{- ssh config file parsing and modification - - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - License: BSD-2-clause -} module Utility.SshConfig ( SshConfig(..), Comment(..), SshSetting(..), Indent, Host, Key, Value, parseSshConfig, genSshConfig, findHostConfigKey, addToHostConfig, modifyUserSshConfig, changeUserSshConfig, writeSshConfig, setSshConfigMode, sshDir, ) where import Common import Utility.UserInfo import Utility.Tmp import Utility.FileMode import Data.Char import Data.Ord import Data.Either data SshConfig = GlobalConfig SshSetting | HostConfig Host [Either Comment SshSetting] | CommentLine Comment deriving (Show) data Comment = Comment Indent String deriving (Show) data SshSetting = SshSetting Indent Key Value deriving (Show) type Indent = String type Host = String type Key = String type Value = String {- Parses ~/.ssh/config. Comments and indentation are preserved. - - Note that there is no parse failure. If a line cannot be parsed, it will - be taken to be a SshSetting that contains the whole line as the key, - and has no value. -} parseSshConfig :: String -> [SshConfig] parseSshConfig = go [] . lines where go c [] = reverse c go c (l:ls) | iscomment l = collect $ CommentLine $ mkcomment l | otherwise = case splitline l of (indent, k, v) | isHost k -> hoststanza v c [] ls | otherwise -> collect $ GlobalConfig $ SshSetting indent k v where collect v = go (v:c) ls hoststanza host c hc [] = go (HostConfig host (reverse hc):c) [] hoststanza host c hc (l:ls) | iscomment l = hoststanza host c ((Left $ mkcomment l):hc) ls | otherwise = case splitline l of (indent, k, v) | isHost k -> hoststanza v (HostConfig host (reverse hc):c) [] ls | otherwise -> hoststanza host c ((Right $ SshSetting indent k v):hc) ls iscomment l = all isSpace l || "#" `isPrefixOf` (dropWhile isSpace l) splitline l = (indent, k, v) where (indent, rest) = span isSpace l (k, v) = separate isSpace rest mkcomment l = Comment indent c where (indent, c) = span isSpace l isHost v = map toLower v == "host" genSshConfig :: [SshConfig] -> String genSshConfig = unlines . concatMap gen where gen (CommentLine c) = [comment c] gen (GlobalConfig s) = [setting s] gen (HostConfig h cs) = ("Host " ++ h) : map (either comment setting) cs setting (SshSetting indent k v) = indent ++ k ++ if null v then "" else " " ++ v comment (Comment indent c) = indent ++ c findHostConfigKey :: SshConfig -> Key -> Maybe Value findHostConfigKey (HostConfig _ cs) wantk = go (rights cs) (map toLower wantk) where go [] _ = Nothing go ((SshSetting _ k v):rest) wantk' | map toLower k == wantk' = Just v | otherwise = go rest wantk' findHostConfigKey _ _ = Nothing {- Adds a particular Key and Value to a HostConfig. -} addToHostConfig :: SshConfig -> Key -> Value -> SshConfig addToHostConfig (HostConfig host cs) k v = HostConfig host $ Right (SshSetting indent k v) : cs where {- The indent is taken from any existing SshSetting - in the HostConfig (largest indent wins). -} indent = fromMaybe "\t" $ headMaybe $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing length) $ map getindent cs getindent (Right (SshSetting i _ _)) = i getindent (Left (Comment i _)) = i addToHostConfig other _ _ = other modifyUserSshConfig :: ([SshConfig] -> [SshConfig]) -> IO () modifyUserSshConfig modifier = changeUserSshConfig $ genSshConfig . modifier . parseSshConfig changeUserSshConfig :: (String -> String) -> IO () changeUserSshConfig modifier = do sshdir <- sshDir let configfile = sshdir </> "config" whenM (doesFileExist configfile) $ do c <- readFileStrict configfile let c' = modifier c when (c /= c') $ do -- If it's a symlink, replace the file it -- points to. f <- catchDefaultIO configfile (canonicalizePath configfile) viaTmp writeSshConfig f c' writeSshConfig :: FilePath -> String -> IO () writeSshConfig f s = do writeFile f s setSshConfigMode (toRawFilePath f) {- Ensure that the ssh config file lacks any group or other write bits, - since ssh is paranoid about not working if other users can write - to one of its config files (.ssh/config and .ssh/authorized_keys). - - If the chmod fails, ignore the failure, as it might be a filesystem like - Android's that does not support file modes. -} setSshConfigMode :: RawFilePath -> IO () setSshConfigMode f = void $ tryIO $ modifyFileMode f $ removeModes [groupWriteMode, otherWriteMode] sshDir :: IO FilePath sshDir = do home <- myHomeDir return $ home </> ".ssh"