<div ##{ident}> $if onlyCloud reposelector $if not (null repolist) <h2> Cloud repositories $else No cloud repositories are configured yet. $else $if not (null repolist) <h2> Repositories <table .table .table-condensed> <tbody #costsortable> $forall (name, repoid, currentlyconnected, actions) <- repolist <tr .repoline ##{show repoid}> <td .handle> <a .btn .btn-default .btn-xs .disabled> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-resize-vertical> #{name} <td .draghide> $if needsEnabled actions <a href="@{setupRepoLink actions}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-warning-sign> \ not enabled $else $if notWanted actions <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-trash> \ cleaning out.. $else <a href="@{syncToggleLink actions}"> $if currentlyconnected <span title="connected; change notification enabled" .glyphicon .glyphicon-signal> $else $if notSyncing actions <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-ban-circle> $else <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-refresh> $if notSyncing actions \ syncing disabled $else \ syncing enabled # $if lacksUUID repoid (metadata only) <td .draghide> $if needsEnabled actions <a href="@{setupRepoLink actions}"> enable $else <div .dropdown #menu-#{show repoid}> <a data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" href="#menu-#{show repoid}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-cog> \ actions # <span .caret> <ul .dropdown-menu> <li> <a href="@{setupRepoLink actions}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-pencil> \ Edit $if not (lacksUUID repoid) <a href="@{SyncNowRepositoryR $ asUUID repoid}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-refresh> \ Sync now <a href="@{DeleteRepositoryR $ asUUID repoid}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-trash> \ Delete $if addmore <tr> <td colspan="3"> $if nootherrepos <a .btn .btn-primary .btn-lg href="@{AddRepositoryR}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-plus-sign> \ Add another repository $else <a .btn .btn-default .btn-sm href="@{AddRepositoryR}"> <span .glyphicon .glyphicon-plus-sign> \ Add another repository <span> Sync your files with another device, or # share with a friend.