If your Linux distribution does not have git-annex packaged up for you,
you can either build it [[fromsource]], or you can use a handy
prebuilt tarball of the most recent release.

This tarball should work on most Linux systems. It has basically no
dependencies and is self-contained.

* x86-64: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz)
* x86-32: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-i386.tar.gz)
* x86-32, for ancient kernels: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-i386-ancient.tar.gz)
* arm: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-armel.tar.gz)
* arm64: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-arm64.tar.gz)
* arm64, for ancient kernels: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-arm64-ancient.tar.gz)

To use, just unpack the tarball, `cd git-annex.linux` and run `./runshell`
-- this sets up an environment where you can use `git annex`, as well
as everything else included in the bundle.

Alternatively, you can unpack the tarball, and add the directory to your
`PATH`, or symlink the programs in the directory to a directory in your
PATH. This lets you use `git annex`, without overriding your system's
own versions of git, etc.

The arm version can be installed on NAS devices and other embedded ARM
linux systems.

* [[tips/Synology_NAS_and_git_annex]]
* [[forum_thread|forum/new_linux_arm_tarball_build]]

The x86-32 build for ancient kernels is for use with Linux kernel
versions such as 2.6.32. It will work on both 32 and 64 bit systems.
The arm64 build for ancient kernels is for kernels such as 4.19,
which is still in use on Android phones.

## autobuilds

An hourly autobuild is also available, hosted by [[Joey]]:

* x86-64: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/amd64/git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/amd64/))
* x86-32: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/i386/git-annex-standalone-i386.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/i386/))
* x86-32, for ancient kernels: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/i386-ancient/git-annex-standalone-i386-ancient.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/i386-ancient/))
* arm64: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/arm64/git-annex-standalone-arm64.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/arm64/))
* arm64, for ancient kernels: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/arm64-ancient/git-annex-standalone-arm64-ancient.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/arm64-ancient/))

The arm autobuilder runs daily (sun permitting), and is hosted by [[Joey]].

* arm: [download tarball](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/armel/git-annex-standalone-armel.tar.gz) ([build logs](https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/armel/))

## download security

All the download links above use https for security. For added security, see

## building it yourself

This entails building git-annex from source, so you will first
need to get that working, see [[fromsource]] for some of the details.

In git-annex's source tree, run `make linuxstandalone`. This will build
git-annex from source, and then build the tarball bundle, into eg

This build process is done on a Debian system, and it needs to use
`dpkg` to examine the host system.

## technical details

The way those tarballs work is described in [joeyh's blog](http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/completely_linux_distribution-independent_packaging/).