What steps will reproduce the problem?

    ~$ mkdir testannex
    ~$ cd testannex/
    testannex$ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ed/testannex/.git/
    testannex$ git annex init "test annex"
    init test annex ok
    (Recording state in git...)
    testannex$ echo "file1" > file1
    testannex$ git annex add file1
    add file1 (checksum...) ok
    (Recording state in git...)
    testannex$ mkdir directory
    testannex$ mv file1 directory/
    testannex$ cat directory/file1 
    cat: directory/file1: No such file or directory
    testannex$ git annex fix directory/file1
    git-annex: directory/file1 not found

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    git annex fix should fix the symlink.  It looks like maybe it's *following* the symlink?

What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

    checkout:  20d195f   compiled on OS X 10.7 using cabal.  

Please provide any additional information below.

    git annex assistant is not noticing file renames either.

> git-annex commands (other than `git annex add`) only operate on files
> checked into git, which `directory/file1` is not, since you did not use
> `git mv`. Once you `git add` the file, it'll work. [[done]] --[[Joey]]