[[!comment format=mdwn username="TTTTAAAx" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/9edd4b69b9f9fc9b8c1cb8ecd03902d5" subject="comment 6" date="2024-01-11T13:58:27Z" content=""" Since git 1.8.5, `git mv projects/2023/prj_1 archives/2023/prj_1` can update local path of submodule. Currently, `git-annex` doesn't detect submodule path changed and Just moving parent directories breaks git-modules thoroughly. The only way I found is to move all submodule to another tree structure one by one using `git mv ...`. If the parent directory name(e.g: projects->01_Projects) or its depth was changed by chance, all submodules inside the directory are broken. So I cannot use submodules to handle source code in my git-annex repo. Is there an easy (cool) way for this? """]]