[[!comment format=mdwn username="DavidD" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/9e7cced3eede4bf75fb932bfdd4f8847" subject="comment 2" date="2023-04-15T22:16:11Z" content=""" The submodule .git file having been converted to a symlink is still a problem when using `git checkout` with `--recurse-submodules` in the parent repo. The previous poster's solution to use `git checkout mybranch && git submodule update` does not work with git version 2.40.0 and git-annex version 10.20230407. Are there other suggestions for workarounds? The original post states that the .git as a symlink fixes problems that exist for a .git file which points to the `.git/modules/` folder of the parent. What problems are these problems? """]]