{- dotted versions, such as 1.0.1 - - Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - License: BSD-2-clause -} module Utility.DottedVersion where import Common data DottedVersion = DottedVersion String Integer deriving (Eq) instance Ord DottedVersion where compare (DottedVersion _ x) (DottedVersion _ y) = compare x y instance Show DottedVersion where show (DottedVersion s _) = s {- To compare dotted versions like 1.7.7 and 1.8, they are normalized to - a somewhat arbitrary integer representation. -} normalize :: String -> DottedVersion normalize v = DottedVersion v $ sum $ mult 1 $ reverse $ extend precision $ take precision $ map readi $ split "." v where extend n l = l ++ replicate (n - length l) 0 mult _ [] = [] mult n (x:xs) = (n*x) : mult (n*10^width) xs readi :: String -> Integer readi s = case reads s of ((x,_):_) -> x _ -> 0 precision = 10 -- number of segments of the version to compare width = length "yyyymmddhhmmss" -- maximum width of a segment