{- git-annex assistant monad - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Assistant.Monad ( Assistant, AssistantData(..), newAssistantData, runAssistant, getAssistant, LiftAnnex, liftAnnex, (<~>), (<<~), asIO, asIO1, asIO2, ThreadName, debug, notice ) where import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader import System.Log.Logger import Common.Annex import Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue import Assistant.Types.TransferSlots import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool import Assistant.Types.Pushes import Assistant.Types.BranchChange import Assistant.Types.Commits import Assistant.Types.Changes import Assistant.Types.RepoProblem import Assistant.Types.Buddies import Assistant.Types.NetMessager import Assistant.Types.ThreadName import Assistant.Types.RemoteControl import Assistant.Types.CredPairCache newtype Assistant a = Assistant { mkAssistant :: ReaderT AssistantData IO a } deriving ( Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader AssistantData, Functor, Applicative ) data AssistantData = AssistantData { threadName :: ThreadName , threadState :: ThreadState , daemonStatusHandle :: DaemonStatusHandle , scanRemoteMap :: ScanRemoteMap , transferQueue :: TransferQueue , transferSlots :: TransferSlots , transferrerPool :: TransferrerPool , failedPushMap :: FailedPushMap , commitChan :: CommitChan , changePool :: ChangePool , repoProblemChan :: RepoProblemChan , branchChangeHandle :: BranchChangeHandle , buddyList :: BuddyList , netMessager :: NetMessager , remoteControl :: RemoteControl , credPairCache :: CredPairCache } newAssistantData :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> IO AssistantData newAssistantData st dstatus = AssistantData <$> pure (ThreadName "main") <*> pure st <*> pure dstatus <*> newScanRemoteMap <*> newTransferQueue <*> newTransferSlots <*> newTransferrerPool (checkNetworkConnections dstatus) <*> newFailedPushMap <*> newCommitChan <*> newChangePool <*> newRepoProblemChan <*> newBranchChangeHandle <*> newBuddyList <*> newNetMessager <*> newRemoteControl <*> newCredPairCache runAssistant :: AssistantData -> Assistant a -> IO a runAssistant d a = runReaderT (mkAssistant a) d getAssistant :: (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant a getAssistant = reader {- Using a type class for lifting into the annex monad allows - easily lifting to it from multiple different monads. -} class LiftAnnex m where liftAnnex :: Annex a -> m a {- Runs an action in the git-annex monad. Note that the same monad state - is shared among all assistant threads, so only one of these can run at - a time. Therefore, long-duration actions should be avoided. -} instance LiftAnnex Assistant where liftAnnex a = do st <- reader threadState liftIO $ runThreadState st a {- Runs an IO action, passing it an IO action that runs an Assistant action. -} (<~>) :: (IO a -> IO b) -> Assistant a -> Assistant b io <~> a = do d <- reader id liftIO $ io $ runAssistant d a {- Creates an IO action that will run an Assistant action when run. -} asIO :: Assistant a -> Assistant (IO a) asIO a = do d <- reader id return $ runAssistant d a asIO1 :: (a -> Assistant b) -> Assistant (a -> IO b) asIO1 a = do d <- reader id return $ \v -> runAssistant d $ a v asIO2 :: (a -> b -> Assistant c) -> Assistant (a -> b -> IO c) asIO2 a = do d <- reader id return $ \v1 v2 -> runAssistant d (a v1 v2) {- Runs an IO action on a selected field of the AssistantData. -} (<<~) :: (a -> IO b) -> (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant b io <<~ v = reader v >>= liftIO . io debug :: [String] -> Assistant () debug = logaction debugM notice :: [String] -> Assistant () notice = logaction noticeM logaction :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> Assistant () logaction a ws = do ThreadName name <- getAssistant threadName liftIO $ a name $ unwords $ (name ++ ":") : ws