[[!comment format=mdwn username="tomdhunt" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/02694633d0fb05bb89f025cf779218a3" subject="comment 2" date="2022-01-09T05:45:35Z" content=""" The gcrypt special remote is for use with the git-remote-gcrypt protocol for making encrypted git remotes. The rsync special remote can also encrypt the files it stores, but it's not related to git-remote-gcrypt; it just puts files in a plain directory tree using rsync. If you want to keep a repository remote (not a special remote) on your rsync.net host, and want it to be encrypted, then you can use git-remote-gcrypt and use this special remote so that the data is all together. If you're not using git-remote-gcrypt, then the rsync special remote is what you want. """]]