Git-annex supports a wide variety of workflows, a spectrum that ranges from
completely automatic behavior where git-annex handles everything, through
manual behavior where git-annex does only what you say when you tell it to,
all the way down to internal behavior, where you have complete control and
understand how everything is stored and exactly what changes are happening.

I will proceed to summarize all of these. I will begin at the automatic
end, hoping that this is most useful, and drill down to the low level
approaches. Note, however, that this is the opposite order of how git-annex
was developed. A list of workflows that started from manual,
commandline usage would be much more intuitive, but you'd have to be
willing to read the man page and wiki pages to get started, and that's
pretty much what's already out there anyway.

Note that for each of these levels of interaction, all the levels following
will also work as well. So you can actually manually move annexed files
around while the webapp is running, etc.

# 1. [[git annex webapp|git-annex-webapp]]

The [[`git annex webapp`|git-annex-webapp]] command launches a local web
server which serves a graphical user interface and automatically manages
git annex. It will attempt to guide you through the whole process and do
everything for you. [[You do not even need to type the command.
|assistant/quickstart]] This should be run on every machine that may
produce file changes.  When you move files into or out of your repository
folder, git-annex should record the changes and automatically propagate
them to other connected machines.

# 2. [[git annex assistant|git-annex-assistant]] without the webapp

You could call [[`git annex assistant`|git-annex-assistant]] the
command-line version of the webapp, giving you more control over creating
and connecting your repositories, and configuring how files are moved
between them.

The assistant, when running, will automatically watch for file changes and
synchronize them to other repositories, but you must manually create the
repositories and configure the rules for syncing. To create a repository,
use `git init` and then [[`git annex init`|git-annex-init]], and then `git
remote add` it to any other repositories. If you want more than one annex,
you can add their paths to `~/.config/git-annex/autostart` if you would
like them to automatically begin syncing when `git annex assistant
--autostart` is run, perhaps on boot or login. You can configure rules for
where files are copied using the repository setup commands such as [[git
annex preferred-content|git-annex-preferred-content]] to configure
[[content preferences|preferred content]] for what goes where, [[`git annex
numcopies`|git-annex-numcopies]] for how many [[copies]] must be kept of
each file, and [[`git config annex.largefiles`|tips/largefiles]] to define
small files that should be stored straight in git; most of the settings are
accessible in one place with [[`git annex vicfg`|git-annex-vicfg]].

# 3. [[git annex watch|git-annex-watch]] without the assistant

The [[`git annex watch`|git-annex-watch]] command is like the assistant but
has no automatic network behavior, giving you complete control over when
repositories are pushed and pulled, and when files are moved between
systems. The local repository is watched, and any file changes are added to
git-annex. In order to synchronize between repositories, you must run
[[`git annex sync --content`|git-annex-sync]] in the repository with the
changes, which will merge the git history and logs with your remotes, and
automatically transfer files to match your preferred and required content

# 4. No background processes

This allows you to decide when and what files are annexed. In order to tell
git-annex to manage files, you must [[`git annex add`|git-annex-add]] the

# 5. Plain [[git annex sync|git-annex-sync]] without `--content`

This gives you fine-grained control of where copies of your files are
stored. [[`git annex sync`|git-annex-sync]] without `--content` tells
git-annex to merge git histories, but it does not automatically transfer
your large files between systems. To transfer files and directories, you
can use [[`git annex get`|git-annex-get]], [[`git annex
drop`|git-annex-drop]], [[`git annex move`|git-annex-move]], and [[`git
annex copy`|git-annex-copy]]. Git-annex will not violate a required content
expression or your numcopies setting unless you pass `--force`, so your
files are still safe.

# 6. Manual management of git history without the synchronizer

This allows you to control precisely what is committed to git, what commit
message is used, and how your history is merged between repositories. You
must have an understanding of git, and run `git commit` after `git annex
add` to store the change. You must manage the git history yourself, using
`git pull` and `git push`, to synchronize repositories. You may freely use
git normally side-by-side with git-annex.

# 7. Manual management of git annex keys

This gives you control of what and where git annex stores your files under
the hood, and how they are associated with your working tree, rather than
using the `git annex add` and `git annex get` commands which reference
files automatically. Git-annex has a variety of plumbing commands listed in
the [[man page|git-annex]] that let you directly store and retrieve data in
an annex associated with your git repository, where every datafile is
enumerated by a unique hashkey.