSE = ["PAUSE"] formatMessage LOSTNET = ["LOSTNET"] formatMessage RESUME = ["RESUME"] formatMessage (CHANGED refs) =["CHANGED", Proto.serialize refs] formatMessage RELOAD = ["RELOAD"] formatMessage STOP = ["STOP"] instance Proto.Receivable Emitted where parseCommand "CONNECTED" = Proto.parse1 CONNECTED parseCommand "DISCONNECTED" = Proto.parse1 DISCONNECTED parseCommand "SYNCING" = Proto.parse1 SYNCING parseCommand "DONESYNCING" = Proto.parse2 DONESYNCING parseCommand "WARNING" = Proto.parse2 WARNING parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail instance Proto.Receivable Consumed where parseCommand "PAUSE" = Proto.parse0 PAUSE parseCommand "LOSTNET" = Proto.parse0 LOSTNET parseCommand "RESUME" = Proto.parse0 RESUME parseCommand "CHANGED" = Proto.parse1 CHANGED parseCommand "RELOAD" = Proto.parse0 RELOAD parseCommand "STOP" = Proto.parse0 STOP parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail instance Proto.Serializable RemoteURI where serialize (RemoteURI u) = show u deserialize = RemoteURI <$$> parseURI instance Proto.Serializable Bool where serialize False = "0" serialize True = "1" deserialize "0" = Just False deserialize "1" = Just True deserialize _ = Nothing